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Blaze's POV:
We were all sitting at the top of the shaft. Sam sighed and said "this is just like last time." Maia stared down into the shaft and Billy said "don't." He pushed her back and she looked up at him. "But, aunt Lyra. Aren't you going to save her?" Maia asked. Billy nodded, not saying anything. Everyone in the room that he was about to break. I knelt down to Maia's level and said "Billy's gonna get her. I promise." Halo ran over to me and hugged me. "Hawk." Was all she said. "Don't cry. Don't cry. Look at me." Halo looked at me, tears streaming down her face. "We're going to get him. Ok?" I said. Logan picked her up and she cried into the crook of her father's neck. Sam began helping people out of the turning shaft. There was a ladder we had to climb up and there would be a room to the left. He went up first and got Vanessa, Calypso and Maia. Billy was hunched over in the corner, not saying anything to anyone. Cossette looked to Ripley who said "I'm going to get, Newt. You stay here." Arlo grabbed Cossette's arm and said "I'll protect you." She nodded and Arlo helped her and his brother up the ladder. Gavin climbed up the ladder and Hicks said "I'll come with you guys. Ok?" I nodded and I could hear Sam's voice, it sounded like he was talking to someone and that it was urgent. Ripley ran a hand through her curls and wiped a few tears. Max said "Billy?" He didn't answer her. "Please get Lyra back. Please. Just like you got me." "Ok." Billy mumbled lowly. Max went to go up the ladder and she screamed. I saw a Xeno at the top of the ladder, reaching for her.

I shoved Max out of the way and said "move! Move! you want some?! Come get this!" Billy luckily caught her cause I almost pushed her into the shaft. The Xeno jumped down into the room with us and Hicks shot it, blood going everywhere, melting the walls. Max shuddered and I said "go up there. Now." She shook her head and Gorman peeked over the side. "Give me your hand, kid." Max held her hand out and Gorman pulled her up swiftly. "Go get, Sarko. She saved my life." Vasquez said weakly. "We're going to get her right now." There was another ventilated shaft we'd have to take to get out of this room, and that's what we did. "Guys." Sam said. We looked up at him and he said "Bishop is going to blow this place up soon. You guys gotta hurry. We're going to be at the ship bay. Make sure you guys make it back in fifteen minutes. If you don't, you'll die with the planet." Ripley nodded and said "got it. We'll be there."

Lyra's POV:
Newt played with the ends of her wet hair, looking up, waiting for Ripley to rescue her. I put my hand on the small of her back and kept her close to me. I took off my soaking wet jacket, discarding it since it was weighing me down. "Hawk?" I called out. A meow was heard and I saw Tiger trying to get onto a metal pole that ran through the water. I rushed over to him and helped him climb up on it. He was dripping wet and he gave me a saw mew. "I know." I said to him. Newt patted his head and the kitten meowed for his owner. "Hawk!" I yelled, seeing if he'd hear me. I heard bubbling and said "Newt, stay here with Tiger." She nodded and I walked down a little farther, looking for Hawk. I found him, his jacket caught on the metal and he was barely staying above the water. "Shit." I said. I grabbed my knife and began to cut through the jacket material, he'd have one less sleeve but he wouldn't be dead. Once the material broke, Hawk gasped for air. He hugged me and I said "I got you. It's fine. You're ok." Hawk clung to me and I rubbed his back. "Did you find, Tiger?" He asked. "He's over here." Newt said. Hawk let go of me and rushed to the kitten who was giving him affection. Footsteps thudded above us and I saw claws sticking through the grates. Newt's eyes widened and I covered her mouth. Hawk grabbed Tiger and put him in his jacket, zipping it up to where he'd be dry but could still breathe. Hissing sounds came from above us and Newt whimpered. I held her close to me and Hawk gulped as he stared at the Xeno that was just passing through. The alien disappeared after a few minutes and I said "we need to keep walking. They'll find us that way. They can't get to us here." Newt nodded and I uncovered her mouth. Tiger mewed and Hawk said "he's cold." "Keep him in the jacket. He'll be fine." Newt walked ahead of me and called for Ripley. I sighed as I began to feel sick again. Hawk looked at me and said "you ok?" I shrugged and said "yeah." Hawk looked at my stomach and stared at it. "What're you looking at?" I asked him. "Your stomach. Why does it look like that?" I looked down and noticed that it was a bit bigger than normal. "I don't know. Maybe I'm fat or something, Hawk." He sniggered and I rolled my eyes. He didn't bring it up again and I then began to think about it. There's no possibly way I could be pregnant. My stomach looked to be about two months and I had a jacket on the majority of the time so you couldn't really tell. The last time I had sex was seventy six years ago, technically. And you don't age in the cryotubes. So I've been out of the cryotube for at least a month, a month and a half? This doesn't make any sense. Newt's voice broke me out of my thoughts. "Here! I'm here!" She said. I noticed, Billy, Blaze, Ripley and Hicks were above us. "Lyra. Are you ok?" Billy asked me. I nodded and said "I'm fine." Hicks began to cut through the metal flooring and Newt was still playing with her hair. It must've been a nervous tick. Hawk held Tiger close to him and was trying to warm him up. "Will one of you take, Tiger? He's cold." Hawk said. Blaze nodded and Hicks banged on the metal a few times, making a small enough hole for Tiger to crawl through. Hawk handed the kitten to Blaze who set him on the ground next to him. Now Tiger looked down at Hawk and there was a swishing sound in the water. "What was that?" I asked. Hawk shrugged and Newt didn't answer. A Xenomorph appeared behind Newt and my  eyes widened.

