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"i can't believe he did that to you." hawon, her best friend since childhood ranted in the kitchen as she served a cup of tea to boki.

she tried not to cry in front of her but keeping her feelings to herself was something difficult to do.

"just wait until i see him, i am going to kick his ass!" she exclaimed but boki shook her head.

"no, don't do that... he's your cousin remember? i don't want you to get into fights with him because of me... what would your family say then?" boki tried to reason with her but hawon was way angry.

she had planned everything to introduce them and wished for them to be a couple, and it worked, for two years.

"aish... i just want to – she motioned as if she wanted to strangle him but boki stopped her.

"hawonie... stop saying those things – she said scratching the back of her neck – maybe... he had his reasons, i don't know."

hawon's eyes widened in shock. "are you... defending him?" she asked as if she almost couldn't believe her own ears.

boki shook her head. "no. not at all but – she sighed – at least he was honest with me since the beginning and he swore he had never cheated on me."

hawon rolled her eyes. "pff... yeah sure, go on... keep believing in them. aish... i am ashamed to call him my cousin."

boki felt fad for hawon since she knew she was probably embarrassed over what minhyuk did to her but she also understood that there was nothing she could have done.

"anyway... how are you feeling?" she asked with worried eyes.

boki tried to flash a reassuring smile. "i am... trying." she simply said, holding onto the mug as if her life depended on her.

her friend felt bad for her, she was completely sure that boki didn't deserve this. "why didn't you call me last night? i would have come to you."

she looked at her with sad eyes. "i know... i guess i just needed to be alone for a while."

hawon was easily upset, she had a temper.

"aish! i feel so frustrated." she groaned.

but boki tried to calm her. "i am fine, i promise."

hawon stared at her for a long time, as if she was trying to believe her but finally sighed. "so... this guy you met last night... who is it?" she asked sitting across her on the breakfast bar.

boki shrugged. "some random guy who works at the aquarium."

"and... let me get this straight, he invited you out for drinks?"

"well... not exactly like that, he saw me crying and told me i should drink soju."

hawon rolled her eyes. "are you dumb? don't you know that guys like these are dangerous? what if he had kidnapped you or worse?"

but boki laughed. she thought jooheon was nothing but defenseless. "i don't think so... he doesn't look like that."

"oh but those are the worst ones, believe me." hawon quickly added.

boki put her mug down and shook her head. "no... he is kihyun's brother, remember him?"

hawon's eyes widened. "what? kihyun?"

"yes, yoo kihyun, remember him? from school."

her friend swallowed hard and boki noticed how she tensed immediately. "yoo kihyun? aka the biggest bully in our school?"

"but also the heartthrob." boki added with a chuckle.

hawon wasn't amused. "that is not funny also i am not following you... how do you know he is kihyun's brother?"

"well not brother... stepbrother and i know this, because i saw him last night."

in that moment, hawon choked on her drink, spitting in boki's direction.

"what!? he's... here?" she asked, her face a poem.

boki reached for a napkin to clean hawon's spit. "yes... he's back in town."

"omo... why did you see him? how did it happen? why?" hawon asked, holding onto boki's jacket.

"gosh hawon-ah... stop, it's not a big deal."

"not a big deal? excuse me, do you remember how he used to bully me and the others? he was really mean! don't you remember?"

but truth be told, of course boki remembered it. he had never bullied her or at least not like he used to bully hawon and the rest of the classmates.

"yes, i do remember but- he's... different."

hawon rolled her eyes. "different how? is he fat and ugly?"

boki laughed. "no... he's different. sweet and caring... i don't think he is anything like he was before." she said taking a strand of hair behind her ear.

her friend groaned. "seriously? are you kidding me? guys like him don't change ever."

"hawonie... people can change, i've seen it." she tried to excuse kihyun but hawon was not easily convinced.

