Saving christmas

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At the north pole we see two figures as they were in a lab one had a large white beard and was wearing suspenders and a white shirt and the other had pointy ears and wearing a uniform as they were in a testing room and they see a family as a child opened a present as a light was seen in it as the other looked in it as they began to fight over it and then the parents fought after seeing the inside of the box to the point where the whole family fought each other for the box. We then see the lab being set on fire as any work that was in it was being destroyed as the person tried to stop them but the white bearded man pushed him away as he looked at him in anger.

We then see a large white house as we see you and the others in it along with other people

Kara: Of all the places we should be at why did your bring us here?

(Y/N): She thought it would be cool to bring us here and invite some other people too.

Then a fat man and a ghost open the door.

???(muscle man): What are you all doing here? *sees you* And what's up with you cat boy?

(Y/N): I got mutated into a Cheetah. Long story.

Muscle man: You know who else got mutated into a cheetah?

Babs: Who?

Muscle man: MY MOM!

(Y/N): What?

Karen: I don't get it.

???(benson) muscle man what's going?

Then you saw a gumball machine with arms, legs and a face came as he saw you all.

Benson: Oh the guests are here.

(M/N): Yes we're here for the christmas party.

(Y/N): Dude where did you get that sweater?

Kara: yeah it looks...

Diana: very unattractive.

(Y/N): you mean ugly?

Diana: yes that.

Angel dust: yeah that's like worlds worst sweater.

Babs: Yeah angel's right, you need better taste.

Zee: Yeah that is very ugly.

Benson: Look let's just go inside.

Then you and the others came in as you saw an old man with a big head.

(Y/N): Uhhh, hello?

Pops: Oh, nice kitty.

Then he started to pet you on the head.

(Y/N): *while being petted* I am not a house cat sir.

Benson: Pops, please stop petting our guest.

Pops: Yes benson.

Then Pops stopped petting you.

Pops: my apologies for petting you.

(Y/N): um it's cool names (Y/N) and you are?

Pops: Oh my name is Pops.

(Y/N): and this is my Mom my dad and my girlfriends and some other people my mom invited.

Benson: Well we're glad to have you all here for Christmas.

Jessica: well we're glad to be here.

???(Rigby): dude who's the cat guy.

???(Mordecai): I don't know

You looked to see a blue jay and a raccoon

(Y/N): Everyone calls me a cat. I'm a cheetah not a cat, there's a big difference.

Jessica: exactly your a predatory person.

Rigby: what does that mean?

(Y/N): it means to me your on my menu and bird boy over there is dinner.

Then Jessica sprayed you with water.

(Y/N): *while getting sprayed* ah hey! I wasn't gonna eat them. I was only joking.

Jessica: *stops spraying you* well alright *gives you some tuna* but behave mr.

(Y/N): I will. I promise that I won't eat anything living.

Jessica: Good.

Rigby: oh man that's a relief.

Mordecai. Yeah same here. Oh sorry I'm Mordicai.

(Y/N): (Y/N), sorry for almost making you my dinner.

Rigby: It's cool, it's not your fault your a killer cat.

Then Mordecai punch rigby really hard in the arm.

Rigby: ow!

(Y/N): yeah that's what happens when ooze fall from the sky hits you and turns you into the last thing you touch. Long story.

Mordecai: Eh we dealt with weirder stuff before.

Babs: really? Like what?

Mordecai: a lot of strange things. It's a long story.

(Y/N): Ok, well I think this will be the best Christmas ever.

Babs: of all time.

Rigby: What's up with your hand?

(Y/N): Oh you means this *shows the hand with the ultimatrix* it got merged with my arm when I got mutated.

Then you used it and became Abatoon.

(Y/N): Ta-da! This thing can allow me to turn into many different super awesome aliens.

Mordecai: what do you call that one.

(Y/N): This one I like to call Abatoon

Then the badge on your belt began to project a hologram of a planet that look cartoonish and was black and white.

Voice: Welcome everyone and Rigby, to Vivera home of Abatoon. Vivera is a planet that looks like an old cartoon and the inhabitants look like cartoon characters but most of them look like little devils, the Viverasapiens are a cartoonish race of ink people that use cartoon physics and humor to their advantage and looks like we see is one ship heading off to another planet to show entertainment.

We then see a crew of viverasapiens as they were on a spaceship that looks like a steamboat as it was going through space as it was heading to a fire planet.

Voice: And it looks like there heading to pyros home of the pyronites and in the middle of their ice egg holiday.

