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Your name is Y/n L/n: Aka, The Widowmaker. Known for your charming abilities and expert assassination skills, you rose to the top of the ranks of then ICA and have had a good partnership with Diana Burnwood and Erich Soders, The two of them don't seem to get along but both have a high respect for you and your work.

You had landed at a training facility on a snowy cliff, wearing a fuffy jacket, gloves and pants that were cold enough to help keep your legs warm, you were called for a special meeting place with Diana and Erich

"Good morning." You smile walking into a room with a see through wall, you see Soders and Burnwood arguing about something, what else is new.

"I'm telling you Miss Burnwood, we aren't sending HIM with our best assassin in the ICA, it'll get him killed."

"Give him a chance, he can be useful and when working with Mr. L/n, they'll be an unstoppable force."

"What's going on?." You asked, making yourself a fresh cup of coffee.

"Good morning dear." Diana smiled, you and her had a strong relationship, nothing serious, just close friends.

"L/n." Soders nodded. "What do you think about this..." He pointed to a bald man, wearing a nice black suit and a red tie, he had a barcode tattoo on the back of his head.

"Who's this, a new agent?." You asked.

"This is Agent 47, he's a cloned assassin with smarts, instincts and intelligence that can even rival yours."

"I believe that Diana...but does he have my charm?."

"Only time will tell, I'm working on a way that the two of you can go on missions together-"

"Which will never happen." Soders interrupted.

"I like the idea." You look at Soders who looks shocked while Diana smiled brightly.

"Are you insane!?." Soders got in your face. "That guy could kill you!."

"It's a chance I'm willing to take." You say, you exit the room and sip your coffee slowly.

"Very better get your agent in order Burnwood, or you'll be dead...get out of my office!."

You see Diana walk out along with the other agent. A helicopter lands on a helipad ready to pick you up.

"Y/n, I'd like you to meet your partner, Agent 47."

You extended his hand for him to shake, he slowly looks at your hand, then at you, then walks down the stairs.

"I like him already." You give Diana a wink before walking down the steps yourself.

"Y/n!." Diana called out. "Be careful!."

You smile climbing into the helicopter. "I'm always careful Miss Burnwood."

The helicopter takes off with you and 47 sitting next to each other as you prepare for your first mission together.

"Tell me...why are you called 47?."

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