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The courtyard of the Daitya palace was abuzz with activity. The Asuras, their faces etched with a mixture of anticipation and determination, were engaged in the preparations for the yagna.

The Daityas, their muscles straining as they lifted heavy beams of wood, were constructing the elaborate podium where the sacred fire would be kindled. The Danavas were decorating the courtyard with colorful banners and garlands. The Rakshasas, their voices raised in a harmonious chorus, were practicing the ancient mantras, their chanting echoing through the vast place.

The atmosphere was charged with a sense of purpose, a collective effort towards a common goal. The preparations were meticulous, every detail carefully planned and executed with precision.

A grand chariot, pulled by a powerful Asur, arrived at the Daitya palace. The dust kicked up by its wheels settled, revealing the figures of Diti and Danu, their faces etched with a mixture of anticipation and excitement.

As they stepped out of the chariot, their eyes were drawn to the bustling scene before them. The Daityas and Danavas, their preparations in full swing, created a vibrant tapestry of activity. A sense of assurance filled Diti and Danu as they witnessed the meticulous preparations. Swarglok, once a distant dream, was now within reach, a tantalizing prize that was almost theirs for the taking.

Their hearts swelled with pride, their eyes filled with a mixture of hope and determination. The moment they had been waiting for was finally here, the culmination of years of planning and sacrifice.

Diti turned to Danu, her eyes filled with a mixture of pride and satisfaction. "See, I told you he would remember his goal," she said, her voice carrying a note of triumph.

Danu smiled, her eyes sparkling with a sense of relief. "You were right," she replied, her voice filled with admiration.

The risks they had taken, the sacrifices they had made, seemed insignificant in the face of the impending reward. The thought of ruling the heavens, of reigning supreme over the celestial realm, filled them with a sense of exhilaration. Their hearts pounded with anticipation, their minds racing with the possibilities that lay ahead.

The future, once uncertain and fraught with danger, now seemed bright and promising.

Diti and Danu, their figures bathed in the soft glow of the setting sun, walked through the courtyard. The Asuras, their eyes filled with a mixture of respect and admiration, bowed their heads as the two passed by.

The grand Daitya palace, adorned with intricate carvings and festive decorations, was also a sight to behold. The opulence of the decorations was immediately apparent. The walls were adorned with intricate tapestries, depicting scenes of battles and triumphs. The floors were covered with luxurious carpets, their patterns intricate and mesmerizing.

As Diti and Danu walked through the palace, their eyes scanned the bustling scene. They noticed Vakrang, walking on the other side of the corridor, his expression a mixture of resentment and frustration.

"Vakrang !" Diti called out, her voice commanding his attention.

Vakrang, his expression a mixture of deference and resentment, approached Diti upon hearing her call. He bowed respectfully, his pride momentarily humbled by her commanding presence.

"Where is Ajashakti ?" She asked, her voice carrying a note of impatience.

Vakrang, his annoyance evident, replied, "He must be with his wife, lost in the world of love, oblivious to the challenges that lie ahead."

"Oblivious ? Because of Rachna ?" Danu asked, her eyes widening in surprise.

Vakrang frowned, his confusion evident. "Who is Rachna ?"

"His wife." Danu said, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Vakrang shook his head and corrected, "Ajashakti's wife is named Anugamini."

Diti and Danu exchanged a puzzled glance, their minds racing to make sense of the conflicting information.

"Ajashakti said his wife's name was Rachna when he visited us," Diti replied, her voice carrying a note of uncertainty.

"Ajashakti has never left the premises of the Daitya kingdom," Vakrang insisted, "You must've been mistaken somewhere."

With that he turned and left their presence. Diti and Danu exchanged another glance, their eyes filled with a mixture of confusion and dread.

"If Ajashakti didn't leave the kingdom," Diti mused, her voice filled with a mixture of dread and fear, "then who visited us ?"

Danu, her heart pounding with a sense of foreboding, replied, "Could it be..." Her voice trailed off, the unspoken fear hanging heavy in the air.

A sense of urgency propelled Diti and Danu forward. They hurried towards the Antahpur, their minds racing, their hearts filled with a mixture of dread and determination.

The maids of the Antahpur, their eyes filled with a mixture of respect and curiosity, bowed to Diti and Danu as they entered the inner quarters. However, the two celestial beings were too preoccupied to acknowledge their greetings.

They walked towards Ajashakti's room, their footsteps echoing in the quiet hallway. The door, a heavy wooden structure, was closed. Diti, her hand trembling slightly, raised it and knocked on the door. The sound echoed through the room, a disturbance in the peaceful silence.

"Ajashakti !" Diti said, "Open the door, son."

The door creaked open, revealing Ajashakti standing in the doorway. His face, illuminated by the soft light, was adorned with a warm smile.

"Come in," he said, his voice filled with a sense of hospitality.

They stepped into the room, their eyes scanning the surroundings. Ajashakti gestured towards the diwan. "Please, sit down," he said, his voice carrying a note of courtesy.

Diti and Danu, their hearts pounding with a mixture of anticipation and dread, complied. They sat down on the diwan, their eyes fixed on Ajashakti.

"Are you both well ?" He asked, his voice filled with a genuine concern.

Diti, her impatience evident, replied, "We are fine." Her words were a curt dismissal, her mind racing with questions.

Ajashakti, undeterred by her abruptness, continued to smile. "I was looking forward to your arrival," he said, his eyes sparkling with a hint of excitement. "I wanted you to meet my wife."

Diti and Danu exchanged a knowing glance, their hearts pounding with a mixture of dread and realization. Ajashakti's words were a confirmation, a revelation that meant the one who visited them wasn't him.

Just as their minds were racing, trying to process the implications of this revelation, a tray of drinks was placed before them. Both Diti and Danu looked up, their eyes meeting Anugamini's.

"It's a delight to meet you." She said.

Diti and Danu's faces paled. The woman before them was none other than Amarsri, the divine consort of Srinav. The revelation was a bolt of lightning, striking them with a force that left them reeling.

Anugamini had a smile on her face and a knowing glint in her eyes. Her plan, carefully orchestrated, had unfolded exactly as she had envisioned.


The confrontation between Anugamini and Diti Danu, which you all have been waiting for 🌝🔥

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