➟𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙬𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙮-𝙩𝙝𝙧𝙚𝙚

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̶̶̶̶ ̶«̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ ̶ ̶̶̶ ̶«̶ ̶̶̶ ̶       ̶»̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ ̶ ̶̶̶ ̶»̶ ̶̶̶ 

• ━━━━ •

     THE PLANE WAS QUIET, so quiet that it shocked her. She didn't even hear the engines nor the footsteps of the stewardess who walk around them. Maybe it was because the redhead was quite exhausted from the whole day or maybe because of her new position in her seat. Her head rested on the other female's shoulder, her body hunch in the small seat with her green eyes closed. The blonde next to her was probably out cold already with her sleeping mask covering her eyes. About what her brother and her friend were doing — she doesn't have a clue.

    When a sigh was heard from beside her, followed almost immediately with talking, it was obvious to her that they were probably fully awake. The woman still keeps her cool, her eyes close but her ears perking up at their hushed conversation, finding nothing better but to listen to it. ,,Couldn't have booked an emergency row for a little bit more legroom?" Says Luke, humming silently. ,,Not everybody has hobbit legs like you." The woman resist to roll her closed eyes, still keeping silent even if she wanted nothing more than shush them. It's not that she isn't used to their nonstoping rambling but she just really wanted some good sleep.

     ,,Hey, look." The man beside her starts out. ,,In case you didn't realize,  I couldn't give a damn about your comfort." Deckard fires back, his accent thicker as his voice got lower. ,,So why don't you be a good elephant, suck up another kilo of peanuts, put your chair back and relax?"

     Is this really necessary? The question flows for a moments in her mind, before mentally shaking her head at the statement. She couldn't shut their mouths, even if she tried. So ignoring again the biggest argue to shush them, the red haired woman shifts in her seat to get in more comfortable position and hopefully get some needed sleep.

     ,,All right, listen. Don't ever tell me to relax, all right?" Hobbs exclaims. ,,Don't tell me to do anything." He corrects, slowly. ,,Any time you ever say anything, it makes me want to take my boot and shove it so far up in your ass, you're gonna be spitting out shoelaces all week." She pursed her lips slightly to keep herself from smiling at this whole remark, finding it quite enjoyable to listen.

    ,,Hey, you know what the problem is?" Asks the British male, completely ignoring his insults. ,,I will tell you the problem. This job." He clarified. ,,This job requries stealth. And you...look at you." She could even imagine the scene before her eyes as she keeps listening to the conversation, slowly finding it more interesting than her need of sleep. ,,I mean, granted, it's not your fault but you're too obvious. You stick out, like balls on a bulldog. Dangling down in all the wrong places." Her eyebrows furrowed slightly at the weird description but didn't question it further. The weight on the seat next to her slightly changes when she feels him flop back in his seat. ,,Seemingly harmless and the next thing you know, they're trying to impregnate your sister."

     The woman doesn't know if she should feel disgusted or shocked that he even said that but Deckard wasn't the only one who catch their lingering looks on each other. ,,What?" Breathe out her dark skinned friend with masked disbelief. ,,Impregnate your sister?"

     ,,You heard."

     ,,I am sorry but it seems like you got it all twisted, son." Fires back Luke, before short silence echoes right after. The green eyed redhead frowns softly in thought at the sudden silence lingering in the air. A small choked gasp from the man beside her cut off the silence, making her even more confused by that noise. If she thought about it, she would probably figure it out but she was too tired and lazy at the moment.

    ,,What?" Whisper yells the male Shaw nextly. ,,Are you crazy?"

    She could only imagine how her friend shook his head at the question and his expression on his face. ,,No, I am quite all right. You better keep your dirty hands of off her before I shove them right down your throat." Jessica already had a thought of who they were referring to but she just find it ridiculous to even think of that. It makes her stomach twist. From what emotion...she doesn't know yet. The female blocks all of those thoughts, listening further to get her answer for her question.

