➟𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙬𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙮-𝙩𝙬𝙤

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̶̶̶̶ ̶«̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ ̶ ̶̶̶ ̶«̶ ̶̶̶ ̶       ̶»̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ ̶ ̶̶̶ ̶»̶ ̶̶̶ 

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     EYES NARROWED, brows furrowed, the red haired agent slowly tilted her head at the scene before them. Her company which she spend the night with seem to be thinking the exact same thing but with a really big protective look in his eye. The two yesterday told each other everything that the other didn't know, Jessica than discovered that the woman they were looking for is his sister, she obviously didn't believe it right way but why would he even lie to her in the first place?

     ,,Hobbs! Put that down." Calls out Deckard, the duo snapping out of their shocked states and stepping in to the scene. The male pulls out his gun, making half of the CIA agents in the room point theirs at him, having no other choice, she join the party if he tries anything risque. The named man turn to them at the sudden call of his name. He was shocked for a moment that he actually come back but his friend could change anybody's mind.

     The blonde who is hold down by Luke snapped her head to meat his brother's gaze but he simply only had his eyes on the man who is holding her. ,,Get your greasy sausage fingers off of her." Continues the British male, making long quick steps to the two. The green eyed redhead raise her eyebrow at the horrible insult, following right after him. She caught Hattie's eyes for a moment, same curiosity in them, also filled with annoyance by how big of a scene were her brother and her friend making.

     ,,What are you doing here?" Speak up the sister of Shaw, cracking her neck to the side to give a proper look at him.

    ,,Saving you." He replies simply, Hattie by the time he finished answering, release herself from her friend's grib, swinging off the metal table on the solid ground.

    She sneers slightly at him, raising the weapon in her hands to point it at her brother. ,,I don't need to be saved." The woman remarks, ignoring the other two who points their own weapons at each one of them and the other agents who surround them doing the same.

     Deckard doesn't answer, Luke being the one who continues the conversation. ,,No, no, no." He clicks his tongue, going even closer to the siblings, creating some sort of circle with three of them being a part of it. ,,This is my house and your goddam girlfriend ain't going anywhere."

    The two visible cringed, the redhead fighting for doing it herself. Because of that statement Hattie swich her weapon to her other hand, know pointing it at him, not even bordering that the redhead point hers at her head. ,,That's disgusting." Comments the bleached blonde.

    ,,Girlfriend?" Repeats her brother in disbelief, pointing at the short haired female. ,,That is my sister." He corrects. Luke's eyes widened for a split second, not believing a thing of what he just said. For a confirmation he goes to his friend who only shrugs in response, not wanting to be part of this at all.

    ,,Bullshit." Hobbs said, looking at her. ,,She's too good looking to be your sister." His friend turn to him in disbelief and bottom lip rolled out, making her whole face come to disgust expression.

    ,,Very funny." Answers Shaw, sarcasm laced in his words, before he turn to look at his sister with slight concern flashing in his brown eyes. ,,Hat, there are people after you."

    ,,Believe me, I know that."

    ,,It's gonna stay that way unless you tell us where the virus is." Luke says.

    Deckard turn to him with a glare. ,,Listen to me, pinhead." He started. ,,She's gonna die if I don't get her out of here right now!"

    ,,We're all gonna die if she doesn't tell us where the weapon is." Her best friend corrects the criminal, his voice raising on volume.

    ,,Actually..." Hattie exclaims, slowly backing away from them, only making the redhead go more near her. ,,We're all gonna die 'cause I am the virus!" The woman raise her right hand by the end of the sentence, making Jessica's narrow her green eyes at her palm. A big wound, like a needle wound was visible on her palm with a little bit of purple lacing the edge of it. ,,It embedded in capsules. I need to find a way to get them out." The three of them gaze her up and down, with different feelings but concern was in all them, if for the world or only for her being. Without even doing or saying anything else the blonde turn around and goes to walk out of the room, leaving the stern looking trio by themselves.

      But something goes terrible wrong.

     She thought she will get use to it because of how many times it happen to her but person really can't get used to this feeling. Windows shatters all around them, a big sound wave making all of the people in the room fall down on the ground. The wave was so much bigger than expected that it make her fall flat on to a wall, making her hit the side of her head. A groan of pain comes from her, holding onto the wall for dear life, her blury vision catching glimpse of twk men swinging their way in from the open window. Her ears ringed, not even fully hearing the shouting of her name. A strong grib on her forearm was the thing make that eventually make her snap out of her trance. It shocks her how the wave could effect her that much that she wasn't even properly out of it.

