Chapter One

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The day started out quite typical for Kuzui. He made breakfast for his adoptive family, making sure to put the utmost care into it. Seeing as they were out of ingredients to make anything after, he decided to just skip his first meal of the day. He quickly checked his bag for his supplies before heading to college. The walk was quite short, although he wished it would take longer. But it wasn't his choice to live so close and college wasn't exactly his favourite place, especially when he had to see the people who hate him so much.
People started pouring into the classroom, with Kuzui mixing in the crowd. He looked exactly like your average student. Dark hair, dark eyes, a little bit scrawny but otherwise normal. If it wasn't for the fact that everyone pretty much hated him, he would have blended in completely. It didn't really help much when the other students didn't even bother to hide their distaste.
Sitting down at his seat, Kuzui took out the stuff from his bag. He noticed from the corner of his eye a group of students standing from their seats and heading over. He didn't say anything until one of them came up to his desk and nearly slammed his hand on it. Looking up to his, he dared say, ugly face, he gave no change in expression. Only a subtle annoyance which no one detected.

" Hey Kuzui! Did ya get the homework done?"The male obnoxiously demanded, giving a cocky grin to Kuzui. Despite the rising annoyance, Kuzui gave a nervous smile.

"Y-yes, of course..." Pulling out a stack of paper, he showed it to the man. The male grabbed it and grinned, bad intentions clearly showed.

" Thanks Kuzui! You're a life saver. My homework was a few weeks overdue." He took the stack of homework sheets and went to the teacher. The teacher, even seeing the whole incident happen, ignored it and accepted his homework with smile but scolding him a bit after. It was widely known not to stand up for him. Even the teachers had gotten used to it and decided to ignore whatever happens to him.
College passed by quickly, letting everyone leave as the bell rings. Kuzui had been dealing with this for long enough to have become numb to the harassment. After a bit more of the verbal harassment from his so called 'friends', he was finally able to leave. He let his head hang down, staring at the cement path in front of him. Every so often, he looked up just in case he were to bump into someone.
Hearing a roar, his ears pricked. He immediately recognized the sound of battle. It tempted him to turn around and look, but he knew he wouldn't be able to stay out of it if he did. He wasn't supposed to get involved in things such as villains and heroes. His family wanted him to quickly give up. Give up his hope of becoming a hero. But there was no way that was possible for him. Even if he were to say so, he knew it would still be a part of him. He knew it would just be kept at the back of his mind.
He didn't plan on looking at the scene, but a familiar feeling came about him. A feeling that he needed to be there, a feeling that told him he had to go. He stole one glance at the scene, but he couldn't tear his eyes away anymore. He saw a villain, flailing wildly about with his quirk and held a hostage in his other arm. The hostage was a girl, just around middle school. She had a fearful but proud expression, and tried her best to break free from the villain's grip.
The scene gave him a pang of nostalgia, making his heart feel as if it had dropped into his stomach. In the place of the villain, he saw a slime flailing around and in the place of the struggling girl, he saw a boy with ash blond hair using his quirk to try to get released from the slime.
He had the urge to run in and help, even if he couldn't do anything about it. He wanted to throw his bag at the villain, scream at him to release her and help the hostage. The urge grew stronger every second that passed. He tried his best to keep his feet in place, knowing well enough not to. But his heart just didn't go in sync with his mind, and the urge grew even more.
Just as his feet were about to bring him rushing towards the villain, a flash of pink ran by. Before he knew it, the flash ran over to the villain, throwing her bag in his face. It startled the villain for a moment, but he quickly regained his composure. The villain angrily flung the pink haired girl off as she landed several feet away from Kuzui.
Just as the villain was about to use his quirk once again, this time onto the pink haired girl, a man appeared behind the villain, grabbing onto his shoulder. The villain screamed in pain as ice shot through his shoulder, freezing it. The frightened hostage immediately struggled out of the grip of the villain, quickly running away to safety and not looking even once at the pink haired girl who had tried to help her.
Kuzui wanted to help the pink haired girl, but when he saw the hero who had frozen the villain, his body stopped moving. The women in the crowd screamed in excitement for the exact same reason. The hero stood, wearing a dark navy suit that perfectly suited him. His expression was cold, like usual, but it only added to his attractiveness. He had his hair grown out just a little bit and tied back with a string. It was the No. 1 hero who saved the day. Todoroki Shouto stood there, ignoring the fangirling screams and flashes of cameras, looking as handsome as ever.

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