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Shiro stood a few feet away from the pods with a worried expression. Lance was next to him, Hunk pressed to the Cuban's side.

"Did you know he had daughters?" Lance asked him. Shiro replied with a mute shake of his head. The Black paladin stared at Keith with a soft glare. His nose was scrunched up as he frowned.

"I had no clue, and I've known him since he was 12." He said.

Keith was looking in the pod at his eldest daughter. Her eyes were closed and the blood was off her clothes and skin. Zelda clung to his leg. The five-year-old seemed scared to leave his side, clinging onto him like wet clothes. Zelda sniffled as she watched her father wring his hands around each other.

A nervous habit, Shiro identified with ease. he clung to that answer with little comfort. He had known Keith well enough to know his hints of rising levels of anxiety. But... he hadn't known he had 2 daughters. Shiro scoffed at himself quietly, he didn't even know that Keith had been straight. Unless it was exploration, a small voice in his head debated. Growing frustrated, he paused his thoughts and turned to where Coran was.

The man was hovering over a sky blue screen. His mustache rising as he grew deeper into thought. His gloved hands clenching into fists until he heard a small crack. his knuckles had popped and the man grinned.

"Interesting..." Coran murmured loud enough to catch attention.

Shiro let out a hum and went closer to Coran's working station. Pidge entered with a vial of red liquid. Shiro assumed it was blood, but the last time he had assumed it was blood it ended up being an Altean wine.

"It seems that only Zelda has number four's deoxyribonucleic acid-"

"DNA" Pidge supplied to clear up any confusion.

"Yes, DNA." Coran corrected himself. The man seemed chipper.

"Then is Nova not his?" Lance asked.

Keith decided to be in the conversation after hearing Lance's comment. The red paladin got up from his seat. Zelda whimpered and sat on his foot. He didn't have the heart to move her so he walked with her connected to his foot and leg.

"She is mine," He told the paladins. Pidge cocked an eyebrow.

"genetically, it says otherwise." She pointed out rudely. Keith groaned and did a pitiful shrug.

"So? I've raised her better than her mother has. I've taken care of her since she was 2 months old. I think that gives me some claim over her, especially since she calls me dad." Zelda, from his leg, nodded.

"All cause Daddy doesn't share d-deo-"

"DNA," Keith said.

Zelda nodded, "Yeah, that, doesn't mean Daddy doesn't love her lesserer or isn't her Daddy." Zelda claimed. Lance looked down at her, her eyes were squinted and her cheeks were red. He resisted the urge to laugh. Her face was the same as what Keith would make in an argument. It was almost cute, like father like daughter.

"Ah, you're correct, number 7," Coran told her. Zelda was now confused.

"Number 7? That's silly, my name is Zelda!" She giggled and Shiro felt himself smiling.

"Well, no matter how they're related, she should be out of the pod soon," Coran concluded. "The damage was not as extensive as we had first thought, so it should only be a few more... ours? Is that what they call their Vargas back on Earth?"

"Hours," Pidge corrected him.

"Ah yes, thank you number 5. Now all there is left to do is wait for the pod to let miss Nova out."

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