Sep. 6th, 2013

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Hi guys! Again, Mesa is back! More of my incredibly stupid life. I find it amazing that people actually like this story. (Even though it is not a story) But whatever floats your boat! :D and hey! I'm not complaining! I really am happy you guys are here! XD I feel loved! <3 you too! Anyway...


I would have updated yesterday but I am just lazy. I was tired from pushing the car. *covers mouth* oops! Got a spoiler there...

Okay here it is:

Sep. 5th, 2013

I went to a back to school night with my dad. I know... Funnest thing ever right?! Seriously. It was. My health teacher taught my mom! Like how creepy is THAT?! It makes me think: holy cow girl! Retirement is a option! XD me funny...

Anyway, I had to stop at my Gma (grandmas) house to pick something up. We got it and was on our way back to our house. Well, my dads car was low on gas... You know where this is going... We stopped at the stop sign and turned JUST as the car died. Yeah... Good news is that we were still cruising and a gas station was just down the street! THE PERFECT PLACE!!!

So my dad turns to me, and we were still moving btw, and says, "alright clover, I need you to get out and push." I was like, "whaaa?!" But did it anyway. We weren't going very fast, like only 2 mph, but still! So I hopped out of the front seat and out onto the road. It was like jumping off a golf cart. Not hard. I wait until the car rolls by then I push on the back.

I WAS LAUGHING MY FREAKIN HEAD OFF!!!! NO JOKE!!! It was the BEST experience of my life!!!!

So my dad is steering while I am pushing, while laughing my head off, and the car is still moving along at a good pace. We finally get to the gas station and I am out of breath. My aides hurt, but abs hurt, my feet are on fire, but I am in the best mood of my life!!! It was completely awesome!!!

Advice: When you are pushing a dead car, while moving, laugh your head off! It makes it so much better and more enjoyable!

Well, there you go. My incredible life if pushing cars while enjoying g it. What can I say?! I am weird. Take it as a fact! I hope to see you all soon and I also hope that I can actually keep up with this book. It sort of is hard. Just saying.

I luv ya all! Bibi! Happy Reading!!! XD

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