Oct. 7th, 2014

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I'm trying my best to stay composed during my study hall, but it REALLY is SOOO hard! I'm screaming with all my might in my head!


I've already scared my friends, cuz I'm so flipping happy, but I DON'T CARE!!!


Let's switch subjects before I die of excitement...

So, this past weekend was General Conference. For those of you who don't know what it is, I'll try my best to explain it.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (mormons) put on this conference that gets broadcasted around the world every six months. It is the prophets and apostles giving talks and advice to God's children... Everyone. They are lead by the spirit to express to the world what Christ wants us to work on and accomplish.

There. That's the short version. Haha.

If you continue to be confused, please visit this website and consider looking into it more. I promise you, it won't hurt and it will bless you.

Anyway, I heard some amazing talks over the weekend and I am so glad my questions were answered...

Hmm... what else...?

Oh I know!

So, let's just say that my life is slowly becoming easier. My friend problems are decreasing, probably because I told someone, but that's not the point. I really hate that kind of drama... Sad thing is, my guy friends are slowly slipping away from me and I really miss them...

Here's a quick rundown of my friends: (fake names for their sakes)











Now, I don't want to cause too much trouble, but let's just say Morgan is being tossed out of my friends for a reason. She likes to manipulate people, and she has been manipulating Josie for YEARS. Melody, luckily, caught on to the fact that Morgan was manipulating, and she backed off from the group and hung with Vanessa for a while. (PS Vanessa has a wattpad account. She has amazing stories. Almost all of my friends have a wattpad account, except for Fredrich, Daniel, Ray, Katie, and Morgan)

Anyway, during my 9th grade year last year, I met Josie in my jounalism class. We became good friends and I started to sit with them at their table.

It was the turning point of my life.

I had never had a true friend before, and then, I felt like I had a WHOLE TABLE of friends!

Although.... that dream broke when I started to get deeper into the lives of everyone.... I learned about Morgan and her manipulative ways from Melody. Then I started to meet Krystal, who also sat at our table. She used to be best (as in BEST) friends with Morgan and Josie. All of that has changed now...

I got to know Krystal and Melody super well and they slowly became my best friends. I love them to death! (hehe... Jude...)

Sorry! Back on track...

After school ended for my 9th grade year, I felt like my whole world had shattered... During that same school year, when I was getting to know Josie and the group, I had tried to commit suicide... Melody and Vanessa saved me... luckily... My whole world was flipped upside down as I searched for my true friends. I had two options I couldn't decide between:

Josie or Krystal and Melody.

I thought all hope was lost and I would never know, until this past week. Krystal and I were hanging out one night (melody couldn't come) and we got on the conversation of me choosing sides.

That night, I felt like I had two voices shouting at me.

"Please Josie! You'll have fun with her!"

"Break away from Josie! Go with Krystal and Melody! They're your true friends!"

Krystal told me some insightful information, and I made my choice.

If Josie is reading this, I am sorry... I am so sorry Jo...

I chose Krystal and Melody. They have stood by my side almost the whole time I have been having problems. And Josie hasn't exactly done that.

For example, in PE last Friday, Josie and I were playing soccer with these popular girls. The popular girls started teasing me and making fun of me. I started to get so mad and angry, I couldn't think. I just did what I was told:

I played the game.

I was just shooting goal after goal and the popular girls began to bully me harder. They started swearing at me. Pushing me. Calling me names. You know what Josie did?


She stood there, hardly playing, and laughing along WITH them!

I wanted to cry and sob, but I muscled my way through it and got home. I told my mom what happened, and after getting a concussion in the same class earlier in the week (and the teacher doing nothing about it, my mom was so mad. She sent her second complaint letter to the teacher and urged her to make changed.

Okay, let's first explain this:

My mom went to a funeral this past Saturday, and one of my PE classmates was there. She told my mom all the details I was too scwemish to share. That following Sunday, my mom made it clear that she wanted to know I was being bullied the next time it happened.

Anyway, point is, Josie didn't stand up for me like Melody and Krystal do. That incident, and many more, opened my eyes to Josie's plan. Josie pretty much controls our group, and she is being controlled by Morgan.

Well, everyone except Melody, Krystal and I.

If Josie is reading this, I hope she understands how much she has hurt me, Melody and Krystal. I really hope she does...

*sigh* I better get back to more exciting topics... cuz I'm about to cry... Oh well... It doesn't matter... I was already hurt anyways.... why not make it worse right?

I really do love all of you who read this book, and all of my others. It makes me feel like I'm loved by a lot of people... *chuckles* My grandma was very proud of you, my followers, for reading so much of my Demigod Facebook... She thought it was crazy that my book had made it up into the bright reds.

Thank you guys so much. I love you all.

Thank you again for reading this, and I hope this helps you guys with your days full of drama. I hope I helped at least someone other than myself.

*sigh* PE here I come...


ADVICE: When you are faced with a hard choice, talk to your family or trusted friends about it. They have great insight and can help you with so many things.

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