Then the pyronites saw the ship landed as it was near them.

Pyronite: Party crashers, this is a no bummer zone.

Viverasapien: Wait we come in peace. We just want to show you entertainment.

Pyronite: Well, as long as you don't mind the heat.

Viverasapien: we don't mind.

Then we see the viverasapiens as they were on a stage performing a show for them.

Voice: Seems like the viverasapiens are getting along just fine with the pyronites as they show their performance to the pyronites. And we shouldn't stick around for long until next time.

Rigby: What was that?

You then turn back to your mutant form.

(Y/N): that was abatoon's home world and heatblast's homeworld.

Jessica: So Abatoon's species aren't really annoying?

Karen: They just wanted to entertain people?

(Y/N): yeah there sortta like zee.

Zee: But why does their ship look like a steamboat?

(Y/N): I guess it's just the way they make it.

???(Skips): they are a cartoonish race afterall.

Then you turn around to see a white gorilla with large muscles and pants.

(Y/N): oh hey skips.

Skips: hey (Y/N) finally got Mutated huh.

(Y/N): yep.

Zee: You know him?

(Y/N): oh yeah he invites me for bowling every now and then. Plus he's an imortal.

Babs: Why is his name skips?

Skips: my real name was walks before it was Skips.

Karen: But why did you change your name?

Skips: I was tired of people asking me why my name is Walks when i always skipped.

Kara: Ok. But how do you know about Abatoon's species?

Skips: (Y/N) told me about and he told me about kryptonians sorry about home planet.

Kara: It's cool.

Skips: Well i did find was an alien species called Corydons natived to the planet Vivera.

Babs: That's abatoon's home planet.

Skips: And it's the natural predator of a Viverasapien.

Kara: but what could eat a cartoon alien?

Skip: This.

Then he showed you all an alien that looked like a clown from a video game called Cuphead as it had metal teeth.

(Y/N): *hides behind Diana* ah get it away from me! You know I hate clowns man c'mon!

Skips: sorry, i just wanted to tell you about this predator alien is that you do not want to turn into abtoon while fighting it.

Diana: so what is so scary about this court jester?

(Y/N): it's a clown, a freakish scary clown.

Diana: yes that.

Skips: Corydons have the same abilities as Abatoon and it can fly and has metal teeth.

Then a video was shown of Bepclown as he duplicated into four clones of himself.

(Y/N): *while hiding behind Diana* oh great now there's more of them.

Then skips put it away.

Skips: Anyway, sorry about showing you it without telling you it.

(Y/N): *stops hiding* that's okay man, but just give me a heads up or something.

Kara: Man, are you scared of clowns?

(Y/N): me and cousin Ben hate clowns why would you find them funny?

Ben: Beside we even fought a clown called zombozo.

(Y/N): and compared to abatoons predator, I hate them both.

Diana: *pets you* It is ok, I will protect you from what you fear.

(Y/N): *hugs back* thanks Diana your the best.

Jessica: But you don't have to be afraid of it, everyone is scared of something.

(Y/N): really what are you scared of?

Jessica: Look the point is sooner or later you are going to have to face your fear.

Mikey: Yeah, besides Raph is scared of roaches.

Raph: I am not.

Then mikey held a cockroach as Raph saw it and screamed in fear and hid In his shell.

(Y/N): you know seeing Raph scared of roaches Actually makes me feel better is some weird way.

Mordecai: Yeah and rigby couldn't beat anyone at punchies. Like when he played punchies with skips.

Rigby: Stop talking! There was only damage to the one cheek and you know it.

Mordecai: *laugh* That's right we use to call you the one cheek wonder. I'm bringing it back.

Rigby: You better not!

Then muscle man came in.

Muscle man: Is that one cheek wonder?

Babs: One cheek wonder?

Mordecai: It's a name we gave rigby.

Muscle man: Yeah and I hope he's not trying to play punchies with cheeks like that.

Then you and the others saw why he was called one cheek wonder and began to laugh as rigby covered it.

Rigby: Shut up! Don't look at them!

Kara: Ok that is funny.

Diana: *laughs* he only has one buttock.

Benson: Ok everyone settle down, ok the fridge is low on sodas but there is some in the garage.

(Y/N): Me and Keith can get them.

Mordecai: Me and Rigby will go too.

(Y/N): You mean one cheek wonder? *laughing*

Diana: *laughs* I will go with you too.

Rigby: Stop talking!

Benson: Ok just hurry.

(Y/N): Ok.