     But now it isn't time for thinking.

     The person tug her forward, each step making her shake her of the weird feeling in her stomach. She was sure that this wasn't her first time feeling this impact but where she felt it before, she just couldn't place it. Each shockwaves are different is what she learned over the years but this one make her feel weird to her stomach. Shooting followed her like a veil on a bride, the woman on a last second falling and hiding behind a wall. Her brows furrowed in confusion as the person pressed themselves on her back, hiding her from the bullets send their way. When you say it isn't a weird thing but it is weird when your former enemy is the the one holding you. ,,Get off, you teabag." Warns Jessica, slapping off his hands away. The man was really getting on her nerves, now she is even using his stupid sense of insulting. Deckard only sigh, ignoring the redhead before him as same way as she did to him.

    ,,Bag the asset."

    That voice, I know that voice. It made her shiver, deja vu going over her but being missed by the two men. She knew that she shouldn't be thinking about anything else than saving Hattie and getting out of here as soon as possible but it will propably be pushing on her brain. Closing her eyes for a moment, she opens them with a new gush of bravery and resolution.

    She stands up from her hiding spot, leaving the duo behind her as she raise to fire at the black ops men before her. Pointing at one, she shoots him in the stomach, even knowing that it will not do anything to him by his heavily armoured suit but it still made him clunch at his new wound. Throwing her gun in her other hand, the female grabs his gun in her free one, twisting his arm around, making him turn his whole body around. The other member of Eteon tries to shoot her but it only hit her human shield. She wanted to kick her shield at him but her job was finished by her friend who just by two punches had him down on the ground. Shrugging at the looks on their faces, she kicks the men she was holding in tight grib in the shin, before throwing him on the ground.

    They quickly went to the broken window, where three black ropes were hooked, leading to their possible goal. The cold London air makes her eyes water little bit but she could still clearly see the three kidnappers and the big distance from them. ,,Now or never." Comments Luke, making her cringe and shudder about what she's going to do.

    ,,I'm more of a now type of guy." Shouts Deckard over the wind at them. The agent waves him off, while the other one nods his head at his rambling.

     The woman wipes her sweaty hands on her pants, cracking her knuckles to get herself ready for this situation. ,,On my three." Just as he said that Jessica grabbs the middle rope, swinging off the solid ground. The last thing she heard and saw was call of her name and shocked faces matching it, making her only chuckle back.

    Her hands burned as they lightly grazed the rope, letting her slide down quicker and easier. The breeze makes small tears escape from her eyes, trying hard to ignore the fear of falling raising in her but someone seemed to not mind falling at all. The someone is her best friend who falls fully down on the guy on her left. She didn't see him because the whole thing was happening above her but when he jumps and falls on the man on her right, knocking him out, her eyes widened at his dangerous bravery. The redhead was so registered on the scene on her right that she almost didn't stop herself when suddenly the rope ended. A confusion flash over as fast as it disappeared when she sees just few meters below her the kidnapper and the blonde laying on a glass roof. Something about the man really seemed familiar.

     As she goes to release herself, Luke flew right next to her, falling on the man who stood on the roof. The impact and the sudden weight on the glass, makes it shattered the two of them falling right through it. As she swings off the rope, landing on her feet, she was thankful that it didn't broke under her too. Standing up on her feet, the woman catch glympse of the blonde who ran away from her. Something tells her that she could take of herself, so Jessica decided to follow the others beneath her.

     When the agent jump off the roof, she registered the true chaos that is on the streets. Screaming of innocent people ring in her ears and distant shooting that she realize was from Deckard filled the whole street. She sees him clearly in distance but she couldn't see one person, her friend.

     Her green eyes search quickly the area and finally seeing him. The woman runs to him but her movements come to a stop when something very unexpected happens. Her best friend missed. He missed with his punch that was meant for the kidnapper before him. Then more shock strikes through her when the man hit him with a inhuman power that send him flying to a car.

     The male went to Hobbs with calmness in his steps, too distract to register the female agent who raise her hand to strike him nextly but by her shock he caught it, like he was watching her the whole time. Before she could get a good look at him, he grabs her by her arm, throwing her on the ground. The redhead flew few meters away, landing on the ground with a grunt. She knew only one person with this raw strenght and she knew that she would see him eventually by the circumstances they're in, but Jessica still wasn't confident to say it is trully him. So then the green eyed woman took her electrifying disk between her fingertips, raising her hand and throwing it right into his direction.

