May 19th 2014

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May 19th 2014

I totally forgot to post something yesterday! It was so embarrassing… but I trust you guys not to be all like: LOL! NOOB!

(what does that mean anyway?)

*takes deep breath* Alright… I’m just going to say it…

I wore my grandmas underwear.

SHUT UP! I was desperate!

So, last saturday at like 2 am,  I couldn’t sleep. It was horrible… My stomach was fluttery, I couldn’t close my eyes without getting dizzy, and I had a certain someone in mind… UGH! I hate those nights…

Anyway, I asked my grandma if I could take a shower. She said I could, but when I was going through my drawer with my clothes in it, I had no underwear.

Shut up.. Shut up… I can just see all of you guys laughing at me… *face goes beat red*

Anyway… I go to my grandma and ask:

“Hey, have you done the wash lately? I need some underwear.” She just shakes her head.

“No sweetheart. But I do have some underwear that you could wear!”

You should have seen my face. It was of complete shock and utter disbelief.

“uhh…. no thanks…” She gets to her feet anyway and fishes through her drawer. After a few more minutes, she hands me some.

They were freaking granny panties.


*shakes head and buries head in hands* I can’t believe I am telling you this… But now that I’ve started, I’ve got to finish…

After much persuading from my grandma, I finally gave in.

Worst mistake of my life.

So, I take my shower, get in the borrowed pair and go to bed. I tell my mom what happened happened the next morning, and guess how she reacted?


*growls* she posted it… I trust you guys with this so you don’t make the same mistake I did. Okay? Get that clear…

I hope to update soon, and I will probably do it tomorrow because my biology class is dissecting… Someone help me…

Anyway, I want to hear YOUR funny embarrassing stories! Just post them in the comments area of PM them to me! I hope I’m not the only one to do something stupid…

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