Then you, Diana, Keith, Mordecai and Rigby went out to go to the garage as you notice something falling and it crashes into the garage.

(Y/N): What was that?

Keith: Let's check it out.

We then see you diana and the others go to the garage to find a wounded man with a white beard as he had a present.

(Y/N): Dude are you ok?

Keith: Who are you?

Santa: I'm santa claus.

Mordecai: You're not santa, santa has rosy cheeks.

(Y/N): and yours are bruised.

Diana: and you do not have the st.nick aroma of ginger cookies and peppermint.

Rigby: And you smell like You stepped in something.

Santa: Well I was shot and fell thousands of feet. You guys are Mordecai, Rigby, Diana, Keith and (Y/N). And i always got letters From all of you.

Diana: really then if you are not a pretender then what did we want for Christmas?

Santa: Your notes said "Dear santa give me and my bud Keith invisibility cloaks and portal guns from portal 2". "dear santa dude don't be a jerk just give us The invisibility cloaks." " Dearest santa will you please make energy sword from halo and a new shield my old one is going up the great beyond".

(Y/N): That's right, then you really are santa.

Rigby: But how come we never got those things?

Santa: It's against the rules to give magical items and advanced weaponry as gifts.

Mordecai: What? Santa has to follow rules?

Rigby: What's in the box?

Santa: wait don't open it!

(Y/N): What's wrong?

Santa: It's not what's in the box, it's what it does to you.

Diana: What do you mean?

Santa: The box gives you what you desire the most but it brings out the worst in you. The box needs to be destroyed.

(Y/N): no problem one stomp from waybig and this box done.

Santa: the box is made from dark magic, it can't be destroyed by any normal method. You have to hurry before they get it.

(Y/N): they? Who's they?

Santa: Quillgin and Jingle Jim, if they get the box they'll Use it's power to give them what they desire the most, the destruction of Christmas forever.

Then santa passed out.

Rigby: Dude he passed out.

(Y/N): We gotta get help.

You, Diana, Mordecai and Rigby left the garage to get the others.

Babs: hey where's the soda?

Keith: We gotta help Santa.

Kara: santa? Uh did you hit your head or something?

(Y/N): Follow us.

Then you and The others all went to the garage.

(Y/N): He's in here.

Then you saw that Santa Was gone.

Benson: Santa huh?

Diana: we are telling the truth we saw st.nicholes here.

Rigby: Maybe he's just hiding.

Muscle man: Weak prank bros.

Doris: Yeah this aint funny.

Pops: I agree bad show.

Mordecai: it's not a prank he was right here.

(Y/N): He gave us this box, it can give people whatever they want but it turns them evil.

Benson: Enough * he takes the box.* Give me that.

Weiss: Yeah it's probably Empty.

Then benson Opened the box as a light was seen from it Benson and weiss Looked into it as their eyes were big.

Benson: What the?

Weiss: What in the name.

Muscle man: I wanna see. *looks in the box along with doris* Aw sweet.

Doris: Awesome.

Rigby: No!

Muscle man: Give it!

Then they began fighting then pops saw the box and Babs looked into it as High-five ghost looked in it and then Jessica and carol and then You Took It and held it high as The others tried to get it from you.

Babs: Give it back!

Doris: Give it!

Jessica: Hans it over!

Carol: Gimme!

Muscle man: Come on loser!

Skips: *takes the box from you and closes it* enough!

Then everyone was now back to normal.

Benson: Where did you get that?

(Y/N): I told you santa gave it to us. We need to destroy it, if fell in to the wrong hands it can be the end of christmas forever.

Muscle man: Then what are we waiting for?!

Then he grabbed a sledgehammer and tries to smash the box but the hammer broke and muscle man was sent to a wall as Skips picked it up and smelled the box and zee scanned it with her magic.

Zee: *after scanning it* oh geez.

Skips: This box is made from dark magic, It can't be destroyed by any normal method, it had to be taken down deep in the earth and thrown in molten lava.

Babs: but where are we gonna find molten lava here?

Skips: I know a place.

Then we see you and the others at a different park.

Rigby: East Pines? Gene and These park guys are losers.

Skips: There's a mine shaft there that leads to a lava pit.

(Y/N): Good enough for me.

Then you and The others went into the park as rigby was near a snowman.

Mordecai: What are you doing?

Rigby: Fixing their Snowman.

Babs: Rigby no!

He grabbed the carrot and an alarm went off as park rangers came.

Park ranger: Freeze! Step away from the snowman's carrot.