    ,,So you think that after all this time, I want to impregnate her?" The man next to her whisper in disgust that almost sounded mocked. It made her shiver in disgust. ,,I hate her."

    ,,Yeah, right." Luke continue their conversation with a chuckle. ,,First thing...you think I am that stupid?. And second thing...you actually think that I'm going through all this effort, on this mission, trying to save this world, by the way, for the forth time because I am really good at it. You think I am going through all of this just so I can do the horizontal-hula, sexy, sexy time with your sister?"

    ,,And you think I want to go through all of this, again and do sexy, sexy time with her." Shaw fires back, his accent getting thicker and thicker.

    ,,Let me break it down for you, Frodo." The dark skinned agent starts out, clearing his throat. ,,This ain't 1955 anymore, all right? Despite the fact that that girl, sleeping right there is related to you she's still one of the toughest, baddest, most capable women I've ever encountered in my life." The Gray woman can't do nothing other than to agree in silence and another plus is she's quite enjoyable and the redhead enjoys the blonde's company. Like she said; they clicked together just well. ,,And if she chooses to look the way, of this big, brown, well-endowed, tattooed mountain of a man then guess what. I'm gonna let her climb this mountain over and over and over again."

     ,,You stay away from her." Warns Deckard, while Jessica tries hard not to think over those words that her friend said. The description was little too detailed.

     ,,Then stay away from, Jess."

     She tries hard not to choke on her own saliva when her not answered question is finally filled in. The woman got mixed emotions and she really wasn't sure how to feel. The redhead was never in this kind of situation. And God how much she hates that she isn't asleep, so she didn't have to listen to this conversation in the first place. After another small silence that echoed through the plane, her stomach again got the weird feeling when the man didn't even say anything to decline the ridiculous statement from her friend.
     ,,I see what you're doing. You think I'm stupid?" The brother of the blonde next to her says, refering to his sister again.

    ,,Of course I think you're stupid." Answers the other man, without missing a beat in his sentence. ,,But you know what? I'll do you a favor,  I'll knock that right out of your skull. You just say the word, jack." 

     ,,You know what I wanna do?" Pips up the criminal, leaning closer to him. ,,I wanna do an Irish jig on your arse-ugly face at 30 000 feet."

     ,,Oh, 30 000 feet.

    The man nodds, flickering his tongue over his teeth. ,,Yeah."

    ,,So you wanna dance right now?" Asks further her best friend.


    ,,The only thing holding you back is air and opportunity." He says, inhaling deeply. ,,And there goes the air."

    ,,Bring it on, Don Ho."

    ,,Don Ho?"

    When they suddenly heard something beside the criminal, they immediately quiet down, their eyes falling on the short redhead who was the source of the noice. ,,Can you two keep it down?" She hisses lowly, opening her eyes to finally look up to the duo. ,,People are trying to sleep." The female had it enough already, the conversation not being as interesting as before. It quickly started to get on her nerves that they even after few minutes couldn't keep their volume down. She only listened to it like a fairy tale before bed but it only made her more awake than before.

     With a sigh escaping her parted lips, Jessica sits up in her seat, after gently pushing Hattie of off her, being careful not to wake her up too. The last thing she wants is someone yelling at her. ,,For how long have you been awake?" Deckard says out of blue, catching her off guard as he was the first one to break the silence.

    His brown eyes were filled with curiousity to know the answer for his question. It makes her only shrug slightly. ,,Not for long." She mumbles, faking a small yawn in her statement while she invite his alluring gaze in hers.

     ,,Sorry, Jess." Luke remarks. The agent is ready to wave it off but her friend wasn't half-way finished. ,,Just if this son of a bitch could keep it down for a few hours —"

    ,,Me? You started it." Yells Shaw in whispers, glaring at her friend.

