"You want us to do what?"

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Lyra's POV:
Everyone from the Covenant was called to a room. Carter Burke stood at the front. "Hello everyone. Have you all met Ripley?" He gestured to a curly haired woman. Nobody answered. We truly didn't know her. "Call, would you like to give them the news?" Carter asked. Call, the female android stood at the front of the room. "Gateway Station would like all of you to accompany our marines on a mission to check on Hadley's Hope. Since you all have experience, in case there's Xenomorphs, we'd like you all to go on this mission. It'll help our marines with the task." "You want us to what?" I asked. Call said "they'd like you to accompany us. It'll just be to check on the people on Hadley's Hope." Billy shook his head and said "nope." Blaze scoffed and Sam said "that something we'd rather not do. I'm not a marine and I'm no  going anywhere. And the soldiers in this room, are Blue's marines. So if you want them to go, it's up to him." All eyes were on Blue. "I don't think it's a good idea. We all are still trying to recover from losing half of our crew. I don't feel safe doing that. Where would the children go? This isn't a thought out plan." Blue said. Call cleared her throat and said "the children would go with you. Because technically they can't be here without adults." "That's bullshit." Arlo muttered. "You're saying that I can't leave my daughter here? Out of harms way?" Calypso asked. Call shook her head and said "no. I'm sorry."

"What the fuck?" Roxy said. Call shrugged. It's not her fault. She was just giving information. Carter looked at everyone in the room. Nobody was happy. Orion said "it's not safe. Trust me. I was held captive by them for years. I can't even begin to explain what the isolation felt like. If there are Xenomorphs on Hadley's Hope, the colonists are most likely dead, or being impregnated." Ripley nodded in agreement and said "this is a stupid idea. If they were around seventy six years ago, and they attacked me and my crew fifty years ago, that means they're still out there. And if they're on Hadley's Hope, there's nothing you can do about it. Everyone is already dead." People began to stand up and leave the room. Billy stood up, pulling me up with him. Carter grabbed my arm and said "ok were a legend back then. Isn't there anyway you could help us out?" Blaze removed Carter's hand from my arm and said "back off." Billy went to step to Carter and Blaze held him back. "I can't. I'm sorry." I said. I walked out of the room and Billy and Blaze were behind me. All the kids sat in one room. I sat down next to Hawk who said "what's bugging ya?" I shrugged and said "nothing. Just something Carter said." Halo hugged me and I hugged her back. Max looked at me and said "what'd he say?" "He just wanted me to do something. He wanted everyone to do something." I replied. "What was it?" Maia asked. She walked over and sat on the other side of me. I put her on my lap and said "they wanted us to help them with some people who they think might've been attacked by Xenomorphs." Zane shook his head and said "no." I nodded and Halo said "we must help them." Hawk rolled his eyes and said "yeah and guess what'll happen, we die." Max looked at him and pursed her lips. "What?" Hawk asked. Max said "we're safe. Blaze and Lyra wouldn't let anything happen to us. Billy's protective over me so he would save me before any of you but, Blaze and Lyra care about us the most."

Billy walked into the room, walking over to the mirror. He had a cigarette in his mouth, fixing his curls as he stared at himself. Maia watched him and climbed off my lap. She hesitantly walked over to where he stood. Max leaned over to Hawk and said "he's gonna be shook." Hawk sniggered and Max leaned on Hawk's shoulder while laughing.

"Hi Billy." Maia said. Billy turned around and looked at her. He jumped slightly and said "hey." Max and Hawk began laughing out loud. "What're you laughing at? Huh?" Billy said. They continued to laugh and I giggled. My boyfriend eyed me and I smiled at him. "Be nice." I mouthed. He rolled his eyes and looked back in the mirror. Maia stood next to him and he pulled his cologne out of his pocket. "Oh my god! He carries his cologne!" Hawk yelled. He laughed even harder and Max did he same. "Shut up Max!" Billy said. I stood up and walked to where Billy stood. I watched him spray some on his hand and put it in his pants. Maia's eyes slightly widened and Billy sniffed.

"Billy?" Maia called. "What?" "Could I touch your hair?" Maia asked. Zane giggled and Halo rolled her eyes at Maia. Billy's lips parted in confusion and I said "Billy? You wanna give the pretty girl an answer?" Maia giggled at me and Billy said "fine." He set his cologne down on the table and I took his cigarette out of his mouth. "Inhale on that and I'll kill you." He said. "Oh god. Why would I? It'd kill me." I replied. Billy looked at me and said "what do you mean?" "They're toxic." Was all I said. Billy knew I was hiding something and he turned to Maia. I quickly put his cigarette out and he said "you get a minute. And not a second more." Maia nodded and said "a minute. Got it." He picked her up and was holding her in a weird way. I chuckled and said "put her on your hip. Like this." I picked up Halo and she smiled as I held her. Billy set Maia on his hip and she played with his hair. Billy stared at the half human, half android girl as she played with his mullet. "I like your mullet. Even though they're way out of style." Maia said. Max lost it. She cackled while Hawk held her. "Jesus Christ, Max." Billy said while rolling his eyes. I set Halo down who crossed her arms. "Woah. That's something I thought I'd never see. Billy holding a child that wasn't Max." Blaze said as he stood in the doorway. Halo ran over to him and hugged his leg. Blaze smiled down at her and said "hey lil crazy." "Can you hold me? Lyra didn't want too." Halo said. "Wow. Real nice." I replied. Blaze picked her up and said "aw Lyra. You didn't wanna hold this cutie." He kissed her cheek multiple times, making her giggle. Halo kissed Blaze's cheek. He gasped playfully and I smiled at him. "Cute." I said. Blaze put his arm around me and Halo stared at the two of us. She went to say something when Billy said "your minute is up." He set Maia down onto the floor carefully. "Thanks." She said. Billy nodded and didn't say anything. Maia hugged Billy, she was a lot shorter than him so she was just hugging his legs. Billy patted her head and she smiled up at him. I watched him look down at her. A smile appeared on his face. He'd never admit it, but the girl made him smile. Maia walked away from him and said "I wanna go annoy Gavin. Who wants to go?" Hawk smirked and said "me." Maia smiled really big and grabbed his arm. They went to leave the room and Hawk said "Max, you wanna go?" Max shook her head and said "no. I'm gonna stay here." She stared at the two of them and Maia pulled Hawk towards the elevator.

The meeting had put most of us in a bad mood. Blaze, Billy and I were on kid duty. So they kept our minds off of it. It was Blue's decision if he wanted us to help the marines. So if he decides that he wants too, we'll all have no say in it. I know that if it does happens, Billy and Blaze will be angry. And Billy will need to find someone to pick fights with. I really don't need that right now. If this mission happens, we need to get through it being strong, not broken up like the last time.

Here's the update! Hope y'all like this

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