➟𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙨𝙞𝙭

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• ━━━━ •

     THE AGENT GRAY MAKES HER WAY TO THE TEAM, her two friends, guards and Shaw right behind her. Luke gribbed the criminal tightly and then he spokes up, to get the team's attention.

     ,,Hey, Toretto!" The named man turns around, seeing Hobbs throwing the raven haired male at his direction. The team surrounds the agents and the guards, glaring at their enemy and waiting for him to speak.

     ,,You guys really think you've won." Spoke up Owen with calmness. ,,This code you live by, it's the very reason why you weren't even in the game." He then turns to Dominic. ,,I told you exactly what I was gonna do if you didn't walk away, Toretto." The Alpha gazes at him, with confusion, like everybody else. ,,But you didn't listen, I told you I can reach out and break you whenever I want. And I have." The redhead observed the two, wanting to know what he did.

     The criminal cold eyes then goes to the blonde, a evil smirk mading it's way to his lips. ,,Maybe you should call Mia." They immediately tense up.

     The father male looks between him and his friend, expression of concern and fright on his face. His blue eyes starts to glisten with tears, scared of his wife's and son's being. His shaky hand goes to his pocket, grabbing his phone and dialing Mia's number. The agent feels bad from him, knowing how it feels.

     The ringing seams like never ending for him, but eventually the phone was pick up. ,,Mia?" He said, praying that the two are alright.

     ,,Brian!" All of them hears the heartbreaking call of his name. The O'Connor couldn't hold himself and charge at Shaw. His fist meets the man's face making him grunt. The guards and Brian's friends immediately tear them apart.

     The cold-hearted male spits out blood, chuckling, before a stone cold look comes to his face. ,,So, this is how
it's gonna go down." He spoke up. ,,You're gonna cut me loose from these cuffs, you're gonna hand me the chip, I'm gonna walk out of here
and you're not gonna follow."

     The N.A.T.O. commander's eyes goes to him, showing a look of disbelief. ,,You must be joking." He says, making the criminal gaze at him.

     Her gaze then fall on Toretto, moving closer and closer to him by each word he spoke. ,,Look at his face, ask him if I'm joking." The two enemies exchanges glares, while Roelfs circles around them, with a hard look.

     ,,One hostage does not outweigh
the threat to millions." States the N.A.T.O. commander, stopping by the three agents, the Gray female observing his every move. ,,I'm sorry, but this changes nothing." Just as he said that the redhead cocks her gun at him, aiming at his head.

     ,,It changes everything." Spoke up Jessica in a cold tone that give everyone chills. The man's guards immediately started to pull their guns at her, but she wasn't startled, even a little bit.

     ,,You tell your men to stand down." She orders, still gripping the gun. The male looks at her for staring at her for a moment, if she will put the weapon down, but he knowing this woman, he that she will not.

     ,,Stand down." The guards then lower their guns.

     ,,Toretto." Spoke up the dark skinned agent, gazing at him. ,,I need you to know, the moment we let him walk out that door with that chip,
words like amnesty and pardon
walk out with him."

     Dominic stared at the man before him for a couple of seconds, before answering, ,,Those words went out the day we were born." At the statement Hobbs nodds to Riley who takes a key from the commander, unlocking the handcuffs on Shaw's and his team's wrists.

     The short haired criminal gives the other team a smirk. Wiping off the blood on his lips, he started to walk away, but then eventually stopped, like he forgot something to do. ,,Coming, babe?" Everyone then turns to Letty. The woman didn't look like she wanted to go, but then a another voice answer the question.

     ,,Of course." Said the brown eyed female agent, glancing at her co-workers. The red haired woman face changed into a shock. She trusted her, she was her friend. ,,I wouldn't miss it for the world." The brunette then walks to the criminal, grabbing his hand.

     ,,That bitch." Breathed out the other female agent, still in shock as everybody else.

     ,,Like I said, you were never in the game." Call out Shaw, while walking away. ,,If I see you on the horizon, I'll
make the call and the girl's dead."

     But that didn't stop them.

✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚* ❋ *˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧


     SHE WAS SITTING IN A CAR. With her was Brian, Dominic and Letty who was by her side, the woman persuade them for her to go with them.

     They drive through the airport was without any issues so far, but always something interrupts it. A load noice hears the team, sounding like...a plane. The agent's head pops from the window, gazing at it, with wide eyes. It was huge, she never saw plane this large.

     The plane lands before them, it's rubbers screeching on the runway.
,,She's as good as dead if Shaw gets away on that plane." Spoke up the brunette next to her.

     ,,Then we don't let him get away."
Answered the driver. As the redhead leans over his seat, she sees that the cargo doors started to open, the enemy didn't waste time and speeding up.

     Dominic turns to his blonde haired friend. ,,Ride or die."