    ,,No —"

     Her green eyes rolled back at the bickering. ,,Guys —" She sighs, warningly through their conversation. Surprisingly enough the two quiet down after her warning tone but she still for a moment could hear distant swearing.

     It put a small tired smile on her lips as she feels the seat next to her stiffed for the last time just as she tilted her head to the direction. The man next to her looked in her direction after flipping off her best friend. ,,Seat E2." She whispers tiredly, looking into his brown eyes that showed small confusion at her statement but big curiosity shining right through them. ,,He is definitely an air marshal. Thank me later, biscuit." Jessica grins up at him, patting him on his shoulder, before turning to lay her head down on his sister's shoulder, slowly taking off to the dreamland.


✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚* ❋ *˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧


    NOTHING OTHER THAN A BIG SMILE WAS PLASTERED ON HER LIPS. And same for the brunette who is marching her way. It's been a long time since they've seen each other and it is finally time for the big reunion. They were always some sort of frenemies. The duo would do everything in their might to help each other out but they couldn't stop playing the game about who is better. It didn't have any categories...the competition is generally in everything they do.

     Their eyes met at the same time as their steps slow down when both of them got closer to each other. The redhead stood before her, both of them looking at each other from head to toe with a cold gaze and no awareness to the world around them. ,,I see that your taste in fashion has not changed at all." Speaks up the dark eyed woman, the words coming smoothly from her red tinted lips.

    ,,Same for you." Mention the green eyed agent, her orbs flickering to her outfit. ,,Still bitchy as I remember." She sighs out.

    ,,Still bossy as I remember."

    The smiles from earlier found their way back on their lips, the duo chuckling softly as they wrapped their arms around each other. ,,Long time no see." Whispers agent Gray into her dark curls.

    The woman humms in her shoulder, before pulling away from their embrace to look back at her features. ,,It's good to see you, J." Margarita exclaim, the redhead could hear her honesty and it made her smile softly.

    ,,You too, M."

    The two female friends gaze at each other for a moment but she could clearly see her brown eyes flickering behind her. Jessica then decides that is is the time to introduce the others to her but when she sees Deckard already behind her, it made her freeze in her spot. The man completly ignored her whole being that was standing right next to him and same goes for Margarita who couldn't take her eyes off of off him.

    ,,Deckard Shaw." She greeted, while her friend stood there watching the whole scene with eyes formed into slits.

    ,,Margarita." The female kept her cool when he said her name. There is no way that she said her true name before him, they had to know each other.

    Her idea soon becomes a fact when the couple lean to kiss each other. Right in her face. A visible sneer forms on her face, not even bordering to back away from them nor hide her expression. When the woman's brown eyes open, they went immediately to her, a knowing look flashing in them as she still held Deckard to her lips. Game on. A glare was a only thing Jessica could think of when Margarita pulled way from the man, sending her a big smirk right back. If it wasn't enough the British man tilted his head to her direction, smirking like a Cheshire cat and only making her more mad. She didn't even know why she was reacting like this but something about the look on his face made her want to slap it right off.

     She scoffs at him with a eye roll following in suit, ignoring the visible tension between them by going after the woman. She doesn't want to know how they know each other because when she remembers the scene when they stick each other's tongues down their throats, it made her stomach do flips. The woman already had it enough.


     ,,I got your list." Margarita exclaims, holding the paper before her eyes. ,,It's long." The redhead humms, almost like she wasn't interested, looking up at her.

    ,,I asked for a house on a runway." Jessica said, looking at her surrounding. ,,Not sure a dozen Russians in duct tape were on the list." She teazes, raising her eyebrow at the female.

    ,,Well, give me more than three-hour notice and I wouldn't have to resort to such extremes." The brunette fires back, leaning too close to her liking. The agent held her face straight even when she turned away from her. The green eyed woman won't give her anything because it only would made her more satisfied.

     ,,Not sure three hours has anything to do with your extremes, Margarita." Spoke up Deckard who immediately join her side as the others followed closely behind. She agrees with him but her mouth is still kept shut with her glare firing holes into their backs.

