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Jungkook's eyes widened as he watched Seokjin stumbling as he entered their home. He narrowed his eyes at the elder and noticed his red eyes and nose. Had he been crying? He thought.

Seokjin braced the wall beside him as he tried to take of his shoes but his body didn't seem to coordinate. Jungkook quickly got up to help as he knew something was wrong with his hyung.

A strong stench of alcohol filled Jungkook's nostrils as he reached closer to him, his brows scrunching in confusion. Hyung had gone to see Sehee noona, what happened then? He thought, even as he helped Seokjin take off his shoes and help him into the living room.

"Hyung, is everything okay?" The maknae asked, making Seokjin release a heavy sigh and lean his head back against the sofa. Tears pricked at the back of his eyes as he remembered everything that happened this evening. He wanted to do nothing, except just sleep and cry.

He had thought Sehee would accept him as he was. He understood all her insecurities and the reasons she wouldn't want to be with him but he was also willing to do anything and everything in his power to keep her happy and safe. If she had just listened....

"She rejected you, didn't she?" Yoongi's groogy voice suddenly rang in the quite room. Jungkook's eyes widened hearing that and looked at Seokjin for confirmation. Seokjin could only close his eyes as a lone tear travelled down his face.

"But why? Everything was going so well and she was so nice to everyone!" Jungkook said, not able to believe the sweet woman who treated him like a younger brother could leave his equally loving hyung. He had always believed that they were made for each other.

"What happened hyung?" Hoseok said coming out of his room, hearing all the ruckus he was forced to wake up. As soon as he saw Seokjin's broken state, he became fully awake.

No words seemed to come out of Seokjin's mouth, his throat felt constricted and he knew if he talked, he'd break down. He couldn't break down in front of his dongsaengs. He was the one who was supposed to be their source of happiness not the cause of their sadness.

Taking a deep breath he stood up, facing the three men in the room. "I and Sehee broke up but you don't have to worry yourself," he said, gulping the tight knot in his throat. "It wasn't anyone's fault, so don't blame Sehee for this. I'll go to sleep now. We have work to do tomorrow."

Without sparing a glance, Seokjin left the men, who looked at each other with worry filled in their eyes. Closing the door of his room, his eyes fell onto his dresser. A shining hairpin caught his eye, left behind by Sehee last night.

Picking it up he couldn't help but break down yet again. The alcohol induced haze had long left him, not that he could forget anything no matter how much he drank. But now, fully conscious, it hurt even more. It felt as if someone ripped a part of his heart and he just had to live with the pain.

And yet, he'd never blame her. It wasn't her fault for thinking the way she did. Yoongi was right. He shouldn't have waited so long, she deserved to know sooner. Now, he just had to deal with the consequences of his own cowardice and stupidity.

Sehee woke up with heavy eyes and an aching head. She had cried for hours last night and now her eyes felt itchy and dry as she got up from the floor and headed towards her room to change the clothes from last night.

As soon as she opened her closet, her eyes landed on the two neatly stacked hoodies, four shirts and two sweatpants. All belonging to Seokjin.

Just like that, her eyes which had been dry just a few minutes ago were filling up with big fat tears. Picking up one of the hoodies, she brought it to her nose. It smells just like him, she thought, as tears continued to fall in a steady stream.

Getting out of her dress, she slipped the hoodie over her head and layed down on her bed, sobbing as she tried to feel his warmth from his clothes, trying to lessen this sharp pain deep inside her chest. But she knew, it wasn't possible.

Even though he said that he would continue to love her, she believed that he'd come to hate her for not accepting him for what he was. This break up, the reason for it was all a lie but she believed that he'd blame her when he got out of the denial phase.

She'd rather have him hate her than put him in danger. She wouldn't be able to bare it if something happened to him. If he stayed away from her, he'd be safer.

Atleast, that's what she believed.

Sehee didn't know that their love wasn't something trivial. They hadn't met by chance only to part away like this. It was fate that brought them together and they weren't meant to separate just yet....


So, we're basically starting the new year with angst but don't forget the last sentence. There's still hope...

Happy New Year everyone 🎉🎉

And Thank you for reading 💜💜

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