     ,,Ride or die." Repeat Brian. Well she would be happier if it would be the second option. Just as he said that his friend started to speeding up, trying to get in the front and possibly in the plane.

     Shaw rides on the ramp, disappearing in the plane, while his crew tried to hit them. The off-road car comes before them, so it block their way from the plane's cargo doors, but then the Asian hits the enemy's vehicle, turning it around, so the front was now facing them. Dominic quickly passes the car. Her dark skinned co-worker then slamms into another car, making a clear path for them. The quattro then passed him, driving to the open doors.

     They drives on the ramp and then arriving in the plane, purposely slamming the breaks at the moment as they hit the brunette agent, making the redhead smirk, while Riley rolls over their car, falling at the end of it. Reloading her gun, she opens her door.

     Jessica grabbs the weapon by both hands, kneeling little bit down. The Toretto male before her shoots at the same time at Shaw as the female on the blonde woman, but they missed, the criminals immediately running away. The green eyed female then slowly rushes forward, pulling her weapon slightly down.

     As she nears the boxes, she didn't have a time to react when her gun someone slapped away. Looking at her new company, she remembers that the man before her was Klaus, the toughest guy in Shaw's crew.

     The male slammed her weapon on the ground, the agent immediately turning to him. His fist meets the female's stomach. Groaning she gripes his arm, turning it roughly in a painful angle. The man didn't let even a small groan, quickly throwing a punch again. His fist then meets the woman's jaw and she couldn't even recover from the impact as he kicks her in the stomach again, sending  Jessica into the boxes behind her.

     The red haired agent moans in pain, gripping her pounding head and bruised stomach. She blinks little bit, seeing that Brian was now fighting with him. The Gray female know that the blonde had a very small chance of winning, so she tries to stand up and help out.

     Grabbing at the boxes for support, her forest green eyes sets on her friend and the male who is having him in choke hold. Out of nowhere a brown haired female rushed at the direction of the open cargo doors, before the redhead. 

     The blue eyed male turns to the sound of footsteps, seeing his wife. Turning to the man who was holding him, he throws a punch at him, his fist meeting the male's face. Just as Klaus started to raise his fist, Brian pulls himself up, the enemy hitting the box next to his head. The father then rushed to Owen, jumping and throwing his fist at him, the blonde's wife stopping.

     Jessica eyes then turned around, seeing a silhouette making it's way to her. When it comes closer to her, she recognize it as Dominic. His hands goes to her, trying to help her up. At the moment he was roughly pulled back by the criminal, the female falling again. Klaus trew punches at the Alpha, sending him falling on the ground too.

     ,,No!" She hears the brunette, Mia, screaming. The agent glances at her and then at Brian who was laying on the floor, Owen leaning over him, with a metal pole.

     The redhead ignored her pounding head, her brushed stomach and back. Her arms pulls her up quickly, the impact almost sending her fall again. Past her plump lips left a load cry as she runs at Klaus. Doing a spin, her foot meets his chest, making him fall backwards on the boxes which break by his weight, the man falling at the global criminal.

     Breathing heavily, her hands pulled into firsts, the female gazed at the two. The blonde crawls to the brunette who gribbed him tightly, her brother waving them off.

     ,,Go!" The duo gives them one last glance, before sprinting off. The boxes before the other duo fall, making them back away. Dominic and Jessica sees Owen standing up, with the pole in his hand and charging at the female.

     She kneels down as the pole was going to hit her head and then dodging into side as he charge at her again. The weapon hit the boxes, the woman quickly throw it from his grip, and then punching him in the nose. The agent must react quickly, dodging with her hands the punches send to her. The redhead grabbed him by his collar backing him roughly in the wall, but then his man grip her by hair, throwing her backwards. The Alpha charges at Klaus, but he by some punches, throws him next to the female. Just as he was gonna rush to them someone punch him in the face.

     It was Hobbs. The two on the ground then slowly stend up, going next to him, facing the two males. Spitting and wiping the blood from her nose, she stands before them with her fists raised. Nodding at Toretto, she steps little bit back. Owen then rush to the Alpha and Klaus to Luke.

     Dom was doing fine, but then he didn't have time to dodge the male's foot. Her new friend was send back, falling on top of the boxes, the female  seeing that her time has come.

     Rushing to Shaw, he turns to her ready to meet his fist with the woman's face, but she grab it, twisting it around. She then does a flip, jumping around his neck, her legs having a rough grip. This send him falling on the ground, the agent's thighs around his neck. He breathes heavily, trying to pull her legs away, but then his hand goes to his pocket.

     He gripps the weapon in his hand, before stabbing the knife into her thigh. The green eyed female screams in pain, loosing her grip. Owen stands up ready to stab her again, but Dom turns him to around, so he was facing him, her friend punching him in jaw.

