Gateway Station

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Lyra's POV:
I woke up in a room. I looked around and it was unfamiliar. "Billy?" I called out. He laid across the room in and bed and a dark haired girl was in the room. "Lyra. I'm Call. I'll be the one attending to you." She said. "W-where am I? Where's the crew?" I questioned. Call grabbed a clipboard and said "well, a salvage team found you and brought you here. Along with the rest of the crew from the Covenant. Everyone is healthy and you guys won't feel so groggy soon. Just give it a few days." "H-how long were we in those tubes?" Blaze's deep voice asked. I looked over at him and said "hi." His voice was deep from sleeping. "Hey, Lyra." I smiled at him and Call said "you guys have been sleeping for seventy six years." My eyes widened and Blaze ran a hand through his hair. I went to stand up and I noticed I had an IV in my arm. "Why do I have this?" "Carter wanted to make sure you're vitals were ok and nothing was wrong with you." Call replied. "Who's Carter?" Blaze questioned. "I am. I'm Carter Burke. I work for Weyland Enterprises. You are on Gateway Station, a place for civilization. The Covenant has been missing for years. However did you guys get lost in space?" "I don't think we meant too. We were supposed to go to a planet. And we needed to be in hypersleep to get there. But I'm assuming we never reached it." I said. "There's people missing from your crew. Where did they go? What happened to them?" Carter asked as he sat down in a chair. Blaze didn't answer, he just looked at me. Carter noticed Billy was still sleeping. "Has he woken up?" "He was awake as soon as I opened his cryotube, but he began screaming at me. So I sedated him." Call said as she set her clipboard down. "So, You sedate people that freak out because they don't know where they are?" I said. Call shook her head and said "he was screaming your name. I tried to calm him down but he wouldn't listen to reason." I scoffed and Carter said "it's not her fault. She's authorized to do that. After all, she's an android. The first female android to exist." I looked at her outfit and her features.

Blaze ran a hand through his hair and exhaled. "Don't touch him again." I said to her. Call noticed that I was slightly angry. "You have hostility towards me. Why?" I rolled my eyes and said "because I don't know you. Frankly, I don't know anyone here. And I'm freaking out because I've been asleep for seventy six years, and time has just gone on. Everything that once was, is gone. Hadley's Hope was destroyed and hopefully Planet 4 no longer exists." "Hadley's Hope? Hadley's Hope isn't destroyed. We rebuilt it about, thirty years ago. So what happened there? If you don't me asking." Carter said. Blaze sighed and said "the only people who really know what happened there are Hawk and Halo, and frankly, they don't wanna relive it. Leave them alone about it. They're parents were killed there. Don't question them. It should be in our ship log. Look there, but don't you dare question those kids. They don't need that." Carter saw how serious Blaze was. "I won't question them. I just want all of you to get settled in. I have quarters arranged for all of you. Since you two are awake, would you like to see yours? I'm assuming you're a couple." Carter said, gesturing to the two of us. Blaze winced and I shook my head. "We're just really close." I said. Carter shook his head and said "that's a lie. There's chemistry between you." "We're close. And that's it." Blaze nodded in agreement and said "there's nothing there."

Carter looked between the two of us and said "you sure?" I nodded quickly, wanting to drop the subject. Call removed my IV along with Blaze's. Carter said "I'll show you to your quarters. And will you and your boyfriend be sharing one?" "I think so. I'm not sure how he wants to do things yet." I answered. We walked down long corridors that didn't have much space in between them. "Here are the quarters. There's five floors of them. The rooms aren't huge but they're efficient. I'll show you one that no one is using." He opened a door that revealed a bed with a small bathroom inside. "Where do we shower?" I asked. "There's a showering room down the hall." Blaze groaned and said "great." I giggled at him and Carter said "you guys sure you aren't a couple?" Blaze flipped him off and Carter put his hands up in defense. "Here's a map of where you're quarters are, just in cause you guys need them so you can get to one another." Carter said. Blaze took the map from him and ripped it up. Carter watched it fall to the ground and Blaze shrugged. "We're not a couple. Please drop it. I don't wanna hear about it."

Carter nodded and said "understood." "Where's the medbay? Our friends are there." I said. Carter pointed towards the elevators and he said "it's on level twelve." Blaze and I walked to the elevator and began riding it down. "What level were we on just now?" I asked. Blaze said "I think it was level twenty two." I looked at all the buttons on the elevator. There was a total of 50 levels. "This place is huge." I said. Blaze nodded in response and said "why isn't there any elevator music?" I laughed and said "I don't know. Should there be?" He nodded again and I rolled my eyes. Blaze began singing a song.

It's gonna take a lot to take me away from you
There's nothing that a hundred men or more could ever do
I bless the rains down in Africa
Gonna take some time to do the things we never had

I stared up at him and he bopped his head as he sung. My lips curled up into a smile and he smiled back. Blaze took a step toward me and the elevator door opened. "Let's go check on everyone." I said. He nodded and we looked through the rooms. "Lyra!" Maia said. I knelt down and she ran into my arms. "Hi, baby. How are you?" I asked as I put her on my hip. "I'm good. It's taking a while for everyone to wake up. Especially mom." She replied. "Your mom isn't up yet?" She shook her head and said "hi Blaze." "Hi." He replied. I set Maia down and walked into another room. All the kids were inside. "Have any of them woken up?" I asked Maia. "Max was awake earlier." Hawk sat up and he looked around the room. "Hey. We're here." I said to him. He stood up and ran over to me. I hugged him and Halo woke up, running and jumping into Blaze's arms. Blaze picked her up and said "how ya doing?" "Ok." She replied. Blaze kissed her forehead and Halo leaned her head on his shoulder. Zane was still sleeping along with Max. Maia said "this place is weird." Hawk nodded in agreement and I said "you gotta give it a chance. I'm sure it's cool." Calypso stood at the end of the hall and I pointed at her. Maia said "wait! Mom, I have something for you!" She ran into another room and grabbed a whole thing of flowers. "I picked these just for you!" Maia said.

Calypso smiled at her daughter and said "awe. Thank you so much." Maia smiled up at her mom and Halo said "I'm hungry." "Me too." Max mumbled as she walked over to me. I kissed her head and said "hi sleepy." "I'm not hungry at all." Maia said cheerfully. "That's weird." Halo said. Maia smiled up at her and said "I guess I'm different." "No shit." Hawk replied. Calypso looked down at Maia and said "you're not hungry?" She shook her head and said "should I be?" "Yes. Because you're half human." Calypso said as she tried to figure her daughter out.

"I'll take the kids to eat. Come on." Blaze said. "Do you wanna go?" Calypso asked. Zane leaned on Hawk as he was slowly waking up. Maia nodded and said "I'd love to go." "If you're gonna go with us, you're gonna eat." Blaze said. Maia nodded and said "I understand." Max rolled her eyes and said "you're not even going to eat." "Max." I said. Maia tilted her head and said "actually Max, I do plan on eating." Blaze said "let's go. If one fight ensues nobody's getting anything." He walked away with the five children and I sighed. "Have you talked to David?" "Yeah. They're supposed to interview us and ask us what happened on the Covenant." Calypso said. "Do you think they'll believe us?" "They have too. And if they don't, screw them." Calypso replied while shrugging.

Sorry this is so long

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