Oct. 4th, 2015

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Happy General Conference everyone!

Man, if you guys are willing to read all the way through this, you deserve a pat on the back. My life is really really crazy and writing it all down will take a long time  

Let's start with homecoming. 

Uuuuugggghhhh I am so mad at Camille and Ryan. Why??? 

So a kid named Levi took me to homecoming and we were in their group. (It literally was just the four of us. It was embarrassing.) The thing about all of this is the fact that Levi is leaving on a LDS mission in February. In order to serve this mission, he has to be prepared to feel a lot of spiritual things, and I didn't want to throw myself on top of him. (LIKE SOMEONE ELSE I KNOW)

Anyway, that very same day, I went to comic-con. I had so much fun!!! It was amazing, but once I got back, things started getting messed up. After missing my train and my ride to the day date, I wasn't exactly in a good mood. 

The day date was a picnic on my gmas lawn. I actually enjoyed it a lot. Yeah, the boys felt bad that we were eating on my gmas front lawn, but the rest of the parks around us were full of people for homecoming. We had pizza, salad and lemonade. 

After the day date we went home to get ready. I was ready for a long time and was left waiting for the guys to come and pick me up. It took them 20 minutes more than they had planned, so it was a very anxious time for me. In this time, I was finally able to sit down and realize how exhausted I actually was. After a sleepover, a day at comic con, and a big dance, it's extremely tiring! 


Anyway, when Levi finally arrived to pick me up, my parents were ready. I walked up the stairs in my dress and Levi's mouth dropped. Haha I felt like a princess! He complimented me on how gorgeous was, making me blush in the process. 

(Yes I have a crush on him shut up)

My mom took a lot of pictures and after all the flashing, I was finally able to leave with my date at my side. 

That was the only piece of the night that I actually was truely happy with. 

Once I climbed into Levi's car, the tension was eminent. Ryan and Camille (no doubt) had been making out the whole time Levi was inside. They had the backseat while I had shotgun and Levi drove. All through the dance and the movie we watched afterward, Cam and Ryan were inseparable. 

Although, when we left the dance, I raised my hand and called: "I call backseat!" 

Ryan looked at me with a pouty face. "Aw, splitting Cam and me up?" 

You know how I responded? 

"Yes, yes I am." 

The ride there was so much better. Cam and Ryan were finally not whispering secret words, touching each other, and stealing kisses in the backseat. (Which, btw, I all saw in the side mirror.) 

When we got to Ryan's house to watch the movie, however, that was when things got wild. 

Levi and I took the giant bean bag while Cam and Ryan took the long couch. We turned on Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire and settled in. I made sure to give Levi his personal space, which he seemed grateful for. Ryan and Camille? 


That is the best way to describe it. Not even halfway through, I counted 12 LONG episodes of kissing before I turned my back. And even when I turned it, I could HEAR IT. I could hear the kissing, smooching, and sucking  

Oh my gosh I was gonna die. 

I looked up at Levi and muttered: "I am so sorry." 

He just shrugged. 

So that went on throughout the whole movie before we left for home. Ryan went with us, but I don't know why! We were at his house anyway! Ugh, it was probably because he wanted to give Camille a goodnight kiss. (Like they haven't had enough already!) We dropped Cam off first and she got her goodbye smooch and we were off again. 

Levi and I planned on dropping Ryan off back at his house so we could have our goodbye, but you know what Ryan said?! 

"Let's drop Clover off first." 

And you know what Levi said?! 


And when we got to my house, the sprinklers were on. Levi got out and let me out of the car and analyzed the situation. Since he worked with sprinklers, he cupped the sprinkler and told me to run. I ran to the front door, then looked back. Levi looked back at the car with Ryan in the backseat, then gazed back at me. All he gave me was a shrug. 

I gave him a sad smile, waved, and then went into my house. 

Because of Ryan, I didn't get a goodbye. How infuriating is that?! 

Now... I want to talk about Friday night. 

Levi invited me to hang out with him and Camille. I said yes and missed out on my family's outing to a really really awesome restraunt. I thought it would be worth it, but...it wasn't... 

When Levi picked me up, it was a piece of heaven. I was able to talk to him without Camille butting in. I loved it... 

Anyway, once we got Cam, We first picked up crickets to feed Levi's salamanders, which was cool. We returned to his house and played with them! They were all so cute! 

When we finished up there, Cam invited us to her  house to have dinner, which eas pizza. (I have had pizza 3 nights in a row.) We ate dinner, the whole time Cam being virtually attached to Levi. It was starting to really hurt me because Levi wouldn't even talk to me... 

Cam's sisters invited us to watch the new Cinderella movie and we accepted. I was hesitant, but watched the movie anyway. Levi and Cam took the long part of the couch across the room while I was left alone on the opposite side. 

I couldn't stand it. Camille had cuddled up next to Levi and he was totally okay with it... I had held myself back on homecoming night and tried not to be on top of Levi, but Cam could get away with it?! 

Ryan was texting me while I watched the movie as well and was chewing me out for a mistake I made. So while I was being attacked over my phone and in the room, I decided to just forget it. 

I grabbed my belongings and left. 

I didn't even say goodbye.  Called my dad and told him to pick me up. He did and I headed home. My dad didn't notice, but I was crying all the way there. 

The next day, I watched conference with some of my other friends. We were laughing and having a great time. After conference ended, Ryan called me to apologize. I accepted it and, acting on a prompting, I told him about the night before with Cam and Levi.

He was shocked.

He went on to tell me that earlier on Friday him and Cam had become a couple again. (They've been on and off and all). He didn't know that Cam flirted with boys all the time, and I told him some of the boys she flirted with. Ryan was shocked and hurt, but we finally were on the same page. For the first time in forever, Ryan and I were on the same side. 

And the most shocking? 

Ryan offered to help me with it. 

I was so used to helping him for months that this was so foreign to me. Ryan was helping me??? Was it the second coming or had he actually experienced the change of heart??? 

Anyway... Ryan and I have become closer as friends and I still haven't heard anything from Levi or Cam. Monday is probably going to be one of the hardest days of this next week, but oh well. 

So yeah. That's my life. 

General Conference was so amazing. I would highly recommend you guys look up the talks! Go to lds.org and you can find them there  :) 

Well, hope you have a great week guys! 


Advice: Stay positive and keep moving forward. There will always be a good friend there for you. 

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