    Her eyes met his, catching both of them off guard but she still was able to hit him right on his chest. She didn't even need to strike him with the disk to know it was Brixton Lore. She could recognize his eyes everywhere. The dark skinned man was too slow too caught the disk in his hand and the shooting of gun from Deckard Shaw who hide behind one of the cars help her get up on her feet. The red haired agent was thankfull for that because nothing could seem to fully wake her of her schock.

    The Gray woman jump quickly on her feet, running to kneel right beside her rescuer who was wearing the same look on his face. The two look at each other with a longing look, too shocked too even do anything else but stare. ,,Jessica, it's been a long time." Says Brixton. ,,Never thought that I would see you again and with him."   The two look at each other for brief moment from their reloading but only finding out that both of them were out of bullets. ,,You're really went down your league."

     ,,Good to see you too, Brixton." Comments the British man, his brown eyes still flicking from moment to moment to hers. Both of them have really a explaining to do but they knew that now it wasn't time and that none of them really wanted to talk about it.

     ,,I think you're out of bullets, son." Remarks the heavily armored enemy.

    ,,Lucky for you, I am."

    ,,Yeah." Agrees the dark skinned man, his empty magazine falling on the ground. The two give it as a signal to stand up from their hiding spot, now the three of them standing before each other, not in the mood to even punch each other, too shocked of the unexpected reunion.

   Her green eyes goes up and down his figure. He really didn't change a bit, other than his suit and his now a inhuman powers. ,,Nice suit." She compliments, nodding in approvel.

    ,,Bulletproof." Adds Brixton, looking down at his body. ,,State of art." He says, exchanging his arms. He met her  eyes for a moment before they went to her company who had something to say himself.

    ,,Could've done with that the last time I put bullet in ya." The statement makes her turn her head to look up at him with frown.

    ,,No, actually, it was three bullets." Corrects their enemy, the trio getting closer to each other more and more by every word. ,,Two to the chest, one to the head." He wouldn't survive that but now being who he is, he could easily. ,,Just like they thought us. Do you remember?" She look at Deckard in disbelief, shaking her head at the thought that crossed her mind. With the same expression, she look up to Brixton who says the words that now seemed to shocked the man beside her.

    ,,But, you Jess, you for sure remember. Of course you do, you were always the best after all." He humms. The woman shake her head, small tears coming to her eyes and she was for sure it wasn't because of the cold wind. His dark eyes then goes to Shaw who was too bussy watching the redhead beside him but sound of his name make him eventually snap his attention back to him.

    ,,It's a shame you didn't join Eteon, Deckard." Lore remarks, gesturing to his suit nextly, the named male still keeping his lips shut, not really sure how to react or what to say. ,,You could've had all this, my friend." The two men were now just a few centimeters apart with the woman right behind Deckard, not wanting to get any closer to him.

     ,,Friend?" Repeats the British man, tasting the sound of it on his tongue and not liking it at all.


    The both of them are now dangerously close to each other and now she is the one who didn't like any of it. ,,You're not the man I knew." Comments the brother of Hattie.

    ,,No." He agrees. ,,I am way better. I'm future of mankind."

    Then not so unexpected thing happened that didn't catch her and Brixton of guard. Shaw raise his fist at him, already throwing it at him before he could've any second thoughts. The redhead knew already how this will end if she doesn't do anything. So she decides to grab Deckard's arm, shoving him right back before he could get punched. Brixton's punch misses her and before he could do anything else in his power he got punched right in the throat. It makes him stumble in shock that he couldn't hit her or block her fist first of all but like he said she was always the best.

     Recovery wasn't even on it's way when a pile of grenades slide to him, the agent not even looking back and going to help the British criminal on to his feet. The duo runs back to the car, just as the explosion goes off, leaving them just a small spare of time that could help them get away from all of this. They fall down on to their seats and not almost shutting their doors as they drive to find their company.

     The engine roars beside the blonde and the dark skinned man, making both of them to stop running and stop fully at the other two. The doors at her side open, the sister at the call of her name, snapping her head to the direction. ,,Hattie, get in the car." From behind her show up her best friend, thankfully without a injury and it made her breathe out in relief.

    ,,We're all going." He says, throught his heavy breathing. The male Shaw didn't like that answer at all, taking out his gun to point it at him, his arm stretching right before the glaring redhead.

     ,,Not you."

