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"--stab me!! With the knife or whatever, just stab me!"

"Tsuna! You-"

"Tenth!! Please reconsider!!"

"I'll stab you for you-"

"No! I'll.. stab myself."

'Yamamoto and Gokudera-kun have been covering for me without caring themselves..'

'The least I can do to save Kyoko-chan is..--'

He readied his hand with the knife to himself, "IS THIS!!" He pushed the knife to himself. --stab

He feel the pain from the knife ripping his skin, coughing blood as he was too late to realise there's poison in the blade, he slowly felt a burning sensation from the cut-------

Tsuna's body starts trembling and he also starts hyperventilating as he gasp out for air, eyes opening wide with tears leaking out from the unbearable pain.

Again, Reborn who was fast asleep got caught off guard and quickly went to Tsuna's side. "Tsuna! Snap out of it!!" He asks Leon to turn into a paperbag and forced Tsuna to sit up.

Giving the paper bag to Tsuna's hand and guided it to the brunette's face, "Breath, Tsuna, breath-" Reborn halted when he felt Tsuna's sky flames flowing towards his.. wardrobe?

'What's that?'

But nevermind that, he needs to wake the brunette first. Seeing he slowly calms down in the Leon paper bag, he felt a bit relieved.

But still, just what does he dream off? It's very worrisome.

"Are you awake, Tsuna?"

Tsuna stiffly nodded, "Y-Yes.." He replies softly. "Thank you.."

That reminds Reborn of TYL Lambo's words. "Tsuna, you remember that stupis cow's ten years self's words don't you?" Tsuna froze before he hessitantly nodded. "Then you better do it before you break down."

Tsuna bit his lip, "..."

Reborn sighs, "Just plant it in your mind that you are not alone now." He lastly told before he decided to went back to sleep as it's only 1 AM.

The brunette stares into nothingness, inputting Reborn's words. 'But even if I do say it.. Will they trust me?'

'I mean, who would believe that I can see[ myself ]dying?'





Tsuna flinched lightly, "A-Ah, yes?" He mumble out, caught off guard.

"Are you okay? You looked very out of it today." Yamamoto frowns lightly. "Do you want to talk.. about it?"

Tsuna shook his head, "N-No, it's okay. I just.. have a bad dream.." He trails off.

"You can talk about it to us if you want to, Tenth!" Gokudera added on. "As your right hand man, I will be honored to be a help for you."

Tsuna slowly nodded, "..thank you." He told, "But it's okay, it's really something that happens regularly.."

"Alright then," Yamamoto replies, "But don't forget that we're also here alright?"

"I will."


"S-Sorry-" Tsuna quickly apologised, as he was the one who's in the daze all the time today. Looking at the child he bumped he quickly crouched down, "Are you okay? Did that hurt?"

The child with light brown hair shook his head, "I'm okay.." Then he looked up and the two's eyes met. "Ah! Tsuna-nii!!"

Tsuna tilted his head, "You are.."

Hearing some footsteps behind, "Oh no, I'm chased.." The younger brunette starts panicking.

"My house is nearby," Tsuna announced, giving a look to Gokudera and Yamamoto, "Come."

The young brunette gave a teary eye, "T-Thank you!" And with that the four ran towards Tsuna's house.

Tsuna took out his phone, "When we get to the house, don't enter but lean on the door." He warned.

The three gave a confused look but nodded.

Doing as told, the three squeezed at the front door, Tsuna too stopped right at the front, and glanced to the front where many men were running after them or well, Fuuta.

"Give us that child and we'll let you go." One of the men told, walking closer to them.

'...they're all here.' Tsuna mentally noted, fingers ready on his phone. Standing relaxed, he waited for the men to be on the inside of the gates.

"Come and get him yourself." Tsuna announced and the men nodded to each other, rushing inside.

When he saw that, Tsuna smirks, "Bye." And pressed a button as the whole place's ground suddenly opens to the side.

"Wha-" What the men last saw were Tsuna's waving hands with Gokudera, Yamamoto and Fuuta's gaping face.

"...whoa! What was that?!" Yamamoto commented.

Tsuna pressed another button as the ground returns, and turns his face to the other three. "This whole house have a lot of traps." He lightly told. "Anyone who's not invited will have to say bye bye." He gave a smile.

"That's so cool!!" Gokudera's eyes shone. "As expected of Tenth!"

"It's a necessary move to keep mom safe." Tsuna mumbled out. "Anyway, let's get inside. Before anyone else comes."

'Does this mean that fight will happens..?' Tsuna silently thought to himself. 'Mukuro.. Rokudo..-'

"Tsuna-nii! Welcome home!!"

Tsuna flashed a smile to Lambo and Ipin. "I'm home." He then put his items on the side again, like always, and then went to Nana's room followed by the guests. "Mom, I'm home."

"Excuse us for intruding." Yamamoto and Gokudera told.

Fuuta looks flustered but bows down, "Excuse me for intruding."

"Welcome home, Tsu-kun! Also welcome Gokudera-kun and Yamamoto-kun." Nana gave a smile, she was sitting on bed preparing for her walk already. "Oh? And who's this?"

"I'm Fuuta." Fuuta told, "Nice to meet you.."

"Welcome to our house, Fuuta. Sorry you have to meet me in this condition."

"No no, it's alright!"

"Was Lambo and Ipin going to accompany your walk today?" Tsuna asks.

"Yes! They're such good kids." Nana replies with a smile. "It's good now that Lambo and Ipin can accompany me so you don't have to do it all of the time. You can have fun with your friends more now!"

Tsuna gave a sad smile, "Don't say that mom.." He trails off, "I'll go prepare dinner now so when you finished your walk we can eat." He then told.

"Alright then. I'll be off now."

"Be careful!"


27 October 2021

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