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It was seven in the morning and I was getting on the school bus that was supposed to take us to the airport. I'm going to that brainstorming contest. Nothing new about the Avengers. They save people and tell me to keep my distance and take over the school.

I'm sitting on the bus alone, my backpack takes the place next to me. I have headphones on. I hold the phone in my hand.

Clint went on a mission and I was sent to a stupid contest.

Tony says it'll do me good. I will go on with my normal life. Because he thinks me and Peter need rest.

As for me and Peter, we're friends at school. But we can't show others that we're a couple. Then they would know his identity, and neither he nor I want that.

After arriving at the airport. We took our seats on the plane. Unfortunately for me, I was sitting next to Lizzy and Flash.

During the flight, they asked me about the avengers and my boyfriend. I dismissed them by ignoring them and wearing headphones.

After the flight we went to the hotel where we spent the night.

The next day, Tuesday. There was a contest. I have to admit that the level was high, as it usually is in Europe.

I was standing with Lizzy, Mj and Flash. The teacher, however, changed Flash to Peter. After the rich kid got the concepts wrong. I smiled evilly at him then.

Our school won the competition. We received a trophy and diplomas. We all headed to the hotel.

It was eight o'clock when I got changed and went out on the town.

I've never been to Germany, I don't like their language. Native Germans also do not sin with beauty. There were many foreigners in the city. Asian, Indian, Spanish, English and Polish students.

Interesting variety, I will not say no.

I stood by the fountain touching the water which was icy. A slight shudder ran through me.

I looked at my surroundings. Stone pavement, And red brick houses. It wasn't pretty here, but neither is New York.

I decided to walk some more. I took a picture of myself at one of the gates that I sent to my brother.

-It's her - I heard and saw a silver-haired man who approached me looking around

-You help me and I'll help you, -he began

-What is it about? - I asked

-You're the sister of one of the Avengers I don't like Stark but you're Clint's sister so you're good actually you showed it but...

-What is it? Be straight

-I was in Hydra with my twin sister we escaped but Hydra caught her again - He replied - She's in this city she needs help from anyone so if you could make contacts

-How do I know you're not in league with the hydra?- I asked

-I'm Pietro Maximoff, you heard about us in the hydra, they hid us like you, we wanted to live normally

-You're fast - I said - I won't notify the Avengers, I'll help myself, we just have to disguise ourselves so that people won't recognize us

I entered the store buying some clothes and then I entered the alley where Pietro was waiting for me.

I gave him clothes to change. When it comes to me. I put on a black jumpsuit, eye mask and changed my hair color to dark brown.

-When you're ready we can go.- He replied and I looked at him feeling my phone vibrate in my pocket

-Wait a minute - Saying that, I got a call from Peter - Yes? - I asked

-Where are you in two hours they are checking the rooms - He started

-I cast the spell calmly, -I replied

-We don't have time,- Pietro began

-Who was that?- Peter asked

-Stay in the hotel may be boring I can handle it - Saying this I hung up

I looked at the silver haired man, he picked me up and started running towards a building. We went down to the basement and as it turned out there was a hydra base there.

We defeated security and broke into the lab. There was a red-haired girl there. I push her away from the chair, holding her so she doesn't fall when she gets up.

-Who are you?- She asked panting

-Pietro asked for help - I explained

-The enemy! - shouted the hydra agent and I blinded him

Pietro came up to us and I saw more hydra soldiers.

-Pietro, we're gathering - Saying this, I moved ahead, paving the way to the end, setting fire to the basement.

We were standing a few streets away, the silver-haired one brought us clothes to disguise. When we got changed. I arranged for them to return with me to the hotel where I would rent them a room at my expense.

However, as soon as we crossed the threshold of the hotel and they got the key to the rooms. In the lobby I met Peter and Lizzy and Flash.

-You should be in your room already at night time - Flash began

-Kid, go to sleep and don't talk back,- Pietro replied

-Who are you?-Lizzy asked

-It's none of your business, -Replied Wanda

-Let's go.- I said as I showed them the rooms

Then I ordered them food on my account. When I was about to leave, my siblings thanked me. And I smiled at them.

When I finally got to my room, I saw Peter sitting on the bed.

-Who are they? - He asked

-Good people, -I replied

-Can you tell me more?- He asked

-I have to go back to New York first, they're coming with us

-Tony and the others don't know anything, do they? That fire a few miles away is you-He asked

-Possibly, now please leave I want to go to sleep - After my words Peter left and after taking a bath I went to sleep


I hope you like it 🥰


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