     A sound of another gun made the male in the driver seat freeze. The woman beside him place her own weapon at his head, in her other hand a knife that was lightly place on his expensive jacket in the direction fo hsi beating heart. ,,He is." She corrects, pressing the blade closer, little bit cutting into his skin. ,,We're all going." Deckard glares and groans in defeat, putting his weapon down and motioning for the duo to get in.

     But there was a small problem. The vehicle was too small for four grown adults to fit in. A thought flew through her after a small moment of the two trying to fit in, already rolling her eyes and sighing for hating to do this. She stand up as best as she could, making her way closer to the driver seat. ,,What are you doing?" Asks the British male.

      ,,I am driving." She says, looking at him and putting her right leg beside his as the duo spred across their free room.

     He shakes his head at that sentence. ,,No, you're not." He says, watching her as she put her other leg beside his, still standing.

     ,,Yes, I am." She corrects, now finally sitting down on his legs. God this is awkard. ,,Don't try to even say anything..." Warns the female agent, trying to get comfortable. If it was even possible. The car was just too small and so it made her fall right on him, resting her whole back on his chest. Ignoring the position she is in, her eyes sees in the rearview mirror their enemies sitting down on their own vehicles. Grabbing the steering wheel in her hands, she finally step on the gas.

     The power of the engine is bigger than expected, catching her off guard but it still make her speed up more when she sees the nearing motorcycles. ,,What the hell did you do, Hattie?" Spoke up the man underneath her, while he has his gaze before him, watching the female drive right through the traffic.

     ,,A big brother lecture now, really?" His sister humms, glancing at him. ,,I inject myself. I didn't have a choice, he was gonna take it."

     The other woman rolls her eyes, doing a sharp turn to the right that make all of them lean on to the side and grab something to hold on. Unfortunately it made the male grab her waist with his hands, placing them almost around her whole stomach. She goes to ignore it completely, having a more important thing to do than make some clever remark.

     Then she made a another turn, driving right on the sidewalk. People jump out of the way, thankfully there weren't a lot of them, making a nice clear path for her to drive through. A first fire of bullets hit their car as she goes back on the road.

     An idea lights up in her, pulling down the window on her side and grabbing the wheel with only one hand, sheering. ,,You might wanna —" Before the blonde could finish, the redhead take advantage of her new angle, raising her gun to shoot down one of the man on the motorcycles. Her bullet gets caught in his wheel, making him loose control and crash, making her company humm at her success.

    ,,Impressive." Compliments Hattie, the woman flashing her a grin, before turning to drice into a alley. The brother humms softly behind her back, thinking it would get mumbled by her hair but she could hear it very clearly, making her even more smile.

    Her eyes narrowed at the path before her, looking at the highway at the end of their alley. Without even missing a beat, she drives right throught the traffic, perfectly missing the cars which almost hit her. The joy of her success didn't last long when bullets hit the corner of their window, making her eyes snap at the direction, seeing that it was Brixton who was owner of the bullets. One of them hit their left wheel, making her step on the breaks, sheer to the right before fully turning the car to go back where she came from. ,,Might be time for some curls." Remarks Hattie, Jessica looking at the direction she pointed to, already knowing what she's up to.

     Slamming her foot on the breaks, her friend breaks the window at his side, exchanging his arm as a member of Eteon gets grabbed by him, making him fall of his motorbike. The man screams at Luke as his breathe gets caught in his throat when he is smashed on one of the columns she drives next to. Her friend let go of him just as he hit it, pulling his arm back in the car with the blonde giving him the same look she gave her earlier. ,,Very good."

     ,,Wanna tell me just what in the fresh turkey hell we're dealing with here?" Asks Hobbs, looking slightly at the man in the driver seat, after nodding his head at the woman who gave him the compliment.

     ,,Long story." Answers Deckard simply, before he goes to explain it further. ,,He's a ghost. Supposed to be dead." He says, gazing through the rearview mirror at the named man. ,,Eight years ago, I put a bullet through his brain."

    ,,Great, so we're being chased by the Terminator."

    The woman ignores the two, too caught at the scene that was forming before her and the others quickly saw it too. ,,I don't think she's gonna make it." Comments the female Shaw, looking at two moving trucks before them, leaving them no room to go through. But eventually she sees the right way that she could go and the man beneath her did too.

     Jessica put her foot back on the breaks, snapping the steering wheel to the left and sheering to the side. Her breathe caught momentary in her throat when the car went under the trucks. Her eyes were wide but she was calm inside when she sees the light at the end of the tunnel. The woman turn the wheels back forward, her foot lifting of the brakes and going back on the gas. A breathy chuckle escapes her lips when they make it through but disappearing immediately when she sees the looks send her way.