At the garage we see two figures one shorter than the other as They examined the crash.

Quillgin: The box was here, let's move out.

then We see you and the others tied up in chairs as we see a vending machine with arms, legs and a face.

Gene: i can't believe it. I thought that the prank wars were over But here you come to pull some sort of.. Lame prank.

(Y/N): *to Benson* prank war? What's he talking about?

Benson: long story. look we're not here to prank you. We're just here to destroy this box in the lava pit.

Gene: *sarcastically* Oh sure, that makes sense. *picks up the box* What did someone give you another horrible sweater for christmas, and now you wanna trash it?

Diana: you do not understand.

(Y/N): It was Given to us by santa.

Gene: *sarcastically* Oh Santa *gives the box to his employee* Larry open the box.

Larry: But what if it is a prank?

Gene: That's what I want to find out. Now open it.

(Y/N): *use your claws to cut the rope* dude don't open it!

Then larry opened the box opened the box.

Larry: Woah amazing.

Gene: Gimme that! *looks in the box* woah.

Larry: give it back!

Then gene and his Employees began to fight over it as you took the box away.

(Y/N): Stop it! Now do you see why we need to destroy the box.

Mordecai: If it fell in the wrong hands it could mean the end of Christmas.

Then an alarm was heard as gene came and looked at the cameras.

(Y/N): That must be the elves who are after the box.

Doris: that's the elf?! I thought he would be a small guy.

Rigby: And I thought the other one would be a jolly elf.

(Y/N): Does anyone else know about this little guy?

Martin: That's Jingle jim

Mordecai: who?

Martin: it's A long story.

Then you saw they were at The door as banging was heard.

Babs: too late there here!

Clover: We're goners.

You brought out your claws but you Saw it was only one of Gene's employees and he was holding Eggnog.

Man: Dude didn't you hear me struggling with the door? And speaking of doors there's two elf guys screaming about destroying Christmas. Who wants Eggnog?

(Y/N): ooh I do.

Gene: Let's go.

Then we see you and the others on snowmobiles heading to the mine.

(Y/N): Thanks for the snowmobiles.

Gene: Save the thanks after You destroy that box. I'll hold off those two elves, oh And watch out for the Boobytraps when you get to the lava pit.

(Y/N): Did he say boobytraps?

Then you All went down the mine as it was a slide down as you all crashed as sam got up she Noticed A skeleton impaled by spikes.

Sam: ah!

(Y/N): oh those boobytraps.

Benson: Someone just put there to scare us. See there's the way out. You just have to go around.

Diana: I do not think we go around the trap.

Skips: Don't!

Then benson stepped on a pressure plate as a spike came out.

(Y/N): hey There's writing here.

Skips: It says *reads* crack the code a door will open one wrong step forever broken.

Alex: I am not stepping on that.

Rigby: Let's use that guy *points at the skeleton* he's already dead.

Mordecai: ok read the instructions.

Rigby: uh, middle, Middle, left, right, middle

Mordecai: *places the legs on the plates but the spikes came off as the skeleton fell.* It's not working.

Muscle man: *takes his sweater off and gives it to benson* Hold on to this, my mom gave it to me.

Then muscle man got to the trap and began to do the steps as it was a dance game as he dodged spikes as he did all the steps as the door opened.

(Y/N): He did It.

Then you And the others went to the door.

Muscle man: Whoo! That thing didn't even touched me.

Then spikes came out from it.

Muscle man: Whoa guys i almost Died.

Kara: we saw.

Clover: Let's hurry.

Muscle Man: Seriously did you see that? I almost died. I really almost died.

Jessica: Focus.

Then at the park we see jingle jim and Quillgin looking through The video as they saw you with The box.

Quillgin: They have the box.

We see Gene tied up.

Gene: Ha! Your too late! They probably destroyed the box already!

Jingle Jim: Shut him up!

then they turned gene where his face was on The Floor later we see you and the others sliding down As You saw a game.

(Y/N): I think it's Another trap.

Skips: *reads* Rack up points a bridge will flow lose a Ball watch out Below.

Mordecian: A pinball machine? Lame.

Rigby: It doesn't even have a screen.

(Y/N): and it's made of ice and snow who even does that?

Benson: Move it, this is obviously before your time.

Then benson began to play the game as He scored points as a bridge was seen forming.

Sam: It's working.

Then benson lost a ball as part of the bridge was falling off as sam almost fell but you grabbed her.

(Y/N): don't worry red I got you.

