31. oblivious🗿

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I just wanna eat my cherries and take a picture 🤦🏻‍♂️

@binnie please why do you look so digusted 😭💀

@lixalicious FUCK YOU IM CUTE😤

@mintyminho please can we just eat already

@minnie ^^^agreed


We're just friends😒

@mj.official THE BULLSHIT

@loveinnie I CAN SMELL IT



We're just friends😒

@lixalicious @ me next time bold bitch

@chrisnotfound ^^👀





@h.jinnie he's genuinely pissed now minho

@mintyminho and??? @h.jinnie

@lixalicious......im gonna keep my mouth shut🙂

@mintyminho nah i wanna hear it @lixalicious

@sungie Minho stop-

@loveinnie Hyung don't-

@binnie seriously minho dont-

@mintyminho alright i was just joking!


I put down my phone and looked at the red head laying next to me. He was picking at his nails, something he only does when he's mad. I wrapped my hands around his waist and pulled him closer. I ran my fingers through his hair as he leaned back onto my chest and closed his eyes; "breathe" i said. "I will breathe when they stop pissing me off" He mumbled. I laughed. I had a question to ask but I was hesitant. It could either go surprisingly right or horribly wrong, but I've lost a lot these days so, what else is there to lose. fuck it.


"Lix?" The blonde called out. "Hmm" the younger hummed with his eyes still shut, "can i ask you something?" "Sure" Felix looked up at the elder with a small smile resting on his lips. "Do you think that it's wrong for someone to date somebody that's younger than them by like a few years, like, alot" It was now the olders turn to pick at his nails. He pulled on his fingers and rings as it distracted him from the pair of warm, brown eyes on him or the high tension in the air as he stared at his bed sheets. It was really nice, so white and shinny.

"Well, I will answer that question but im gonna need a little more detail, do you think its wrong?" Felix spoke up. He was now sitting up fully turned around making eye contact with the elders hair as he bowed his head. 'Hmm his blonde is fading'. "Well, i mean, i guess in some ways it is and isn't..." he says looking up. Felix pulled a small smile from no where and ruffled the elders hair.

"Hmm, so it is kinda confusing but, it's not necessarily wrong I guess. If it was something like a 40 year old with a 12 year old then yeah thats concerning; but, if you are talking about small age gaps like 14 year old with 16 year old, its acceptable in a way. It all really matters on love. It matters whether the love is real and genuine." He says explaining and flying his hands around. Hyunjin chuckled at the younger and asked again. The clue in his question completely blowing over the youngers oblivious head. "What if...it was a 19 year old with a 15 year old.." he asks. And as expected from the oblivious boy he didn't even realise it. "Well, I dont see something wrong with it. Its just a 4 year age difference, so i guess its not that bad." He says with his finger tapping his lip as he was in deep thought. Hyunjin thanked the gods that Felix was so oblivious and smiled at the answer he got. But one thing was still bugging him "but.....would you date someone 4 years older than you.." he asks, once again finding an interest in his sheet, it was very pretty and white. "I dated binnie didnt I?" He said laughing.

The elder smiled but grumbled at the mention of his hyung. "But can i ask you something now hyunnie?" Felix mumbled. He was trying to be careful with his words even if he didn't need to be. "Sure lix" he says. He looked the elder in the eys as the elder looked back with a small smile on his face. "Did you think it was wrong to date someone very young?" Felix asked. It surprised the elder to say the least, he nervously rubbed his nape as he looked down once again. "If im being honest, yeah I kinda did. See, i kinda like this kid who's younger than me but i never did shoot my shot because, the society we live in today told me it was wrong and disgusting. When in reality, I knew that I shouldn't need other peoples opinions but I just couldn't help it so I kept my mouth shut and never said anything. But now that I'm more older and mature to understand, I'll see if he likes me back" Hyunjin said smiling through everything he said.

Felix broke...

Everything the elder had said broke him. I like someone else! I like someone else! I like someone else! I like someone else! The stupid words kept replaying in his head like a broken record. And he felt hurt even more because he was the one that encouraged him to do it. But Felix wasn't no bitch, he pulled on his big boy pants and made the tears disappear and gave the elder a broken smile. "Age Is just A Number dumbass. As long as the love is real, there's nothing to worry about. Now, I gotta go, my dad needed me for some stuff and I promised I'd help him." He said grabbing his bag in a hurry and was about to leave Hyunjin's room until he heard the older call out to him. "Wait lemme drop you home, its raining." The elder said slipping on his shoes. "No no no, its okay, i called an uber and its already out front so.." he said smiling. He wanted to leave, he didn't know how long he could go before breaking down completely.

Hyunjin slightly pouted but nodded. "Alright I'll see you later. Call me when you get home." He says. He pulled the younger into a hug and kissed his forehead. "See yah lixie" he said. Felix blushed and was about to start crying again "b-bye jinnie" he said rushing out of the house. He lied about the uber, there was no uber. The younger slipped out of the house and walked an entire mile while crying his eyes out, until he got to the bus stop. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and quickly dialed his sisters number.

She picked up after the 4th ring and Felix could hear laughter in the background.

"Hey lixie"

"HE LIKES SOMEONE ELSE! HE FUCKING LOVES SOMEONE ELSE" The younger screamed into the phone but the rain sounded louder. He was balling his eyes out begging for the pain in his heart to stop. He hated it! He hated the feeling so much and he couldn't take it anymore.

"Im on my way! Where are you?"
The brunette's voice was now full of caution and shock. He heard keys jangling and a car start.

"Im at the bus stop a mile away from his house"

"Im on my way, please dont cry"

"Ill stop crying when the pain stops hurting"

The younger hung up the phone before his sister got to say anything else. He crouched down and rested his head on his arms that were resting on his knees and silently sobbed.

Why me....why now...why when my life was going as planned.

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