"that's a no for me... either way be careful... did you exchange numbers?"

boki nodded. hawon took her hands to her head. "you've been dumped less than a day ago... i advise you to be smart and to get away from guys like that."

she couldn't help but smile. "and i appreciate your advise hawonie... i am not a silly girl anymore and i promise i'll be careful."

hawon narrowed her eyes. "are you talking with him?"

she didn't want to lie to her friend so she nodded. "aish... why? i am sure you can find several interesting guys, you just need to tell me and i'll introduce you to them."

then the thought of hawon introducing minhyuk popped in her mind. "well... everyone except relatives ofcourse." she said looking down, avoiding boki's stare.

but boki wasn't like hawon. hawon was the exact opposite, she was outgoing and popular. everyone loved hawon.

"thanks... but i kind of like talking to him... in fact, i am seeing him this afternoon."

hawon's eyes widened like plates. "are you nuts?"

"no, i am not crazy and i am telling you, he seems like someone completely different now."

her friend didn't seem convinced but she knew she couldn't force boki to stop going to that meeting. "fine." she said crossing her arms on her chest.

"but call me if something happens...i don't trust him."

truth be told, boki didn't trust him either, at least not completely. she couldn't trust in any men around her, especially after what minhyuk did to her.

that's why she went to him with her hopes down. she didn't want to think of it too much.

kihyun cited her in a top café in the city of seoul. a place she had never been before, but definitely listened around.

the place was beautiful and looked quite expensive. it was definitely a place she wouldn't come by herself or not because of her choosing.

when she arrived she looked around but couldn't find him among the people. a young lady approached her. "good evening, how much people?"

"oh- table

"for two. table for two." a manly voice answered behind her. she swallowed hard and turned to find kihyun standing close to her.

he smiled widely at her. "boki-ssi... it's great to see you. i am sorry i am late, shall we?" he asked, motioning for her to follow the waitress.

"oh... it's fine really... i don't mind."

"when did you arrive?" he asked, pushing her chair once they were lead through the tables to theirs.

she sat and bowed her head. "not so long ago, actually like 5 minutes ago."

"oh, thanks god it wasn't that long." he said sitting across her, removing his coat.

he was incredibly handsome just as he was back in the school days, the difference was that he looked manlier and definitely grown up.

he had long black hair pushed backwards and his eyes had the same dark almost black tone that she remembered from school. he had a mysterious look that accompanied by his pale-milky skin made him look like one of those actors from the dramas.

the clothes he wore and the smell he gave off were almost impossible to ignore. "are you okay?" he asked tilting his head, staring at her with curiosity.

"oh... uh- yeah i am fine, thanks." she said feeling small sitting in front of him.

boki didn't think of her as a pretty girl, even if she had listened from people around her that she was pretty, she didn't feel that way.

she noticed he had pretty hands that looked perfectly with the watch he was wearing. "maybe we should order some iced tea? would you like some?" he asked.

she nodded. boki couldn't care less about what he ordered. being there with him, alone in a café, made her remember the times she went out with minhyuk, as a couple.

she wondered if people around them thought of them as a couple too since they were alone and she felt a sting on her heart just thinking how a day ago she had a boyfriend, a boyfriend who she loved.

"uh... well... i am sorry i was late, there was an accident on my way here, i am sorry even if you waited for 5 minutes."

she looked up, meeting his intense eyes, trying to push her worries and sadness away. "oh... is everything okay?"

"yeah... i think so, it was just a crash but everyone seemed fine." he answered with a sweet smile, she nodded.

"so... is there anything bothering you? you seem off tonight."

boki's eyes widened. he had realized.

she chuckled nervously. "no... of course not. i am fine, just- tired you know, from class." she said, trying to convince him and herself from the words she was speaking.

"oh class? what are you studying?" he asked.

"business." she answered with her lips pressed in a thin line.

his eyes widened. "business? seriously? how small the world is... that's my major too." he said with a proud smile.

now boki couldn't believe her luck. "really? woah... where are you studying it?"

she remembered kihyun used to be 2 years older than her so she assumed since she was almost starting her career, he should be studying too.

"oh well... i studied abroad the first 2 years but i came back to study the rest here." he said with a smile.

soon their iced tea arrived and he ordered some entrées. "abroad? where?" she asked curiously.