Sam: oh man thanks.

Rigby: Looks like it's before your time too benson.

Kara: oh burn.

Then mordecai punched rigby as you slapped Kara at the Back of her head.

Rigby and Kara: ow!

(Y/N): you got this benson. Don't let up.

Then benson began to play as he gained Two new pinballs as he scored more points as the bridge formed and Then alex saw Quillgin and jingle jim as They Had more men with theM.

Alex: We got company.

Benson: Everyone cross the bridge now.

(Y/N): you heard the man move people.

Then you And the others ran as The bridge was finished as benson let the pinballs fall in and the bridge was breaking Benson was running and he was about to fall but you and skips grabbed him And pulled him up as Quillgin and jingle jim were at the other SIde and their path was cut off with no men Left with them.

Quillgin: NOOOOOO!

Then we see you and the others sliding down.

Alex: This must be the last one.

Clover: what does it Say?

Skips: *reads* wrestle a bear don't lose.

Alex: wait what?

Then a polar bear came out as you all saw it.

Muscle man: We're supposed to fight that?

(Y/N): okay a bear, I can handle this *takes off his Christmas hat and gives to Jessica* hold this.

Benson: But (Y/N) Against a Bear? That's not a fair match.

(Y/N): don't worry Benson, I've fought dangerous stuff before a bear is a typical Tuesday for me.

Rigby: you got thIs.

Then they saw the bear cracking it's neck.

Rigby: He's totally dead.

Kara: yep.

Mordecai and Jessica: Rigby! Kara!

(Y/N): Ok bear i'll fight.

Then you and the bear grabbed Hands as you Both were trying to beat each other as the bear had you Down in a headlock

Rigby: he's not gonna make it.

Jessica: Wait look.

Then they saw you grabbing it's arm.

(Y/N): Impressive, but i'm afraid you can't win.

Then you got out of the gribbed and grabbed it's head and had it down to the ground as it couldn't get up and It gave up.

(Y/N): woo hoo! Who's the predator now Chilly?!

Then you walked To The others.

Clover: Guys, it's getting up again.

Then the bear got up.

Bear: You have completed all the tasks and have Proven worthy. You may proceed.

Then a portal was opened Up from it's stomach as you looked in it and saw a slide.

(Y/N): okay that's just gross.

Skips: *pushes you* Just go.

Then you and the others went down the slide As you all saw the lava pit.

(Y/N): finally the lava pit.

Then Quillgin and jingle jim were seen As Quillgin had a gun

Quillgin: You had us on quite the goose chase.

Kara: How did you get here?

Jingle Jim: the escalator.

You saw there were escalators There.

(Y/N): what the? We could have just taken that instead of doing those trials?

Quillgin: I'm Afraid this chase ends here give us the box.

Kara: not on your life you Christmas rejects.

Benson: He has a gun.

Then a whoose came As Quillgin felt something grabbed HIs hand as it Made him throw his gun in the lava pit as We See santa removed an invisibility cloak and was on A Hoverboard.

Karen: santa!

Jessica: He does exist.

(Y/N): we told you Santa was real. *To santa* What happened to you? And where did you an invisibility cloak?

Rigby: Yeah I thought you said you couldn't make those.

Santa: We can totally make them.

Then he came down to You all.

Santa: I just said we couldn't give them as gifts.

Quillgin: No your supposed to be dead. I shot you!

Santa: Yeah you did but too bad i was wearing one of these.

He lifted his Shirt to show a bullet proof vest.

(Y/N): Wow, That's smart.

Santa: I was stunned for a while but my body was unscathed.

He removed The vest to show he had a six pack.

Muscle: Santa's got a six pack!

Quillgin: Let's see if you can survive this.

He then threw a grenade at him but before it could hit him you got in front of santa and blocked it as it exploded sending you all back as you dropped the box as Quillgin picked it up.

Quillgin: at last Christmas will be destroyed.

You saw Quillgin about to open the box.

(Y/N): aw heck no you don't!

You then tackled Quillgin and jingle Jim into the volcano and the three of you were in a free fall in a volcano.

(Y/N): if I'm going down I'm taking you two with me!

Diana: (Y/N)!

Then she jumped in the volcano as you were fighting Quillgin and Jingle Jim for the box as you were punched by Quillgin as he looked in the box as a detonator was seen as diana came and looked in the box as it switches from detonator to shield as you looked at Diana.

(Y/N): Diana! Let go of the box.