    The red haired woman almost collided with Shaw's back when they suddenly stopped. She played it cool but she could clearly feel his brown eyes looking at her face. Now he was the one burning holes into her. Jessica doesn't like the look sent her way but she still didn't look at him when Margarita's fingers tapped on the digital screen before them. The Gray woman seriously doesn't know why she's reacting like this.

    Maybe I am jealous?

    Wait...did I just say that?

    Her green eyes widened for a millisecond at her thoughts. Something is wrong with her and the feeling in her chest really made her uneasy. She doesn't know what it is but she will for sure find out soon.

    ,,Eteon. Could you pick a harder place to break into?" At the sound of the organization, she wakes up from her daydreaming with a small start and Hobbs was quick enough to catch it. Her best friend gaze down at her for a moment with his eyebrow raised. Jessica never zones off much and when she does, something is really wrong...

     ,,We need to find the C-17 viral extraction machine." The female agent explains, looking at the screen. ,,Could be anywhere." She sighs.

    ,,That facility is three square miles of research labs." Hattie continues.

    ,,Yeah." Agrees the dark skinned man. ,,And it's a powder keg packed with munitions."

   She looks back at the blonde who sent her brother a knowing look. ,,We've gotta pull a Mick Jagger." The others in the room immediately show confusion on their faces at the words that slipped past her lips.

    ,,That sounds fun." Slowly says the redhead, still slightly confused.

   The brother shakes her head at his sister, visibly not liking the idea. ,,We're not getting you on the inside. No." He clarified but she still didn't listen, turning back to the others to explain this whole situation.

    ,,When Deck and I were kids, we'd spend our time coming up with these grifts. A Mick Jagger was a job that required one person to showboat to draw all the eyes while the others made the music. A typical inside job." Hattie says, flickering her green eyes between the two agents who listen intently. ,,Guys, you heard Andreiko. They have to use the extraction machine..."

    ,,So they'll take you right to it." Continue the redhead, know understanding her plan.

    The blonde nodded, looking up at her. ,,I can do it, we can do it." The blonde said, gazing at the two men who still wear a concern looks on their faces but Jessica trust her enough that she will make it safely out.

    Their company started to realize the same as her brother gives her a sigh of defeat. ,,So now the only question is how to ring Eteon's dinner bell." He says.

    ,,Oh, I can handle that part." Smirks the brown haired woman. ,,But first let's get you geared up."

   ,,Yeah, let's." She mumbles under her breath, Margarita's words barely being spoken when the redhead already had her eyes at a table where weapons were placed.

    The conversation seemed to come to end when no-one continue it, so she saw it as a good time to have a closer look at the table. Maybe it sounds weird but when she always hears the sound of freshly reloaded gun, it makes her relax.

     It is odly satisfying.

    The redhead for a moment is just looking upon the weapons, caressing the triger of the gun she is holding with her thumb. Suddenly someone came to her, joining her by her side and seemingly doing the same thing as her. She didn't even have to look to the direction of the man when her nostrils were strucked by the scent of his cologne. ,,So..." She starts out awkwardly which was something completely new to her and she wasn't the only one who caught it.

    ,,So?" Deckard continued, little bit confused by the tone of her voice and her question.

    ,,How do you know M?" It came from her mouth quicker than her mind could even process it. Her eyes widened again, thankfully being unnoticed by him. She even pressed the pocket knife open in her hand while she was in her shocked state.

    ,,Why?" He says, looking at her, a small smirk finding it's way to his lips. ,,Jealous much?" Teases the man, gazing back down at his own gun.

    The woman shrugged at the question, again her answer coming from her just not in the way she wanted. ,,You wish." Jessica scoffed, trying quickly to hide her first reaction and answer to his question and looking at anything other than his face because something shocking and unbelievable happened.

    She blushed.



To mochar_fangirl


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