May 20th, 21st, and 22nd, 2014

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May 20th, 2014 / May 21st, 2014 / May 22nd, 2014

May 20th, 2014


Dissections were today.

It was disgusting, but not as bad as I had prepared for. I didn’t lose my breakfast, nor was I too squeamish.

Although… My friend, RavenJade7, had a taste of… well… science.

The frog had exploded (I think it was the eye that did) and she got to be in the splash zone. In mid sentence.

*shivers* It was probably the grossest thing ever, but hey! Only the rest of the frog left AND a pig!

Joy to the world… *sarcasm*

Today was…meh. I was depressed half the time, so it doesn’t really matter.


One of Hazel with her amazing power with the Mist, one for my school’s band logo contest (it is wicked cool), and one for my friend MackenzieHenderson5. It was one with a bunch of parkour sketches (again, it was wicked cool). I had a blast making them! I used sharpie, watercolor, markers, and pencil! *fangirl scream* IT LOOKED SO COOL!!!! I’ll see if I can put it in the media section…

Anyway, school was okay. Finished my drawing assignment early. Played some sucky tennis. Got a great message in seminary (even though it was absolute chaos around me). Yeah. Pretty good day all together.

May 21st, 2014

Hmm... Let's see...

Mom destroys awesome pictures.

I finish dissecting a frog named Kevin (who turned out to be a girl! How ironic is that?!)

I go golfing.

I get really depressed.

I go to Young Womens and eat food. >:)

I pretty much talk about boys all night.

So yeah. Pretty good day.

Let's start with my mom destroying the pictures. You know the awesome pictures I mentioned? Yeah. She spilt water on them and ruined them. (Well, partly ruined them. Still ruined though!). I feel so happy that I had accomplished so much, but NOOOO… Of course my mom had to spill water on them! I was grateful that I scanned them onto the computer before they got ruined though…. pretty happy about that.

Um… Let’s see… this really sucks, because I’ve worked on this entry for three straight days now and I can’t really remember all the details about things… So, let’s just move on. :P

May 22nd, 2014

Dissected a pig.

Got bummed/jealous/depressed from award ceremony today.

Basically going to have a boring night.

So yeah. Lets start with dissecting a pig.

My science teacher is letting us do pigs as well, which, granted, was fun, but it was also sad how we got the pigs.

The pigs were baby fetuses. Or, in better terms, unborn babies. The moms would get shipped off to get slaughtered for bacon (curse that food), and the people slaughtering would get rid of the fetuses. My science teacher then bought them from some place called Carolina Biology something… I can’t remember, but it was something like that. Anyway, so that is how we got these little baby pigs to cut open. It was sad…

It wasn’t as bad at first, but then we cut something and it started to bleed.



Cutting a dead baby pig is scarring enough, but seeing it bleed?! That was just… sad… Just plain sad I tell you…

Anyway, before I start crying, I should probably move on…

So, our school had an academic assembly today and… well… it didn’t really turn out the way I had hoped…

My friend got three awards and I got one. And they did the certificate wrong!

I was so depressed, bitter, mad… and… fine… I was jealous. My other friends got something cool, like woodwork, or perfect attendance. Unlike me who got science…Not English, it just HAD to be science… AND on the certificate, they put this:

Congrats to an Outstanding Earth Science Student!

I’m… in….



No, it was just a typo I found out, but STILL!! That’s not fair… *sigh* Sorry… I am still steaming about it…

Anyway, tonight, I just found out, I am going to go to my high school golf team award party.

*grumbles* lets hope they get my certificate right at least…

It’s not until, like six, and right now is barely even 3:50, so I have a long and boring night…

PM me someone? I’m kinda in the mood for some demigod roleplay…

Anyway…. sooo…. yeah.

That was my life the past few days. After a bowl of ice cream, some pushed aside homework, many songs and some actual focus, you guys got an update!!!

Please comment if you see a mistake or if you want some clarification. I’ve got two and a half hours to kill…

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