     She thought they were safe for now but the man chasing them was already  behind them, making her breathe out through her nose. Looking out of their open window, her vision caught their enemy who raise his weapon at their direction.

    His bullet hit their wheel and sides making the light haired woman gasp and hide behind her seat as smoke started to raise frkm their car. The blonde looks up from her spot, her eyes looking at nothing else but the red double ducker which passes before them and the other ones that separate them from Brixton.

     A sudden move of the wheels, makes the car turn around, stopping right on the other side of the double decker which separate them from the enemy. The man on the motorcycle, didn't have much time to even slow down when the woman show up before him, so Lore's motorcycle ends up going up on their car, making a ramp from it which send him flying right into the bus before him. Jessica quickly turn back around, driving away from her enemy who end up crushing into the red double decker, not having any second thought other than getting right out of there.

     Finally a relief wash over her, relaxing on her seat, only straightening back up when she realize who her actual seat is. The whole ride is filled with silence, neither one of them want to speak up before they go somewhere safe, waiting for their stop to come which was sooner than expected. The green eyed redhead stopped in a quiet alley, where no-one than them was, already stepping out of the car and shaking off the uncomfortable feeling of her body pressed on his.

     ,,Okay, rides over." Says the British male, looking around, shutting the doors while the two women goes to have a look around. ,,We gotta lose this car."

     The four of them walk to the end of the lane, stopping around a corner as they look up to the billboard's screen where the blonde was looking. ,,Just got real." Her lips parted, watching the news with her picture next to the men's on the screen.

     ,,Who the hell are these guys?" Hattie breathes out. She didn't understand it. They're not the ones who should be on the screen and be marked as terrorists.

     ,,Eteon." Says Jessica bitterly, still looking up at the billboard. ,,Secret tech cult with a mercenary army and plenty of dark money. And delusions of saving the world by augmenting the human race."

    ,,Apparently they control the media as well." Nodds in agreement the light haired sister of Deckard Shaw.

    ,,Heard rumours about these people." Starts off Hobbs. ,,Everybody thinks they're a myth."

    ,,I've seen it firsthand how real they are." Shaw says, his gaze on her. ,,If you don't fit into their plans, you've already dug your own grave." She evert her gaze from him, watching as another stations on the screen showed up with the same news as the others and with their same photos on the display for the world to see.

     Her best friend nod at that. ,,Allright, let's get to the nearest losdown facility — " She shakes her at him, the other man stopping him before she could do it herself.

    ,,Hey, no, no, no. You don't get it do you?" Deckard says, looking at him. ,,Brixton's tier-one assassin, one of the best I've ever seen. I know him. He ain't never gonna stop until he gets the virus and besides that's my sister. Family business. Is your name Shaw? No. Then she's going nowhere with you." His voice raise on volume, making the two females look wearly around themselves.

     ,,When it comes to the fate of the world it becomes my business." Luke fires back, while the other two gaze at each other for a brief moment, both of them agreeing that this is just ridiculous and unnecessary. ,,I don't care if she's your sister that woman going anywhere — " Hattie and Jessica by the time nod at each other, their telepathy helping them to agree on the thought of trying to find something that could actually help them. Of course she wouldn't left her best friend there but the two of them together are really just waisting time.

     The duo of course see them backing away from them, snapping of their arguing for a small moment. ,, — where are you two going?" Ask simulently the two males, making the two females turn back to them.

    ,,Going to find something or someone that could actually help us while you two can keep comparing each other dicks —"

    ,,— you're both idiots and clearly can't work together. So we are gonna find the man who can help me get this thing out of my system. See ya." Hattie says, turning back to continue her path but another sentence stop her from it.

    ,,You mean this man?" Questions the dark skinned agent, the two women raising their eyes to look at his hand which held a cell-phone with the picture of their target. ,,I was tracking him before the attack. He's hard to find but I think I got a hell of a lead — Russian newspaper."

     ,,Not just any old paper." Deckard comments, looking closely at the phoscreen. ,,There's only one place in London that sells that."

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     AND HE WAS RIGHT. By her shock Deckard was right by his words. The man they were looking for, stood at the exact newspaper stand and she was happy that he wasn't making any consequences. Gazing before her with her head in her palm which was supported by her other arm, her eyes falls on his. ,,Tell us everything you know about this." She demands, gesturing with her head to the blonde's palm.