Hawk's mouth hung agape and Newt turned around, screaming at the sight of it. "No!" Ripley said as she banged on the metal. "Holy shit!" Blaze yelled as he did the same as Ripley, banging on the metal. One came up behind Hawk and grabbed him. "Lyra!" He said as it took off with him. I felt one grab my ankle and I closed my eyes. "Get the fucking thing open! Now!" Billy screamed. I looked up at Billy and the Xeno drug me under.

Billy's POV:
I stared at the water which just had bubbles floating to the top now. Ripley cried in agony and Hicks was trying to pull her away. "They don't kill you! They don't kill you! They're alive! She's alive!" Ripley said. "I believe you! They're alive! But we gotta go." Hicks said as he pointed to the elevator. Blaze picked up Tiger and said "what do we do with him?" I stared at the water and didn't say anything. "Give him to me. I'll put him in my bag." Ripley said. She set the kitten in her bag and blaze pulled on my arm. "Let's go. Let's get, Lyra." I nodded and looked down. "What's wrong?" Blaze asked me. "I failed. I failed, Blaze. I can't protect her. Who am I if I can't protect her?" I said as tears fell from my eyes. Hicks looked at me in shock and Ripley said "Billy, you've been protecting her this whole time. You can still protect her if we go get her right now." I patted his shoulder and said "come on. You can save her. You'll save her." I nodded and wiped my face, standing up. The four of us rushed to the elevator and began taking it down.

Hudson's POV:
I woke up surrounded by slime and other shit. I looked around and couldn't move. I was stuck. "What the fuck?" I mumbled. I looked next to me and saw Lyra. She was unconscious but looked injured. Hawk and Newt were here too. "Hawk." I whispered. He didn't move. Lyra's head hung low and I saw a pool of blood around where she was. The slimy sac, material kept the four of us constricted. I didn't have a gun, only a knife. I moved my hand towards my pocket and felt around for it, luckily I had it. A sac opened up in front of me and I looked inside to see a Facehugger. That made me dig for my knife faster. It began slithering our of it and I grabbed my knife, putting it in front of my face. The Facehugger jumped and impaled itself on the knife, squealing as it died. I pushed it off the knife and watched it curl up and die. A Xeno entered the room and I acted dead, closing my eyes. The heavy footsteps passed me and went to my left, where Lyra was. A heartbeat was heard, it was rapid and the Xeno made a noise. I opened one of my eyes to see it standing over her, it's claw moving her hair out of her face. It used it's head and nudged her body, Lyra didn't move, she just stayed still. The Xeno nudged her again and she shuddered in pain. I saw that her injury was on her side. I clutched my knife in my hand, ready to end this Xeno and it went to walk back my direction so once again I closed my eye. I heard it leaving the room and I made sure it was gone before opening my eyes again. I began to cut through the sac I was in and it took me a few minutes to do so. I walked over to Lyra and saw that the Facehugger sac in front of her hadn't opened yet. I began to cut her sac open, trying to free her. Blood covered my hands as I began to cut her free. "Lyra?" I whispered. She didn't move. She was still. I cupped her cheek and said "Lyra." She looked so weak, she had lost a lot of blood. "Lyra. Wake up, man." She moaned weakly and I shook her softly. "Please wake up." Her eyes fluttered open and she said "Hudson? You're alive?" I nodded and said "yeah what's you think I was-" She cut me off by hugging me tightly. I hugged her back and she said "I thought they killed you." I shook my head and said "they tried didn't they?" She chuckled a little and I pulled away from her. Lyra noticed Hawk and Newt. "We have to get them out. Help me." She said. "Rest. You're bleeding. When I get the kids, I'll carry you out. Ok?" I said. Lyra sighed and agreed to listen. I began to free Hawk and he said "Hudson, hurry." I nodded and Hawk has small tears in his eyes. "Hey, chill. I'm right here." "Says the guy who's been a pussy the whole time we've been here." Hawk replied. I scoffed and went to yell at him but realized where we were. "Imma tear your ass a new one when we get out of here." I said. Hawk smirked and said "I hope you do, pussy." "I ain't helping you no more. Get out yourself." Hawk shrugged and said "gladly." Newt woke up and tried to get out of her sac. I had to walk over to her and she saw that the Facehugger sac was opening. She screamed as it crawled out, about to jump on her face. "Shit." I said.

