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"your mom?" he asked confused, raising an eyebrow. boki nodded eagerly as they both kept walking.

"my mom owns a restaurant and her part timer is going to study abroad so... she's looking for someone hard working and trust worthy to help her out at the restaurant. are you interested? she pays good money." she added with big widened eyes.

jooheon scratched the back of his head. "where is it?"

"it's at this district where i was born... around an hour and a half in train." jooheon's eyes widened. "isn't it too far?" he asked.

boki shrugged. "restaurant opens at noon and your classes are in the morning, i can talk to my mom and convince her to let you in around 2:00 p.m. because of your study schedule and there will be no problem."

jooheon listened carefully at what she said. "restaurant closes around 9 so i think you'd be back around 11:00 p.m. here... it'll be okay." she said with a cheerful tone.

he thought about it and even though it sounded like an exhausting schedule, he was finally convinced when boki told him the pay. "we'll double your current salary and you'll have one free day for yourself. what do you say?"

"i am in!" he said showing off his dimples and giving her a high 5. boki giggled as she grabbed her phone. "i am calling my mom right now." she said as she dialed her number.

jooheon didn't want to quit the zoo's job since it was the only one left, especially because he loved the monkeys and the racoons and he really liked spending time with his co-worker, im changkyun.

but he knew this was a great oportunity. boki's mother would double his current salary and he really needed the money to pay for his rent and studies.

"she wants to meet you tonight – boki said, pulling his sleeve – i'll take you there. come on!" she said dragging him along. jooheon only looked at her surprised.

"tonight as... today? in a few hours?" he asked confused but boki nodded eagerly. "come on... we need to arrive on time, she hates when people is late."

on their way to the subway station, jooheon noticed how boki's eyes were glued to the phone. it seemed she was intensely texting someone and it wasn't difficult for him to guess who it was. "trouble in paradise?"

boki stopped texting and glared at him. "no... i mean... no." she said shaking her head, returning his eyes to the phone.

jooheon glanced at the hour and sighed. he hated riding the subway but now, if he was going to work at boki's mom's restaurant, he'd have to do it on a daily basis.

he glanced worriedly at her. "did you two have a fight because of me?" he asked, crossing his arms on his chest.

they were sitting next to each other in one of the long free seats. the subway at that time wasn't as crowded as in the mornings.

she sighed. "not exactly... i think he's giving me the cold treatment. that's all."

jooheon rolled his eyes. "do you think that makes sense?"

"what thing?"

it seemed he was annoyed. "that? the cold treatment... the silent treatment i mean, what is this? first grade? can't he deal with situations like a grown up man?" he shook his head, cursing away.

boki stopped for a second and pondered about what jooheon just said and realized it was true. she quickly moved her fingers quickly as she texted exactly what jooheon said to kihyun as a comeback.

"i am just saying... he should't treat you like that. you weren't doing anything wrong and you don't deserve it."

she looked up at him but he avoided her big eyes, instead he looked away, mumbling a song.

"yeah... maybe you're right."

with that he quickly turned around and looked at her defiantly. "i am always right."

they soon arrived around 1h45m later and it felt nice to stretch once they got out of the subway. boki pointed stuff around, telling jooheon interesting facts about her home district and he only complied with nods as he listened carefully.

"ah i miss living here... i mean, life here is so uncomplicated." she said shrugging as they both walked around. boki approached the street to stop a cab.

"why did you move out?" he asked. the cab stopped in front of them and he opened the door for her. boki always felt flustered when kihyun did it.

and it was something minhyuk never did but still, now that jooheon did it was something unexpected to her, like a little surprise. from kihyun was expected because he was well mannered and refined but from jooheon was a really good surprise.

"thanks." she said hopping inside the cab's back seat. he took a seat next to her as he closed the door. "either way... my mom didn't want me to stress about the daily travel so she told me it was better to move to the city. i think she was right after all." she said playing with the hem of her coat.

jooheon nodded. it was his first time in boki's home district and even if it hadn't been 2 hours of trip, it felt like 2 days.

"i see... well... has he been,- h- here? ya know... in your... house?" jooheon didn't know why it felt so uncomfortable to ask about him.

it was true he was probably jooheon's least favorite person but still, curiosity hit him this time and suddenly he was dying to know if boki's mother knew kihyun, since jooheon was about to meet her.

boki remained silent for a few seconds but finally shook her head. jooheon's eyes widened as he swallowed hard, wondering the reason why.

kihyun was well mannered, in a fake way to his own judge but he thought he could act like a true gentleman even if it was to get things on his own benefit.

jooheon could never do that. he found it hard to fake and be someone who he really wasn't.

but now he knew he had to make an even better first impression to boki's mom since she'd probably tell her that they were friends.