    ,,My god." The man in glasses said, eyes wide. ,,When were you exposed?" He ask, looking up at the female Shaw.

    ,,About 30 hours ago." Answers Hattie, putting down her hand.

    ,,Then the capsules containing the virus are still intact." The male realizes.

    Her best friend then spoke up, the others turning to look at him from accross the room. ,,So we need to neutralize it."

    The short hair professor shakes his head at that. ,,No, it's not that easy." His gaze falls back to the siblings who stood beside the redhead. ,,It's not programmed to any DNA sequence, it's fatal to everyone. In 42 hours, the capsules will dissolve and she will be infected." He continue, his voice filled with strong accent. ,,Then the virus will go airborne. We're talking global contamination within a week."

    ,,Why in the hell would you create something like that?" Luke remarks, putting his hands on his hips.

    ,,Because I thought I was one of them." The man replies, his voice cracking at the very end. The woman looks down at him in sympathy, knowing deep down how it felt.

    ,,Eteon." Deckard clarified.

    ,,They told me they wanted to save the world through science." He says, agreeing with the name that left his lips. ,,I believed in their cause. I developed the Snowflake to be a carrier for vaccines, panacea for the whole world but they redeveloped it into a programmable apocalypse to attack the weakest of us. Those not worthy of Eteon's vision of the future."

     ,,For a scientist you seem incredibly stupid." Comments the British man, making her shake her head in dissapointment.

     ,,Well, I am a two-times Nobel prize winner but who's counting?" Fires back the man, shrugering with his voice filled with sarcasm.

     The female sigh in to the air, crossing her arms over her chest before continuing their previous conversation. ,,You said the virus is programmable..." She trails off.

     ,,So reprogram it." Finish her best friend for her.

    ,,I can't reprogram it in a host." He explains to them, shaking his head furiously.

    ,,Just tell us how to get this thing out of me." Pleads the light haired woman, frustration flashing in her eyes.

    ,,Well there are two options." He starts of. ,,And the first is easy." The four of them nodded their heads, sighing out.



    ,,You kill her." That wasn't the answer that any of them was looking for, gazing at the Noble prize winner with disbelief and glares.

    ,,Excuse me?" Says her brother, stepping out of his shadows to get a proper look at the sitting male.

    The professor looks up at him catching at his words but in the worst way possible. ,,Oh and burn the body, of course." He adds, earning herself another meter to his grave.

     ,,Of course." Hattie repeats his words, nodding with her lips pursed.

    ,,Of course." Join the dark skinned agent.

    ,,No, I mean really burn it." The man with glasses said, his eyes flying to each one of them.

    ,,Really burn it." The short haired woman repeats again, nodding while sneering at him.

    ,,To ash."

   ,,To ash?" Says her brother.

   ,,Beyond all recognition."

   ,,Let's just asume that that's not a option, shall we, genius?" Deckard remarks.

    The agent duo nods, agreeing. ,,Yeah, it doesn't work for us. Option number two." Says Luke.

    The man then finally says their other option, making them little bit loosen up. ,,There's a machine that could preserve her life and extract the virus."

     ,,That should've been option number one." Clarified her best friend.

     ,,Because it's impossible to get to." He said, raising his voice.

     ,,We'll decide what's impossible. Where is it?" Asks the man in suit, making the professor's attention go to him.

    ,,It's in Eteon's laboratory where the Snowflake was developed." The male answers, having no problem with answering this question. ,,Secret dark-tech complex fortified by an army in the most godforsaken part of the planet. But if you go there, all four of you will die."

    The redhead frowns in thought at that. ,,So basically what are you saying is she dies no matter what." She says slowly, glancing for a moment at her and her brother.

    ,,Well." Hattie sighs, shrugging it off. ,,Who needs a drink?" She asks, licking her dry lips. The agent raise her hand slightly, a thought that was in her head the whole time being finally spoken.

    ,,Know a place where we can stay?" Jessica question, eyes flickering over the people in the room.

    ,,Yeah." Answers Deckard, looking at her from behind his shoulder. ,,But not people."

    The green eyed woman gaze on the floor for a moment, before she evert her gaze back to his. ,,I've got contacts."

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     LIGHTS FLICKER FOR A MOMENT IN THE COLD ROOM, before they light up the place fully, making full new view of their small sanctuary. The room wasn't any decorated and it was obvious because one thing she learned about Deckard is that he's a very clean and classy man but it doesn't stop him from buying supercars that seem to light up the dull room just enough. ,,Wow...look at all these." Compliment the dark skinned agent beside her, glancing at the sets of McLaren 720S in all colours you could thing of but you could see in distance even some other vehicles but this one seem to be here more than ones.

