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Lyra's POV:
An announcement went off on the intercom. I was supposed to bring the twins to the lab. The three of us walked to the lab. "We'd like to show the children something." Carter said. Hawk rolled his eyes and Halo looked up at him questioningly. "The two of you can come out now." Carter said to someone. Sarah Connor stepped out of a room. Hawk's eyes widened and Sarah's mouth dropped. She looked between the two children standing in front of her. "Hawk? Halo?" She asked.

"Mom?" Hawk said. Halo didn't move. "What is this?" I asked Carter. He cleared his throat and said "well, wen Hadley's Hope was destroyed all those years ago, there were tons of dead people lying around. So we used a machine that allowed us to preserve the brains. So Sarah's real brain is inside this body." "Who's body is that? That's not my mother's body?" Hawk said. Carter said "no. We used an artificial body and then once her brain was put in, everything accustomed to her appearance. But that's your mom." Sarah stared at Hawk and Halo. "How are you two alive after all these years? Carter tells me it's been seventy six years." Sarah said. Halo pointed to me and said "Lyra protected us. Blaze did too." Sarah looked at me and I said "I'm Lyra Sarko." She nodded to me and Hawk had tears in his eyes. "Mom? Is it really you?" He cried. Sarah nodded and Hawk ran over to her, hugging her tightly. Logan Howlett walked into the room and Halo gasped softly. She fell to her knees and he raised an eyebrow.

"Halo, what's wrong?" He asked. "Daddy." Halo whispered. Sarah clung to her son and Logan motioned for Halo to hug him. Halo ran over and hugged her father. I stared at the twins in shock. They were being reunited with their parents. Blaze walked in and his lips parted. He stood next to me and I had small tears in my eyes. "Are those their parents?" He whispered. I nodded and Blaze sighed. "We'll see you guys later." I said to the children. Blaze and I walked away from them. "I'm glad they have their parents now." I said. Blaze sighed again and looked down. "What's up?" He bit his lip and said "I guess we won't be seeing them as much. Now that they have their parents." He sniffles and I felt my heart break. I hugged him and he cried softly. "I felt like I had a bond with them. That's probably weird." Blaze said. I shook my head and said "that's not weird. I understand it." Blaze pulled away from me and I wiped one of his tears away. He stared at me, his lips parted.

Running footsteps were heard and Halo stood at the end of the hall. Blaze turned around and Halo said "why're you crying?" Blaze shrugged and said "you don't need me anymore." Halo shook her head and said "I do need you." "No. You have your parents now. That's who you need to be with." Blaze replied. Halo shook her head frantically. "It's ok. It's ok, Halo." "I love my mom and dad but I love you too." Halo said.

