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'My day is really bland without the others.' Tsuna silently thought to himself. 'Although I don't like it, I guess it's all thanks to Iemitsu.'

Side stepping to the side once twice, "Oh, since the others are busy, I should visit Sho-kun." He got an idea to fill his boring day. Also an excuse to not meet Iemitsu. "I can get him to meet Verde and creates that box weapon things too.." He somehow became excited.

From one of his vision he remember about having a box weapon and also animal weapon. He remembers how he wanted to have a pet once and the animal weapon, Na-Tsu is just the cutest! "I can't wait for that." He happily thought.

And with that he arrives infront of Shoichi's house and rang the bell. As the door opens revealing the orange haired male, Tsuna grins, "Heya, Sho-kun!"


"Hehe, been a while! Say, I have an interesting thing to share..."




Tsuna who unexpectedly spent a little bit too long over Shoichi's place, just now starts going home.

It's already dark, and Tsuna will receive an earful for staying out late. He guarantees it.

Walking through the way in night feels a bit different, but still easing. He hums the trinisette song as he gaze at the night sky.

He slowly felt some flames moving closer to where he is and slowed down his pace.

"Found Tsuna!!"

"Ah! Dammit, you stupid cow!!"

"Now now, Gokudera, don't be so mad at the kid."

"Tsuna-nii!! Where have you been?"

Tsuna gave a smile towards the lightning child, "I was hanging out with a friend and lost track of time, Lambo." He told, holding Lambo and hugs him.

"Geez, you scared us because when we went to your house, your mom said you're not home yet."

"I'm sorry for not there with you, Tenth!"

"It's okay, it's okay. I know you all are training hard." Tsuna replies back with a smile.

"You should've informed someone first before disappearing. Your elements are much protective than you thought they are." Reborn told.

Tsuna chuckles lightly before glancing at the back where he felt more presence. "Seems like we have companies."

Gokudera and Yamamoto became alarmed in the next second, Reborn hums.

"Are you the one who posesses the other half Lightning Vongola ring?"

Looking up towards the spoker, Tsuna hums. "To be true, I haven't distributed the half Vongola ring." He told. "So I guess it's a yes, that I possess all of the other halves."

"Then I shall-"

Tsuna cuts him off, "Before that, why don't you call the rest of the Varia?" He offers, "I have something I need to say to your boss."

"How dare you-"

"Now, don't be hasty. I really do not prefer to have a fight." Tsuna's eyes narrows as he lightly glares, "So, please?" He returns to his smile, although it became scary in one way or another.

"What are you planning, Tsuna?" Reborn decided to ask.

"An easier way to do rather than a pointless fight..?" Tsuna tilts his head lightly, "I've told you that I didn't want to fight unless it's necessary."

"And that is?"

Tsuna just gave a smile, "Nevermind that, when will you stop hiding? I already know so just come out." He then voice out, "They're here too."



Yamamoto and Gokudera, also Lambo shudders from the intimidating aura from the other side's boss. "It's okay, calm down." Tsuna whispers out to Lambo, patting him lightly and also spreading his sky flames to ease his two other guardians.

The brunette then gaze to the group, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Varia." He told softly.

"You're the trash from that time-!"

Noticing the familiar silver long haired one, Tsuna gave a smile, "Yes. I'm Tsunayoshi Sawada, the other Vongola Decimo candidate."

"So you're the trash."

"Hand over the other half of Vongola rings."

Tsuna then eyed the only infant in the group, 'I wonder if Mammon is also informed or..' He then also glanced at the huge robot, before he return his gaze towards Xanxus. "I have something to say before that."

"You think we'll listen?!"

Tsuna's chin lowered, as he lets out his own intimidating aura. "I don't fancy fighting you see." His three guardians gulped from the rare, scary Tsuna.

Even the hiding figure, or rather Iemitsu was startled.

"What is it."

