Hadley's Hope

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Lyra's POV:
We all got our weapons and headed to the ship to do the drop. "Everyone board the drop ship." Everyone began to sit in seats. Maia was in between her mother and father. Billy sat next to me while Vasquez was on the other side of me. "Please sit down and buckle in." Gorman said. Sam sat in a seat and sighed. Vanessa was next to him and Blaze said "kids, come on." Max, Hawk, Halo and Zane boarded. "I'm gonna strap you guys in." He said. Max and Hawk were next to each other and Halo was on the other side of her brother. Zane was in between Halo and Arlo. Blaze pulled the restraints down on each of their seats. "Buckled in?" He asked. Max nodded and Billy said "check hers." Max rolled her eyes and Blaze pulled up on the restraints. "She's good." Blaze told Billy. Hudson strapped in Billy who was annoyed. Blue made sure Jax was good before sitting down and doing it himself. Hudson came over and said "we're about to have a grand good time! You ready? Whoo!" He pulled my bar down and made sure it wouldn't come up. As he did so he made eye contact with me. "You ready for this, Lyra?" I nodded and said "yep. How about you, Will?" "Shit. I was born ready." He gave me a high five and then said "Vasquez! How ya feeling?" "Good." "That's what I like to hear!" He said as he pulled her bar down. She held out her hand and he gave her a high five as well.

"Whoo!" Hicks pulled his bar down and began to doze off. Drake said "Hudson! You ready?" "It's about to go down! Literally!" All the soldiers sniggered and I rolled my eyes. Hudson sat down in his seat across from me. Sarah and Logan were strapped in and David said "we're going to drop?" "Yep. We're going to plummet down." Vasquez replied. Hawk clapped his hands and said "alright!" Halo rolled her eyes and Max giggled at the elder twin. Billy laughed as Blaze said something to him. "We're on an express elevator to hell. Going down!"

The dropship was detached from The Sulaco. We began to drop at full speed. "Whoa!" Blaze said. Max's hair was all over the place as was mine. Roxy smiled and Billy clapped his hands. Halo hung onto her bar and Maia had her eyes closed. David looked as calm as ever. Right before we hit the ground, the engine kicked on. Then we were hovering for a minute. The vehicle we were in was taken off the ship. It was a car. We began making our way to Hadley's Hope. As we did so, the ride was bumpy and Hicks was asleep. We stopped and Gorman said "marines go first. Then we'll go after." All of the soldiers got off the car and headed into the building. It was completely deserted.

I had a major case of deja vu. "It looks like it did all those years ago." I said. Jax nodded and said "it looks exactly the same." Blue and Apone led the way. Roxy and Sarah walked side by side. Blaze stood next to me and Gorman was communicating with us through our comms. "Alright. I'm gonna come in with you guys." He said. Hudson scoffed and covered his mic. Vasquez looked over at him. "He's coming in. I feel safer already."

"Stupid." Vasquez muttered. We waited for a minute and Ripley, Gorman, and Carter came with us. We walked into a room where dead Facehuggers were. They were in tanks and my eyes widened. "What were they doing to these things? Why would they have them like this?" I asked. Carter walked up to one of the tanks and Ripley said "careful." Carter looked over at her and then back at the tank. The Facehugger jumped at him and he gasped. Ripley shuddered and jumped. I grabbed Blaze's arm and he put his hand on the small of my back.

Billy made a disgusted face and Roxy groaned. "They're nasty." Hudson said. Vasquez gulped and tried not to look at them. "Can we move on, please?" Ripley said. Hicks nodded and motioned for everyone to go. Gorman led the way while Hudson followed. Something scurried across the floor and everyone gasped. "What the hell?" I asked. We all leaned down and looked into a hole. There was a little girl with blonde hair, staring up at us. She was filthy and her hair stuck out in all places.

Ripley tried to reach for her and she ran off into the ventilation system. Ripley went after her and Blaze said "woah. That's what happened to us." Billy nodded in response and said "that's crazy." A few minutes went by and Ripley crawled out with the little girl. The girl hid behind Ripley and didn't speak. "Come on out." Ripley said. Another girl came out of the vent. "It's ok." She looked around and Arlo pulled her to her feet.

"Let's go to the infirmary. We need to see who these kids are." Gorman said. Once we got there, there were tons of medical supplies. Ripley shoved them all into a bag and she began wiping the younger girl's face. I grabbed a scanner and scanned the older girl's wrist.

Cossete Jorden

"Hello, Cossete." I said. She half smiled and said "hi." I walked over to the younger girl and scanned her wrist.

Rebecca Jorden

"That's Rebecca Jorden. Cossete and Rebecca." I said. Ripley tended to Rebecca. She tried to get her to speak but the little girl wouldn't budge. "Rebecca, I guess you're not a talker." Ripley said. Cossete rinsed her face and Blaze said "they're the only ones left. It's weird." The room was silent and then a small voice was heard. "N-Newt." Ripley looked up at the young girl and said "Newt?" "Everyone calls me Newt. The only person that called me Rebecca was my brother." She said. "Even Cossete calls you Newt?" I asked. She nodded and the older girl said "she prefers to be called Newt." "I'm going to take Ripley and the girls back. The rest of you go find the colonists." Gorman said. "My mother worked here in the infirmary. Do you mind if I grab a bag?" Cossete asked. Gorman shrugged and she grabbed her bag. Carter led the girls and Gorman back to the car.

Calypso's POV:
"Kids, meet Cossete and Newt." Ripley said. I looked over and saw two brand new children. David walked over to them and said "more children?" Zane walked over and said "I'm Zane." "Hi." Cossete said. Newt didn't say anything back. Halo stared at how beautiful Cossete was. Hawk and Max walked over to them. Max looked at Newt and said "she's dirty." "Thats because they've been living with no parents. The marines are going to find their parents." Ripley said. "They're dead!" Newt said as she looked at Ripley. Hawk's eyes widened and Maia walked over. "That's so sad. That you don't have any parents." Cossete frowned in response and Ripley walked over to where Gorman was sitting. I motioned for the kids to come over to me. "Do either of you have injuries?" Cossete shook her head and said "no. We're fine." Hawk said "you guys hungry? We have snacks." Max nodded in response and said "my friend forgot to introduce us. I'm Max and this is Hawk." Hawk smiled and Newt didn't say anything. "That's my sister Halo. And that's Maia. She's a half android, half human." Hawk said. Maia smiled and said "I'm glad you two were rescued. You two could have perished." Cossete grabbed some food from Hawk and Newt chomped on her food quietly. "It seems like no matter where we go, children seem to find us and we have to take care of them." David said. I chuckled and said "it must be our destiny. Wait till Billy and Lyra have a kid." David smiled really big and said "more kids." I smiled back and said "they're a hassle but I love them."

Here's the update!!!

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