I saw the desperation in her eyes, she was afraid Blaze would leave her. Blaze knelt down and said "I need you too, kid." Halo smiled and ran over to him. She ran into his arms and he held her tightly. Tears ran down his cheeks and I smiled at the two of them. Halo pulled away and a few strands of hair fell in Blaze's face. She moved them away from his face. Halo wiped his tears and said "don't cry." He nodded and said "I thought I was losing you." Halo shook her head and hugged him again. "Is it ok if I go with my parents for a little bit?" Blaze nodded again and said "of course." Halo pulled away from him and said "please don't leave me." "I won't. Pinky promise." Blaze said as he held out his pinky. Halo interlocked hers with his and smiled. Blaze motioned for her to step closer to him. She did and he kissed her cheek. Halo giggled and Blaze smiled really big. Halo ran towards her father who stood at the end of the hall. Blaze stood up and I stared at him. "What?" He asked. "You'd make a really great dad." I said. Blaze smiled and said "really?" I nodded and said "you're amazing with kids. I don't know that many guys that are great with kids." "Wow. That means a lot. Thanks." Blaze replied. I nodded in response and Billy came around the corner. "Where you been?" He asked. "With the kids. They got their parents back. And Blaze is still their favorite out of all of us." I replied. Billy blew smoke out of his mouth and I sighed. "What?" He asked. "The smoke. I don't like it. Or the smell of it." I replied. Billy furrowed his eyebrows and said "you've never had a problem with it before." I shrugged and said "it kinda bothers me now. That's all." Billy inhaled and exhaled. Blaze opened up his mouth to say something and Billy interrupted him. "I don't get why it's a problem." He said. I rolled my eyes and said "do we have to talk about this now?" Billy nodded and I went to walk away when he grabbed my arm. "We're talking about it now." He said. I looked at him crazily and said "let go of me." I tried to yank my arm from him and his grip only got tighter. "Billy, what're you doing?" I asked. He didn't answer. He pulled me close to him and said "Lyra, we're talking about this now. Because I said so." I shook my head and Billy scoffed. "We're doing this now!" He yelled in my face. I flinched and a whimper left my mouth. Blaze stepped in and said "let her go." Billy went to say something to Blaze when he was kicked in the gut. He let go of me and I looked to see Calypso. "I told you that if you ever hurt her, I'd kick your ass." She said. Billy states at her in shock and she kicked him again. Billy held his gut and Blaze said "holy shit." "Are you ok?" My best friend asked me. I nodded and began to run. "Lyra!" Blaze called. "Lyra, wait!" Billy said. I didn't turn around and I didn't stop. I continued to run. I ran until I felt safe. I walked into two double doors which led to a pool. The stairs led down to it and it had a diving board. I went downstairs and sat on the diving board. The blue water was still, nothing disturbing it. The door opened and I didn't look up. Footsteps approached me and then stopped next to me. "Why'd you run off?" Blaze asked. "Is he mad?" I replied, not answering his question. "I don't think so. He left Calypso and I. He was punching the walls again." Blaze said. I put my head in my hands and began to cry. "Billy is mad at me. Because I'm afraid to tell him something." "What is it?" Blaze asked as he pulled me to him. I whimpered and didn't reply. "Tell me." I looked at him and said "it's gonna sound dumb. And I don't wanna tell Billy because he'll think there's something wrong with me." "Well I won't. Screw him. Just tell me." Blaze said. "If I tell you, will you tell Billy?" Blaze shook his head and another sigh left my lips. "I have asthma. And he smokes all the time. I'm usually ok with it but the smoke has been getting to me lately. Which is why I haven't been around as much." Blaze stared at me and said "what's it like?" "It doesn't feel like you're being choked if that's what you're asking. My airways close. They're like a gate. For the majority of the time, they're open. But there's times where something triggers me and I can't breathe. And my airways close. And I'll do anything to breathe. I've been avoiding him. Because I'm too afraid to tell him. He'll think I'll have a fucking disease or something." My voice broke at the end and Blaze hugged me. He held me close to him and he promised me that he wouldn't tell Billy.

Calypso's POV:
Blaze came to my room and said "can I talk to you?" I nodded and said "what's up?" "Did you know that Lyra has asthma?" "Yes. She's my best friend. I know everything about her." I replied. "Well apparently it's been acting up and she's afraid to tell Billy." He said. I stood up and said "I'll talk to him." I walked to him and Lyra's shared room. I knocked on the door and Billy answered it, jumping when he did. "You gonna hit me again?" Billy asked in a small voice. "No. I want to talk to you about Lyra." He let me in the room and I noticed his knuckles bleeding. "Jeez." I said. I went to tend to them and he stepped back. "No. I deserve this. I hurt her. I hurt my girlfriend. I hurt one of the things that matters most to me. I hurt the love of my life." Billy said. I frowned and said "Billy, I need to tell you something about her." Billy looked at me curiously. "She has asthma. She didn't want to tell you because she thought that you would think she's diseased." Billy's lip quivered and he turned away from me. "C-can you take me to her?" I nodded and he followed my to the pool. I opened the door and Billy looked down. "Lyra can I t-talk to you?" He asked. I then left the two of them alone.

Lyra's POV:
Billy walked over and I said "what is it?" "Calypso told me that you have asthma. Is that true?" I nodded and said "yes." "Were you ever going to tell me?" "No." "Why not?" "Because I was afraid." Billy reached out to hold my hand and I noticed his knuckles. "I hate when you do that to yourself." I said. Billy looked down and said "I hate that I did that to you." He pointed at my bruise and said "it's my fault. I should've told you." "No. I shouldn't of pressured you into telling me something if you weren't ready or comfortable." Billy replied. I half smiled and said "well, now you know." I examined his bleeding fist and said "don't do this to yourself." "I'm sorry." He said. I stood up and led him out of the pool area. Calypso bandaged up his wrists and Blaze said "don't do that, man." Billy nodded and said "I won't." Blaze patted his back and Calypso said "sorry for kicking you but you were being a lil hoe." Billy rolled his eyes and said "I deserved it." I sighed and wrapped my arms around him from behind. Billy leaned his head on my arm and Maia ran in. "Billy, what happened to your hands?" She asked. "Nothing. Don't worry about it." He replied. Maia frowned and said "I hope you feel better." "Thanks, kid." Billy said.

Here's the update. The ending sucked. I didn't know what to put tbh.

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