Ripley ran in and shot the Facehugger. My eyes widened and I said "holy shit!" Hicks came in after her and said "Hudson. You're alive." He hugged me and I said "yeah, man! These motherfuckers tried to kill me. It didn't work though." Blaze stepped in the room and saw a Xeno heading for Lyra. He walked over and swung his bat over his head, bashing the Xeno's brains in. Then he turned toward the main doorway, another one trying to come into the room. He rested the bat on his shoulder and walked over, swiftly killing it.

"How'd you get out?" Hicks asked me. I showed him my knife and he smirked. Ripley was freeing Newt and Billy walked over to Lyra. He saw that she was bleeding and said "what happened to her?" I shrugged and said "don't know. She was like that when I woke up. I got her out of that shit. All you gotta do is pick her up. Unless you want me to do it." Billy eyed me and said "I'll do it." I put my hands up in defense and Hawk said "Hudson saved us." Hicks nodded and said "good job. But we gotta get out of here. Bishop is blowing this place up soon." "What the fuck? Why didn't you say so?!" I said as I began pushing everyone out of the room. Billy carries Lyra in his arms, blood trailing down his pants. We walked out of the room we were in and ended up in a room ten times worse than the last one. There sat the Queen alien. Ripley was holding Newt and Hawk stared up at her. We were standing in the midst of thousands of eggs. Hicks said "what do we do?" The Queen hissed and it echoed throughout the room.

Blaze gripped his bat and said "there's nothing we can do." Ripley set Newt down and said "I'm going to blow it all up. Including her." I saw that the eggs were literally coming out of her body. I gagged in disgust and Billy said "do something. Now." Ripley turned her gun to the flamethrower and began setting the eggs on fire.

The Queen screeched as her babies were being torched and Ripley had a whole string of grenades around her neck. She dropped them on the ground and she began shooting the queen's reproductive tube thing. "I'm gonna be sick." I said. Newt stared up at the Queen as she screamed for her babies. Xenos entered the room and Hicks shot some of them. Blaze beat one to death and I stabbed one in the head. "Let's go." Ripley said. We made it to the elevator and an explosion went off, shaking the elevator. Hawk fell into me and I grabbed him by his shoulders. Lyra gasped in pain and I turned around to look at her. Billy bit his lip and Blaze said "she's gonna be ok." Ripley looked at Lyra and Newt said "she helped me. I hope she lives." Billy's eyes widened and Hicks said "she'll be fine, Billy." The automated voice came on, once again.

You know have two minutes to reach minimum safe distance

"Fuck! Can't this thing go any faster?" I said. Lyra was beginning to look dead in Billy's arms and Hawk held a kitten in his arms. Newt clung to Ripley and we finally made it to the ship bay, where no ship was. "Damn you, Bishop!" Ripley said. Blaze closed his eyes and said "fuck." Hawk's eyes widened and he said "he left us. He left us." Billy cursed under his breath and Lyra was getting weaker and weaker.

You know have one minute to reach minimum safe distance

A ship came out of no where and Bishop was piloting it. My eyes widened and Hicks said "Bishop!" Ripley sighed in relief and then the elevator was coming back up cause it just goes back down after you use it. The Queen. "Holy shit! Let's go!" I said as we all made a beeline for the ship. Bishop quickly landed and we all piled on as quick as we could. Bishop sped away from Hadley's Hope and the explosion was like a supernova, it shook the whole ship. Luckily, Billy has strapped Lyra down because this would've caused her so much pain. Hawk held his kitten in his lap and Gavin said "how the hell are you alive?" Vasquez sat up and said "Hudson. You're alive, man." I walked over to her and said "you are too. What happened to you." "That fucking blood, man." I showed her my bandaged arm and said "hey, it happened to me too." "Is Sarko ok?" I looked over at her and Gavin was operating on her. "I think so. She's been through a lot. I don't think this'll kill her." "I hope not. She saved my life." Vasquez said. I say down next to her and said "Gavin you're like a genius right? So you can save Lyra?" Gavin huffed and said "yes. I can save her. Just leave me alone so I can do that."

I got carried away with this chapter and I know this book is very very similar to Worlds but originally I didn't plan to have a sequel. Aliens is one of my favorite movies ever so that's why I did the plot of aliens. Also there might be another update up today. This shit is over 3,000 words whaaa?????

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