"ah we're here!" boki exclaimed as she paid the cab. jooheon opened the door to let her out and they quickly rushed to the restaurant.

he noticed it was definitely a familiar place, small but very cozy. decoration was cute and once they stepped inside, the delicious smell of the homemade cooking, made his stomach grumble.

the place was neat and clean, very organized. all tables were clean and had trays with the basic things such as napkins, chopsticks, small plates and a jar with water, ready for costumers.

he smiled as he walked deep inside and easily imagined himself working there. "ahh my sweet child!" a woman's voice echoed inside the walls.

they both turned around to find a woman coming their way. first thing jooheon noticed it was that she was really small, even shorter than boki. she had dark hair tied on a high pony tail, wore glasses and had gentle eyes.

she was wearing an orange apron as she extended her arms to hug boki. "mom!" she exclaimed with smiley eyes as they both hugged. "look this is jooheon...my friend." she said introducing them.

his eyes widened as he almost forgot the manners his grandmother taught him when meeting someone older and much more, a woman.

he bowed respectfully. "nice to meet you mrs. do... i am boki's friends. it's nice to be here. thanks for having me." he said with a charming smile.

her mom look at him with surprise and her heart skipped a beat when she noticed his cute dimples. "oh... god... boki didn't mention she had handsome friends – she said giggling and hitting his arm playfully – are you the one who's going to work with me?" she asked, her cheeks changing temperatures.

boki looked at the scene from outside with strange eyes. "ah yes. bokinie said you were looking for a part timer."

she laughed shyly. "ah yes... seungmin is leaving to study in japan so now i am on my own... i really need lots of help around and my daughter is busy studying and all." she said pouting. jooheon smiled.

"hmm yeah... she's really busy with the unversity and... - he started but boki's eyes widened. he understood she was begging him to not mention kihyun at all.

jooheon wondered the reason why. maybe she hadn't talked about it with her mom? maybe she didn't want her mom to know about kihyun? but why?

boki's mom tilted her head as she listened carefully. "ah... yeah busy with university and the- boki tried to save her own ass.

"charity projects." jooheon quickly added. she turned to look at him with a deep glare but her mother's eyes widened in amaze. "aw are you? i can't be more proud of you." she said leaving small kisses on her cheeks.

"alright now, let's get to the point. i'll explain you everything around- boki's mother started. jooheon nodded – but first you need to wear one of our aprons, come on." she said.

jooheon complied as he walked around with the woman, as she talked and explained about how everything worked in the restaurant. "tarts are one of the specialties around, they order a lot of them so we need to keep them here – she said showing a beautiful glassy exhibition – ordered by colors and flavors."

he nodded as he took mental notes of everything. boki followed them with eager eyes. "if you have doubts just ask my mom." she said.

he felt endeared at the view of boki and her mom trying to help him by giving him a job with a good pay in a safe environment. he thought that was a great opportunity that he shouldn't let go to waste.

"it's okay. i understand everything – he said bowing – thank you for this opportunity. i will work hard." he said with a smile, his dimples sparkling.

"oh my- boki's mother blushed.

"so when can you start?" boki asked him. he smiled widely and nodded. "tonight! give me instructions of what should i do next!" boki's mother felt like finally she could work again with a little less of the burden she had previously for her part timer's left.

for jooheon it was an easy job, after all, he had been a waiter before. he had the experience and definitely the charms to deal with customers. he'd always approach the humorous side and clients loved it.

he made some jokes to the old people and played with the kids. it was true that in less than 4 hours, all of the people at the restaurant loved him and boki's mother couldn't almost believe it. "omo... he's a magical creature." she said to boki, whispering it as she laughed.

boki, who was also wearing an orange apron, helping around, just laughed as well.

he wasn't a magical creature, he was just a really fun person with qualities that were somehow hidden somewhere.

"phew... that was a lot of tables." he said once boki's mom decided it was time to close. the restaurant was practically empty and boki had just stayed to help around a bit and to make some company on his way back home.

she really worried about jooheon's future and she wanted to help somehow. this, she felt, was the only way she could help with what she could do and she wanted to be also part of it.

"well... it's now over. and you did it great. mom is really satisfied." boki cheered him up by pushing him playfully.

jooheon smiled as he looked down at boki's widened eyes. the noises around the restaurant had quieted down and for a second, only the crickets outside could be heard.

the way jooheon looked at her, in such an endeared way, made boki's heart to race. suddenly she felt her cheeks changing temperatures when she noticed his eyes diverted to her lips.

the moment was full of tension, but a tension that was definitely new for boki. she didn't know if it was because she was tired from all the studying and helping around in the restaurant, or the fact that it was late and with all the work she hadn't eat anything.

but she definitely felt weird, especially with jooheon looking at her that way.

"uh... i just wanted to tell you... thank you, for this." he suddenly said. she sighed as she looked away, breaking the intense eye contact.

hugging herself because temperature had dropped, she nodded. "no problem. i am happy to help." she said turning around and picking up a few of the dishes that were still on the tables.

jooheon swallowed hard as he took a step towards her, his hand lifting to touch her shoulder, to stop her, to make her turn around.

he wasn't exactly sure of what he wanted to do that but his body, mind and soul told him to.

but he was too slow. soon boki's mom emerged from the kitchen, calling them both.

boki and jooheon turned around at the same time, to find the smiley woman, holding two trays full of food. "now it's time for you kids to eat, come!" she exclaimed with a cheerful tone. 


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