Battle with the Queen

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Gavin's POV:
I cleared everyone out of the medical room on the small ship as I began to fix Lyra. We were back on the Sulaco. Vasquez was the only one in the room with me. "She'll be ok right?" She asked. I nodded and looked at her side that would need stitches. I began sewing her up and I gave her an IV because she needed fluids. Calypso came in and said "I need to help you. You can't do it alone." I nodded and said "fine." Calypso tended to Vasquez and then I said "can you help me cut this shirt off her? It's getting in the way." Calypso nodded and cut Lyra's shirt off. Calypso furrowed her eyebrows and said "I didn't know she gained weight." Vasquez perked up and said "she's fat?" "No, you're both incorrect. She's pregnant." I said. Calypso's eyes widened and said "by one of those things?" I pinched the bridge of my nose and said "no. A baby. An actual human baby. That mullet hot headed boyfriend of hers impregnated her." Vasquez said "damn." Calypso sighed and said "we have to tell him. Or Max at least." I thought about it and said "tell Max. Wait until she's healed up enough to talk to tell Billy." Calypso went and got Max and pulled her into the room. "Why am I in here?" She asked. "You see that?" I pointed to Lyra's stomach and she said "yeah, so?" "She's pregnant." Calypso said. Max shook her head said "what?"

"Yeah. She's pregnant." I said. Max looked at Lyra who didn't look good at all. "She's gonna be ok right? And the baby?" Max said. I grabbed a screen and held it over her stomach, Max stared at the screen with wide eyes. The baby was a decent size. "He got her pregnant before we were put in the cryotubes. So it didn't age her but it slowly aged her pregnancy. Which is why she's about two months." Calypso exhaled and said "jeez. Her baby won't be like mine though and grow quickly?" I shook my head and said "no. Because she didn't have sex with and android." Calypso rolled her eyes at me and said "fuck off, Gavin." Max smirked a little and kissed the top of Lyra's head. There was a clattering sound outside and everyone started yelling. "Should I tell, Billy?" Max said. Calypso shook her head and said "hell no. Whatever is going out there, this will distract him." Max nodded and said "I'm going to go. And see what's going on."

Blaze's POV:
Max came out of the ship and Bishop was being torn apart by the Queen Xeno. Newt fell onto the ground as Ripley pushed her away.

Sarah aimed her gun and Billy said "what the fuck?!" Hudson's eyes widened and said "how the hell?! How'd she follow us?! What the hell, man!" "Mom, kill it!" Hawk said. Zane stared up at the Queen and Sam said "shit!" Vanessa grabbed a spear and went to stab it as it was tearing Bishop apart, stabbing her in the neck. Sam grabbed her and pulled her away from the alien. "Hide! Kids hide!" Ripley said. They all scurried away somewhere, I got behind a box, Billy next to me. "I can't fucking believe this." He muttered. "Me neither." I said. The footsteps were loud and clanged against the metal flooring. "We gotta take her down." I said to Billy He nodded and said "ok."

Max's POV:
Newt and I were under the floorboards, watching as the queen searched for us. I wasn't sure where Hawk and the others went. "Where do you think they went?" Newt asked quietly. "I don't know." I whispered. I noticed how nervous she was. I put my arm around her and tried to comfort her. I was only a little bit older than her, two years to be exact. Then the floorboard was lifted up. I gasped and Newt began crawling in the other direction, I followed her. The Queen grabbed the floorboard where we were again and reached for us. Newt squealed and we went farther away. Then she trapped us, lifting the floorboard. The queen tried to lower herself to our level, reaching for us, reaching for Newt more than me. Newt stared at the clawed hand coming towards her and screamed, an exhaust pipe went off, sending air blowing our hair everywhere. I put my arm in front of Newt and said "go away!"

The queen hissed and continued to reach for Newt. "I won't let her get you!" I said to her. Newt's piercing scream got louder and louder and then a whirring sound was heard. That made the queen turn her attention to somewhere else. Newt shuddered a little and I pulled her in for a hug. Her breaths were quick and short. "Calm down." I whispered. Whirring footsteps were heard and then Ripley's voice. "Get away from her, you bitch." The queen hissed at Ripley and the two of us poked our head out from under the floorboards.