Then she let go of the box as you reached in it and pulled out a hover board as you used it to catch Diana as the box fell as Quillgin and Jingle jim tried to get it but they fell in the lava as the box and the two elves were now gone as you and Diana came out and looked at the gang.

(Y/N): It is done.

Then we now see you and the others on Santa's sleigh as you all were back at the park.

(Y/N): Thanks for the ride Santa.

Skips:*to santa* I'll see you for bowling

Benson: Santa yours like the authority of christmas *shows the sweater*

Santa: Benson you should of thrown that thing in the lava pit.

(Y/N): yeah that sweater is the king of ugly.

Diana: it truly is a hideous site to look at.

Then benson took the sweater off as you looked at santa.

Santa: I didn't actually think you all would pull it off but you did. You saved Christmas.

(Y/N): Thanks santa. But will we ever see you again?

Santa: I'll see ya next year and remember to be good.

Diana: We will St.Nicholes.

(Y/N): Santa.

Diana: Yes that.

Then santa flew off with his sleight.

Santa: Ho, Ho, Ho. Merry Christmas!

Mordecai: Dude he said it like in the movie.

Then you noticed pearl was standing out alone.

(Y/N): You guys head inside I'm gonna talk to pearl for a bit.

Then you walked up to pearl as you tapped her shoulder.

(Y/N): Hey pearl. What are you thinking about?

Pearl: It's just i was wondering if you'll ever be the same again. You been mutated into an animal.

(Y/N): Pearl, look i know that but you have to remember, no matter what I am I'm still the same person you fell in love with.

Then pearl smiled at you.

Pearl: You may be a wild animal, but your my wild animal.

(Y/N): Yeah and you love me for that.

Pearl: I guess i do.

Then you and pearl headed inside as you both did muscle man was laughing.

Pearl: What's so funny?

Muscle man: Look up and see.

Then you and pearl noticed something was attached to a string and was above you and pearl as you noticed what it was.

(Y/N): It's a mistletoe.

Pearl: A mistletoe?

Steven: Yeah there is a tradition for that.

(Y/N): Yeah, when you and someone else is under the mistletoe you have to kiss that person.

Pearl: We have to kiss?

(Y/N): Pretty much.

We then see you and pearl then kissed as muscle man was eating cookies.

Muscle man: These are good cookies. You know who else makes good cookies?

Diana: who?

Kara: Let me guess your mom?

Muscle man: My...uncle's bakery Fifth and western You been there?

Then diana noticed a few presents at the tree.

Diana: There are gifts.

Mordecai: *looks at the presents: There for me, rigby, keith, Diana and (Y/N).

Then you came as you saw a note on it as you read it.

(Y/N): *reads* Sometimes you gotta break the rules.

Then you opened your present as you saw was a portal gun and an invisibility cloak.

Diana: *opens her present and gasps and pulls out an energy sword* an energy sword.

Keith: *opens his gift and sees the same things you got* Dude it's those things we wanted.

(Y/N): *gasps* a portal gun.

Mordecai and Rigby: best gift ever!

Diana: But I thought it was against the rules to give these as gifts.

(Y/N): I guess even santa can break the rules every now and then.

Keith: This is awesome.

(Y/N): are you guys thinking what I'm thinking?

Keith: take these babies out for a spin?

(Y/N): yep.

Benson: Whatever it is you all are gonna do take it outside.

Diana: we will.

Pops: *while taking candy canes off the tree and putting in his wallet and laughing* Christmas.

(Y/N): uh pops why are you putting candy canes in your wallet?

Mordecai: He thinks that he can pay things with those.

Diana: what does he use as currency?

Mordecai: Lollipops.

(Y/N): Seriously?

Mordecai: Yeah.

(Y/N): Anyway, let's go.

Then you and the others went outside as Dante noticed how much fun you were having

(M/N): Son be careful with those.

Dante: Aw don't worry he won't hurt himself. Let the kid have a little fun. Well this has been amazing, we should do this more often.

Then we see you and Diana jump into a portal and come out the other end with you on the ground and Diana on your back

(Y/N): haha that was amazing.

Diana: Let us do that again.

As you all were playing we see santa flying off into the sky.

Santa: Ho ho ho, merry christmas.

We then see you and Diana on the ground making snow angels.

Diana: This is amazing.

(Y/N): Yeah.

Then you looked at the sky as the screen went black as your watch's symbol was seen as the words "merry Christmas were seen in green and red.

Well I hope you guys like this because another Christmas special is coming soon and be ready for a mystery solving one.

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