     ,,If anything, I am under-compensating." Remarks Shaw from the front, not even glancing back at him.

    Her eyes follow the line of the cars before they stop at the first one which wasn't 720S and it seemed to catch Luke's attention too. ,,And a teeny-tiny one." He says, looking at the Mini Cooper. ,,Just your size."

     Deckard ignore him, just as he always did, answering nonsense. ,,Used it for a job over in Italy. Shame we didn't need a weightlifting bus driver. Would've given you a call." The agent breathes out a laugh through her nose while Luke simply laughed out loud at his insult.

    The woman purse her lips in thought, glancing around herself when they stop at the end of their path. She looks over to the weapons on the wall, then on the small bar in the corner where the other two went. The redhead trails her eyes over the room before they come to a stop at a three monitors at a table, already making her way to it with the British criminal.

     Shoving her way pass him, she stop at the computer. Her fingers play on the keyboard for a moment, thinking about if her decision is really the right one but she still types name of the woman because there isn't any other person who could actually help them in this situation. Deckard comes to look at the screen, the female raising one of her eyebrow for a moment as she glance at his glaring face. The man shoots her the same expression before it wanders away when she suddenly stopped typing. The others come just at the right time, their gaze on the computer screen while the green eyed agent move out of the way to let the male finish the job.

     ,,I've old friend in Moscow." Jessica starts off, her eyes flickering to the dark haired woman with red full lips. ,,She and her crew are paying a visit to some locals, particular Russian criminal element. They have things that we're gonna need." She says before taking a small pause. ,,They can set us up with gear."

     ,,Jess, as well as I do getting out of this country is gonna be extremely difficult." Hobbs remarks before her with crossed arms. ,,We've have every major intelligence agency already haunting us down."

     ,,And there's the fact that you disgraced MI6 when you betrayed your team." Says Hattie matter of factly, moving to stand beside him. Her brother turn back to the computer in silence, typing for a moment on the keyboard.

     ,,Don't believe everything they tell you, Hat." Comments Deckard, turning back to them and walking up to the named woman. ,,Smile." He says, raising his phone to her face. She makes a quick sweet smile, holding up her drink in her hand while he takes the photo and then going back up to the computer.

     ,,No, regular back channels aren't gonna work this time." Warns her best friend. ,,We're gonna have to do our best to blend in."

     ,,Hide in plain sight." Joins the blonde, taking her last sip of her drink.

     ,,That's why we'll be flying commercial." Explains the man at the monitors.

     ,,Commercial? We're gonna get spotted too easy at —" The dark skinned male didn't have a chance to answer when his company raise his phone camera to his face, flash going over his features. The redhead smirks at her friend who shoot her a glare right back but she wasn't fast enough to change her expression when the male Shaw take a quick photo of her too.

     He puts his phone down on the table, pressing just one key bekfre turning his back to the computer. ,,Don't worry that pea-sized brain, handled it." He remarks, walking away from them while the trio looks closely at the screen. ,,Cloned our cell phone signals around the world, should by us at least 42 hours." The man continue, opening a chest that was placed by a wall. ,,We'll pick up new gear when we get to Moscow." He then takes two plastic bags, throwing one at her and his sister. ,,Should get us past the wandering eyes at the airport." The redhead purse her lips, looking through the bag for a moment before her gaze falls back at him. ,,This is probably the only thing that's gonna fit." Deckard comments, throwing a bag at her dark skinned friend.

    Luke catch it, fumbling the bag in his hands and testing the weight of it. ,,Fit what, a Smurf?

    ,,It think that's one of my old ones." Points out the British male. ,,I apologize in advance if it's a little loose around the balls." The agent laughs at that while the two females look at each other Jessica's words from earlier only being confirmed.

    ,,Okay what we got, though guy? Come on." The father says, making them all turn to him with their full attention.

    ,,I've created new identities and altered your biometric profiles so the airport scanner don't recognize your faces or your fingerprints." Deckard looks at his sister firstly who sat beside the male agent and handing the blonde a folder. ,,You're Sarah Atkins. You work in insurance." He explains. ,,I am Franz Gruber. I'm a freelance architect, avid mountain climber and a part-time ski instructor." The man says with a small smile grazing his lips before his brown eyes fall at Luke. ,,You're Michael Oxmaul —" He doesn't even finish when the redhead snickers out loud, followed by his sister who release a small laugh with her but the best friend didn't find it funny at all. With smile still on her lips, she cough, trying to mask her obvious amusement, looking back at the British man. ,,And you're Ada Wagner. German fashion designer for a teen magazine."