      Her hands tries to put a pressure to the wound, but it hurt too much, so she ignores the pain and trying to stand up. As she was trying to stand up the criminal was trown backwards, falling behind her. The redhead then turns around, seeing the Alpha picking up the Shaw's man and rushing to the dark skinned agent who then punch the criminal, making him fall on the floor.

     Their eyes search their surroundings and then seeing Jessica gripping her thigh and trying to get up. ,,Shit, Jess." Said Luke, before helping her up.

     ,,I'm okay." She spoke up, supporting her weigh on the male's arm, then she turns to her other friend.

     ,,Letty." He said the name with concern, before running to find her, the duo right behind him. By the time finding the brunette, Jessica was standing of her own. Luke picking up the toy, how Han calls it.

     They found her laying on floor, Riley standing beside open door of the plane. ,,Hey!" The two females truns to the direction of the voice, finding the two agents. The male trows at Letty the weapon who caught it with ease.

     Their friend points it to the traitor. ,,Wrong team, bitch." Before she was hit with it, Riley turns to the duo. They just shrugged, raising their eyebrows. The brunette then pressed the trigger, the hook going from it, piercing the other brown haired woman in chest. Her scream gets lost as she fall out of the plane.

     Dominic arrived at the scene, his wife immediately running to his side. Hobbs leans out of the door, before turning to them. ,,We gotta move, it's going down!" But the redhead ignored him, because she saw Shaw, getting away.

     As Letty jumps after the male agent, her gaze falls at her husband who was looking behind him. ,,Dom!" His eyes meets here's, but he eventually turn around running after the redhead and the criminal.

     The female runs to the car where Shaw was, limping as she did so. Opening the door she didn't waste time, punching him, his head hitting the glass. Her hand goes to the case, but he hits her with his elbow, making her groan. Owen opens door at his side, trying to run away, but she grabbs him, hitting his head at the steering wheel.

     Feeling of the car moving, the female eyes goes wide as she sees that they were going to hit the raised ramp. ,,Jessica, get out of the car!" Someone called out her name, immediately realizing it belong to Dom. Grabbing the case, the female agent crawls to the back door, meeting with her friend who grabbed her, pulling her out.

     Turning around, Jessica sees the vehicle hitting the ramp, the impact making the criminal spring out of the window and disappearing into the darkness. The duo breathes heavily, trying to catch their breaths, but then the plane fall into the side, making them stumble.

     The plane's left engine explodes, the team's feet hurting at how they were pressing at the gas. Then the another engine exploded too, making the plane fully fall. It drived at the platform, now fully in flames. Everyone's eyes going wide, ine their minds praying that the two got out of it or will.

     Then a car flies out of the flames, falling on the platform. They sigh in relief, but their happiness of the two alive, didn't last long. The car flipped, rolling over. They then see the vehicle disappearing in the flames. Everyone eventually stopped, standing up if they see any signt of them, but nothing.

     Everybody waited for them to appear, but they didn't. In one day they lost them almost twice, the second option looking like it was going to be true. Letty and Luke were closes to the scene, praying for their friend and husband to show up.

     Minute passed and still nothing. It looked like hope already left them, but then they see something in distance, making the duo go closer.

     A figure appeared from the flames, holding another figure who gribbed the case. Everyone gasp in relief and happiness, the agent and the brunette running for help.

     Dominic hand was on Jessica's waist for support, the female gripping at his T-shirt. It wouldn't be enough to be stabbed in leg, so her leg crawls behind her, broken.

     Hobbs rushed to her, the woman leaving the other man's side and going into her friends arms. The agent hold her tight, the redhead immediately relaxing in his arms. Luke then presses his lips on her forhead, making her smile and sigh in relief.

     As the quattro walks to others, the female agent smiles widely at the two dark skinned males who were shooking their heads with big smiles on their faces. A hand then place it self on her shoulder.

      ,,I wanted to thank you." Said her friend, making her little bit confused at first. ,,The trick you learn me...it save my life."

     The redhead smiles in realization. ,,You're welcome, Giselle." She answers. Giving each other's smiles again, the green eyed agent then stopped by Hobbs' side.

     ,,So this is worth billions, huh?" Spoke up Dominic, holding the case. The Gray woman must to give it to him, so she could make it to the team.

     ,,Yes, it is." Answers the dark skinned male, taking the case. Luke stared at him for a moment at him, with a small proud smile.

     ,,Name your price, Dom."

     The named male looks at him, with a smile. ,,1327." The others looked confused, but the redhead couldn't help, but smile, knowing what it meant.



if you're confused why I let Giselle alive, it's because I love her and I didn't want her to die
obviously it will little bit change the sequel, but don't worry I will make it work

i kinda feel that this chapter sucks, but okay XD

btw with who do you ship Jessica the most?


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