Ripley and the queen began to fight. "Max. Come here." Billy said. Cossette was with him and she reached for Newt, her dress was torn making it look more like a skirt than a dress. Newt stood up and ran over to her sister. I ran over to Billy and he said "you saw Lyra, how is she?" "She's ok. Gavin said she'll be fine." Billy nodded and said "Blaze. Let's go." The both of them went out to fight the queen with Ripley. Sarah shot at it a few times and Hawk stuck a knife in her leg. "Die!" He yelled. Halo managed to slash her leg open with her metal rod and Logan did some damage to her back. Blaze hit her repeatedly with his bat. Billy had his gun aimed at her, ready to shoot her when she began to overtake everyone. She tail whipped Blaze across the room and did the same to Sarah. Halo was nudged across from her mother but she was more ok than Sarah. Logan was thrown through the wall and Hawk was thrown into an air shaft. "Hawk!" I yelled. Arlo was hiding with Zane and Call. David has to keep Maia from going up to the queen and interacting with it. Ripley was knocked down but she wouldn't be for long. The queen pinned Billy down onto the ground. He tried to fight against her but it was no use. She leaned down and tried to bite his head off. He turned his head so she couldn't reach. One of her claws dug into his arm and shoulder. He yelled out in pain and I watched as she made my brother weaker and weaker. "Billy!" I said. The queen looked at me and Ripley said "here! Here!" The queen didn't know where to look. She was still injuring Billy in the process, slashing his stomach open. She picked him up and slammed him against the metal, knocking the wind out of him. I watched as his eyes began to flutter closed, he was giving up. "Billy! Don't! Lyra's pregnant!" I said as I came out from my hiding spot. Billy looked at me weakly and the queen was messing with Ripley at this point. "What?" He asked. "Lyra's pregnant. She's having your baby." I said as I knelt down next to him. Billy covered his face with his hands and I said "Billy?" "I let them take her. She could've been killed. My baby could've been killed." He said. Blaze came over and sat him up. "Hey, man. I need you." Hudson came over and did the same. "If you wanna save Lyra, we gotta help Ripley." Hudson said. Ripley knocked the queen into the air shaft where Hawk was, on accident. But the queen grabbed her by the machine she was in and pulled her in with her. Billy stood up and clutched his gun, walking over to the air shaft.

Hawk's POV:
Ripley's machine was on top of me, the queen next to me. Ripley began unstrapping the seatbelt and I said "Ripley." She turned around and said "shit." "Help me." I said weakly. "Are you hurt?" She asked. I nodded and said "I don't know where. It hurts." Ripley climbed down to the bottom of the shaft, the queen was pinned and couldn't move. Ripley sat me up and moved me towards the ladder. She was examining me and I licked my lip that was bleeding. "How'd you do that?" I said. "Do what?" She replied. "Knock her in here. That was amazing." Ripley chuckled and said "I just pushed her in here. I didn't know you were in here though. Or I wouldn't of done it." "I think I fell on my face." She looked at my face and said "you did. You also just got the wind knocked out of you. And maybe a sprained ankle." "I hurt all over." "It's cause you fell." She said while shaking her head. I half smiled and said "you'd make a really good mom." Ripley didn't say anything, she just stared at me. "You should be Newt's mom. She really likes you." I said. Ripley went to answer when the queen began to move around. "Can you climb?" I looked up at the ladder and said "maybe." Blaze held out his hand and said "come on! Hawk come on, give me your hand. I'll pull you up."

I reached for Blaze who grabbed my hand, Hudson grabbed my other hand and they pulled me up. My mom rushed over and hugged me. "Oh my god, you're bleeding." "I'm fine, mom." I said to her. She sighed in relief and Billy had his gun aimed at the queen, ready to blow her brains out. "Everyone hang onto something!" Ripley said as she went to push a button. Everyone quickly grabbed onto something and outer space began to suck things out. The wind in the room was crazy and Ripley was hanging onto the ladder for dear life. Billy aimed his gun and shot the queen a few times, making her let go of whatever she was hanging onto. Then Ripley closed the air duct and laid on her back, exhausted. Newt ran over and said "mommy!" Ripley hugged her and bishop laid on the ground in half. "Not bad for a human." He said. Gavin came out of the ship and said "while you all were having battles, I moved the injured to the infirmary. Anyone else need medical attention." I raised my hand and he pinched the bridge of his nose. "I do." Billy said. Gavin scoffed and said "of course you do, Hargrove." "Everyone out of the ship bay, I'm locking it down." Sam said as he ushered everyone out of the ship bay.

Damn I've been hitting y'all up with updates. I think it's cause I'm ready to start the last sequel after this called Infinity. It will take place during the events of Alien Resurrection. So I hope y'all are hype.

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