Sep. 2nd, 2013

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Hiya guys! I am updating this too, so be happy! XD hope you enjoy my life!

Monday, Sep. 2nd

Happy Labor Day everyone! No school today! Whoop whoop! *fist pumps*

Sooo.... My life has been pretty average. Drawing, going to school, sleeping in on the weekends, updating on wattpad, chatting with my friends on wattpad (I <3 you guys!), listening to my IPod, you know.... Normal teenager stuff.

This morning, we had a parade! YAAAAAY!!!!! Our family got lots of candy and my mom was on a float. Pretty AWESOMESAUSE.....

Although... It was SUPER HOT!!!! I almost died just sitting in a chair!


Police Officer: Yes yes..... Move along. Have a good day! Woah! *stops at my chair* Jerry! You have to see this!

Jerry (2nd police officer): What is it Fred?

Fred: *points to me, dead with flies buzzing around me*

Jerry: *pulls out Walky talky* Bob... We have a dead body. *walky talky responds* No sir. It looks dead. *walky talky responds again* No sir. It is a girl. *walky talky responds (AGAIN)* yes sir! *puts walky talky away* Bob says to leave it.

Fred: okay.

*they both walk off*

Hahaha! Mesa is funny! But yeah... I am alive or else you wouldn't get this update! (Duh). Nothing much else has happened today so far. Soooo.... Yeah.

THAT'S A WRAP!!!! Hope to update soon.... And I hope you likey! Vote, comment, follow, ya know... All of the awesome stuff. XD


Advice: ALWAYS BRING WATER TO A PARADE!!!! Seriously... It helps.

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