     Nodding and taking her own file, she goes to expect her role, not having anything against it while Luke started to bicker about it with the other man. The two women sat still at their previous seats, distant bickering from the males going off in the background of their reading. The Gray female goes to ignore her surroundings, like in daily basis but something  different makes her shift in her seat.

     She turn her head to the blonde beside her, catching her concentrated gaze that didn't stop even when she was caught. ,,What?" She asks, simply, raising both of her eyebrows.

     ,,How do you know Brixton?" Says Hattie, not looking away from her eyes.

     The redhead raise her eyebrow at that question, glancing at the direction of the duo. ,,Your brother has a big mouth..." Exhales the woman, looking down at her file. ,,Why does it even matter?" She continue.

    For an answer the light haired female leaned closer to her, her voice hushed and by the closeness of their bodies making Jessica look back at her. ,,If I know you're hiding something from us, let me tell you...it will not be pretty."

     The agent sighs, knowing that it is better if somebody now the truth, other than her brother. Checking over at the two men who still insult each other far away from them to hear anything, she turn her body to the woman next her. ,,Before I become who I am now, I was working for Eteon. After my family died, they give me a place to live, eat, they were like my family." She whispers, looking at the space behind Hattie's shoulder, not wanting to see her intense gaze. ,,They trained me, every day for ten hours. I always wanted to be the strongest, the best but so the others."

     ,,Brixton." Exclaims the female Shaw.

     ,,Yes." Says breathily the redhead, licking her lips before continuing. ,,I was eventually chosen as a best qualifier for the transformation, the transformation which made Brixton to this thing he's now."

     ,,But if you were the best, why they choose him?" She smiles bitterly at the question, for the first time meeting her gaze.

     ,,I found out that Eteon were the ones who killed my family." Answers Jessica, the bitter smile still on her lips but her voice didn't crack even a little bit by the words. ,,So I run away and become who I am know." She says, a real smile crossing over her face when she looks back at her best friend.

     Hattie becomes silent for a moment, not knowing for sure how to react to this. It makes her look back at her when the conversation was ended with a silence and the unsure expression on the blonde's face, makes the redhead speak up again. ,,I don't usually open up for people, so you better keep your mouth shut." Jessica warns.

     It made a small smile creep on her lips as the female Shaw catch her gaze. ,,Something tells me we will click just well." She said, the agent mimicking her expression before a small laughs escapes from both of their lips.

✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚* ❋ *˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧


     ,,WHAT'S UP WITH THE SOUR FACE?" The statement makes Jessica glare at Deckard, looking at him from behind her sunglasses. The man obviously knew what was with the sour face, the question only making her glare bigger. The woman sarcastically exchange out her arms, gesturing that someone was missing because him, the movement making her black wig sway to side to side.

     ,,You're asking? You just couldn't help yourself, huh?" She hiss at him, crossing her arms over her chest.

     He rolls his eyes at her. ,,It was funny." He grumbles back, shrugging.

     ,,Yeah, only for you." Hattie remarks, joining the party. ,,You two are behaving like five year olds." She says, looking over the woman to glare at her brother who sigh with annoyance in return.

   ,,Hi." Was heard from the doors of the plane, making her roll her eyes in relief, glancing at her dark skinned friend. ,,I'm here, I'm Michael." He said, putting his hand on the shoulder of the stewardess who stood at the doors. His awfully cheerful mood didn't make her loosen up, more glaring at him and his weird doings. Luke still with the same expression makes his way through the plane, greeting and smiling at people before he near the trio. ,,Oh, yeah, let's see. Where is my seat?" He wonders out loud, looking around himself. ,,F-One, F-Two..." His head slowly turn back at them, the male gazing down at Deckard with his grin now faded away. ,,F you." Hobbs then finally look at the two women with one watching him with a unimpressed look while the other wearing the complete opposite. ,,Hey." The man greets, making the blonde grin right back at him.

     The redhead looks between them, not clearly catching of what just happen but Hattie response with a shrugg of her shoulders that makes her sigh and fall down onto her seat.

     This is gonna be a long flight.



wow almost eight thousand words 💀

but told you guys it was going to be long



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