As he was given the okay to have the talk, Tsuna's scary, intimidating aura disperse, "Thank you!" And it was replaced by the warm feeling again. "Okay so firstly, I'll give you the other half of the Sky Vongola ring."


Tsuna glares at the person who yells loudest, his father.

"No, why are you giving it away?!"

"I haven't finished talking." Tsuna shows his annoyance. "Listen to someone until the end." He glares.

Iemitsu raises both of his hand in surrender and nodded.

"As I was saying, I'll give it to you. However, if the ring doesn't accept you then that's it, leave all of the Vongola rings and go back to where you belong." Tsuna told, staring at the group.


Tsuna smiles, going through his bag where he have the Vongola rings and threw the said half sky Vongola ring to Xanxus' side. "Heh, you'll regret this, scum."

Tsuna just continue to stare as Xanxus put on the ring and it starts glowing as Xanxus grins. "This is it! This is power!!"

"The rings are told to grant power to the successor, the new blood of Vongola." Tsuna trails off, "however.."

Tsuna covered Lambo's eyes as suddenly Xanxus threw up blood, "Xanxus doesn't have Vongola's blood." He voiced out as Xanxus fell on his knee with his guardians ushering him confused and bewildred. "Thus, the ring will never accept him."

"You, fucking piece of trash...!!" Xanxus glares at Tsuna as slowly the Sky ring slips off from his hand. Dropping and rolling towards Tsuna's place, he picked it up. "You, how do you know?!"

"I have cheats." Tsuna replies briefly. "So, will you release Vongola Nono now?"

This earned shocked looks from the others. "What do you mean, Tsuna?"

"Gola Mosca, a robot that uses dying will flames as it fuel."

Xanxus' glares deeper, "You shit, I'm gonna murder you-" He swiftly took out his gun and loaded it, shooting it towards Tsuna.

Tsuna quickly gave Lambo to Gokudera and pushed everyone, "Hey! I already told you I didn't want to fight!" He complained as he narrowly escaped with his friends on his hug.

"I don't give a shit." Xanxus rapidly fired, ignoring the brunette.

Tsuna grumbles, "my body is still aching from my recent death, goddammit." He put on his gloves and instantly turns into hyper dying will mode, "I'm skipping school from sore muscle you hear me."

Reborn scoffs, "Just get going, complaining-Tsuna."

"Yes yes." Tsuna dashes towards Xanxus, "X-Gloves ver. Big bang Axle." He puched Xanxus in the face.

The others stares in awe and shock.

Tsuna looks at his gloves, "Well I guess it still works, though it's not near strong.." He mumble out, remembering how Big Bang Axle is supposed to be as strong as an X-Burner, or at least that's how his other self made it. Well he still doesn't have Mittena di Vongola Primo so that's probably why it's weaker.

"Anyway, we done? Just return the rings and release Nono okay?" Tsuna who's now standing in the middle of Varia received the wary eyes, "or I'll get them back myself." Tsuna mumbles out, swiftly chopping each member's neck, putting them to sleep and pull out the rings from their hands.

Well exception of Gola Mosca and Mammon.

Gola Mosca hasn't received any order so it ain't moving while Mammon unexpectedly gave the ring willingly. "Oh? Thank you."

Mammon hmph-ed, "An exception for the Sky."

"Ah, so you do know. Nice to meet you."

Mammon didn't reply and hid themself* with their's mist flame.

"And well, that's one thing done, I guess?" Tsuna brushes his hands as he releases himself from the hyper dying will mode.

"Hey, Iemitsu, inside this is Nono. Take care of it." Tsuna knocks twice on Gola Mosca at the gaping blond. "Now, let's go home~" Tsuna stretched as he went to his two, three friends' side.

"That was so cool, Tsuna!!"

"As expected of Tenth!!"

Lambo fell asleep sometime during the battle.

"It was one long day."


30 October 2021

*I decided to make Mammon's pronounces they/them, since they are gender neutral.

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