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I woke up on a medical couch, next to it was the armchair on which my brother was sitting. I couldn't even remember his name.

-Hey, Sabrina, how are you feeling? -He asked worried

-You live-saying that a tear ran down my cheek -I'm sorry, I don't even remember your name ....

-Clint I'm Clint Barton and you Sabrina Camilla Barton, Smith is just a cover-He explained

-If I have you, why did I find myself in an orphanage? -She asked, grabbing her head

-I led a dangerous life, I preferred not to endanger you, then avengers sorry,- He replied

-Hydra took me, they probably knew that I was your sister, they talked a lot about Steven but also Natasha and you -I replied feeling a headache

- What did they say? - He asked

-Treators will die! -I screamed, realizing the important fact-They will kill me !!!

- Here you are safe - Stark replied entering inside - For protection we want everything you know - He replied seriously

-Protect me?-I snorted - I came in here without a problem, I deceived you, the hydra would have no problem with that, with the rest I just wanted to know if my brother is alive ,I'm alive so I will disappear and you will have no problems. -Saying this, I got up from the bed

-You will not leave nowhere -The black man entered the room -You were in the hydra you were spying for them -He started looking at me from above

-To survive -Saying this, I got up looking in the man's eyes- Hydra has me on target what are you going to do with it?-I huffed seeing the man looking at the old man

-We've got a burglary alarm! -A computer voice replied, and the lights turned red in the room

I looked at my brother, moving my lips to the words "I love you". I used my power to become invisible. And get out of the room. I turned on the elevator for the deception, then ran up the stairs.

When I was downstairs in the office, I noticed a lot of hydra agates. They injected the captain with something and wanted to take it with the redhead.

I took a gun from one and started firing revealing myself.

-The traitor !!!" -shouted one of the soldiers, grabbing me and holding me against the wall, he had a syringe

Before he used it on me, I took it from him and injected it into his neck and it fell to the floor.

Saw the captain being carried out. I took out a pocket knife hidden in his hair and hit him right in the head. This one collapsed, leaving the captain behind.

I ran to Rogers and took him to the front desk, and I did the same with the black widow.

When another squad of hydra entered the building, I used my power to blind them and they started to burn.

I heard the chalas and saw my brother and Stark. I disappeared from the building.


Several days have passed. I was sitting in my apartment tracking the hydra's new base. When I found her, I went to an internet cafe. I sat down at the computer and sent an email with a link to several locations.

Here you will find everything I know. I have nothing else to offer.

Regards Sabrina

I logged off the computer cleaning it and then left the cafe.


I sat at home for the next few days. I've seen the news about the achievements of the avengers. However, when I saw my brother, something broke inside me. He was pensive k looked for someone and the black widow put her hand on his shoulder. This one with her left the cameras.

It was a dark night full of stars. I climbed onto the roof of an abandoned building in the area and sat on the edge. Staring at the little glowing stars.

I heard a noise behind me, I turned my head when I saw a boy in costumes, as far as I know this is Spider-Man. A typical neighborhood hero. Lower rank than avengers. He deals with thefts, robberies and the like.

-Nice stars-He said looking at the sky and then at me

-I agree-Saying this, I patted the place next to me -You want to sit down -I suggested

The superhero came over and sat down next to me.

-Out of curiosity, what are you doing inside on the roof?-, He asked, looking at me

-I look at the stars, I like it, -I found smiling

-I like it too, but I rarely have time, today it is extremely quiet - He replied, looking at the city in the distance, you could see the avengers towers

-My name is Camilla -I introduced myself to him by my middle name

-Nice to me.-He kissed my hand and I laughed.- So Camilla, your parents aren't worried that you're not home at three in the morning?

-I have no parents, I'm an orphan, -I replied staring at the stars

-I'm sorry -He replied regretfully -Maybe it will cheer you up, I'm an orphan too -After a moment

-That's what we got together-I puffed-Two orphans sitting on the roof ordinary girl and superhero -Saying the last word I looked at him

-Stupid me, sorry Camilla, I didn't mean to offend you ... it came out a bit awkward ... sorry ...

-You don't have to apologize, -I replied, smiling slightly, the bracelet clicked on with a red dot.

After a while, a hologram appeared with a red dot indicating the pharmacy

-Sorry, see you. -With this, he threw the net and flew

I was sitting alone for a while and then I went down from the roof towards the apartment.


Hope you liked the chapter. 🥰❤️


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