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Third person POV:
The Covenant drifted through space, the entire crew in cryotubes. A salvage vessel attached itself to the Covenant. The men inside the ship, figured they could get some scrap metal and whatever else was valuable. A few men used tools to break down the door. Inside they found fifteen cryotubes. An android sat in the room with them. One had a young mother with her young daughter next to her. They carried all fifteen cryotubes out and took them to Gateway Station. Doctors would be able to help them and tend to their health. Call, who is an android began to open the cryotubes. David said "what're you doing?" She turned around and said "I'm going to open them." David looked her up and down. "You're weird looking." He said. "Well, I'm not a human." She replied. "You're an android?" David asked. Call nodded. "Yes. I am." "I've never seen a female android. Only males. Including myself." Call looked at him and said "you must be one of the older models." "That's right. And do be careful with the people in the tubes." "Of course. I do not want to harm them." Call walked to one of them and tapped on the glass. A name came up onto the screen.

Gavin Harvey: Doctor
Age: 41

Call opened his first. It hissed and he began to stir. "What's happening?" He mumbled. "Mr. Harvey, my name is Call. I'll be helping you. I opened up your cryotube first, because you're a doctor and you can help the rest of the people inside of the tubes." Gavin tried to open his eyes but the lights were bright. Call lowered them an said "are you able to stand?" Gavin shook his head and said "I just woke up, damn it." "I apologize, sir. I was just asking a question." Call replied. She moved Gavin to a bed and walked to another one of the cryotubes. She tapped one on the glass.

Calypso Taylor
Maia Taylor
Ages: 25 and 11

Call opened up their tube and wheeled it to another room. "Calypso. I need you to wake up." "David?" She asked. "I'm Call. I need you to lay in this bed." Maia sat up and looked around. "Where's my father?" She said. "Who is your father?" Call asked as she knelt down. "My father is an android. He should have been with the cryotubes." David walked into the room and said "hello princess." Maia ran over to her father. David picked up Calypso and set her on the bed in the room. He then sat in a chair and said "how was your sleep?" "It was fine. Not something I'd call peaceful. I don't understand how and why humans sleep." Maia said. Call walked out of the room and grabbed a cryotube, pushing it to another room in the infirmary. She tapped on the glass and the information appeared.

Max Mayfield
Age: 13

Call opened it and said "Maxine. I need you to wake up." "It's Max. Don't call me that." Max mumbled as she got into the bed in the infirmary room. Call went to apologize and realized that Max was already sleeping again. Call sighed and pushed another cryotube into the same room with Max. The information popped up onto the glass.

Hawk Proteus
Age: 12

"Proteus. I know that name. Carter!" Call called out. Carter came into the room and said "what can I help you with?" "Proteus. There's a child with the last name Proteus. Don't we have their parents somewhere? In Reanimation?" Call asked. Carter tapped the glass and looked at the sleeping boy inside. "I believe so. I'd have to go look. I'll go and double check that." Carter left the room and Call shook the boy gently. "Can you get up and lay in this bed for me?" Hawk groaned and stood up groggily. "I'm Call." The boy plopped down onto the bed and ignored her. Call grabbed another tube. She tapped on the glass and said "wow. Another child."

Halo Proteus
Age: 12

Call got her into the bed next to her brother and she grabbed the last tube with a kid inside. She tapped on the glass and she read the information.

Zane Hunter
Age: 14

She got him into a bed and said "I hope that's the last child. I can't believe there were children on the Covenant." Call walked back to the room where nine more cryotubes sat. Call sighed and tapped on the glass.

Sam Benjamin
Age: 42

Sam was somewhat awake and he said "who are you?" "I'm Call. Can you get into this bed for me?" Sam did as he was told and he said "where's my crew?" "They're perfectly fine. I'm helping them out of the tubes at the moment. You're all healthy." Sam nodded and fell back asleep. Call grabbed two cryotubes, pushing them into an empty room. She tapped on the glass on both of them.

Billy Hargrove
Age: 26

Lyra Sarko
Age: 26

She gently shook Billy. "Why am I awake?" He asked. "I'm helping you. My name is Call. Could you please get into this bed for me?" "Where's Lyra?" Call didn't answer. "Where's Lyra?" Billy repeated. He was waking up much faster than the rest of the crew on the Covenant. "Where the fuck is Lyra?!" Billy screamed. Call grabbed a syringe, immediately sticking it in Billy's neck. As Billy passed out, he saw Lyra asleep in her cryotube. Call helped Lyra into a bed and grabbed another tube.

Orion Sarko
Age: 30

Call said "can you get into this bed for me?" Orion nodded and got into the bed. Call did the same with the rest of the crew from the Covenant.

Vanessa Taylor
Age: 38

Arlo Hunter
Age: 26

Roxy Kennedy
Age: 27

Blue Ramirez
Age: 30

Jax Upworth
Age: 29

Call got rid of the cryotubes, disposing of them. "So there's seventeen people in total." Carter said. "Yes. They're all in rooms." Call replied. The female android headed back to her quarters. There would be a lot of investigation about the crew of the Covenant. And the other mystery woman that was rescued. Call was the first female android to ever be created. She had dark hair and dark brown eyes. She was pretty cute if you asked anyone. You'd never guess she was an android unless you heard her talk. The crew of the Covenant was safe, for now.

Here's the prologue! Kinda cool I guess

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