"in sidney... it was fun."

"sidney? woah... that's so far."

"it is – he laughed – but now i'll be studying in seoul's university."

in that moment, boki's eyes widened like plates. "the national?"

he smirked. "yes. i'll be finishing it there, i already got accepted." he said taking a sip of the tea.

she swallowed hard. "boki-ssi? are you okay? you look pale."

"oh it's just- it's cold here." she said taking also a sip of the iced tea. he laughed.

"where are you studying though?"

she chuckled nervously. "seoul's too."

"well oh well... i can't believe it, we'll be reunited after all this time?" he asked, crossing his arms on his chest, an amused look on his face.

she laughed. "i guess so?"

"i must admit it's going to be a pleasure to know someone there since i don't have any friends around."

boki thought of it as a nightmare. not because she didn't want to be friends with kihyun but because she knew people in her school and she knew as soon as kihyun entered to the faculty, people would be talking about his presence and how handsome and cool he looks.

then after that, if they see him with boki, they'd be talking about why were they friends and how kihyun could look for a friend like her, unpopular and totally not pretty.

she sighed. "sure."

he swallowed hard. "you don't seem to be happy about it."

her eyes widened in shock. "oh no no no – she said moving her hands, shaking her head – it's not that, not at all. i am happy you're studying there, we can be friends of course, it'll be fun." she spoke the words as if she was trying to convince herself. kihyun laughed.

"alright, i feel positive about it now." he said nodding, playing with the straw of his glass.

"i spoke with hawon today, do you remember her?" boki asked, out of nowhere.

but kihyun didn't seem to have a clue of who she was. "who?"

"hawon? chae hawon... she used to go to school with us, she was in my grade though."

but kihyun couldn't remember her. "uh... big glasses? freckles?"

and just then it hit him, his eyes widened in surprise. "right piggy tails!" he exclaimed with a sweet smile that surely melted boki's coldness.

"chae hawon... i remember her. i was friends with her older brother, who was in my same grade, chae hyungwon." he said nodding, as if he was remembering good times.

"yes... she. well... she also goes to the university with us."

he seemed surprised. "really? business too?"

"no... she studies marketing but we'll have common classes with her."

kihyun seemed to understand. "that's great, how's she doing?"

"she's fine... she was slightly surprised when i told her about you."


"yes... she remembered you." boki seemed tense and kihyun understood almost immediately. "ah... i can see why." he said playing with the straw.

french fries arrived, also nachos and a green salad. boki glanced at the delicious food. "i used to... call her names, right? is that it?" he asked, taking a bite of a french fry.

boki swallowed hard. "well... yes, she hasn't forgot about it."

he nodded. "i was a kid... a mean one i must admit but, i am not like that anymore." he said nodding.

somehow his eyes seemed honest and deep inside boki believed in him. someone who looked like him and someone who spoke so sincerely like him must be telling the truth.

boki nodded. "i know, i know... i told her."

kihyun smiled. "thank you... you're sweet but you don't need to be defending me – her eyes widened – if i ever see her, i will apologize formally to her, i'd like to leave those things behind." he said with a sweet smile, eating a lettuce.

boki chuckled. "i think she'd like that."

the rest of the evening was as lovely as boki pictured in her mind. he was a true gentleman.

the way he spoke and expressed himself was so sweet that somehow she forgot about the minhyuk-situation the rest of the night.

"how's hyungwon by the way? i haven't seen him in a long time."

"oh he's fine... he's also studying but a different major."

"really? which one?"


kihyun smiled. "he was good at drawing i remember and he loved buildings and bit structures. i always thought he was going to make a great architect."

boki smiled, remembering how passionate he was about it. "yes, he is a great one. he's has one year left though... he's going abroad to make his internships in an american firm."

"woah... that's amazing."

the night went through perfectly for both. kihyun was sweet and easy going. he talked in a way that almost hypnotized boki, she couldn't take her eyes away from him.

"...then things stopped working out and both fell in love with other people... after a long battle my father won the custody and i got to see my mom every weekend. he re-married again and we moved together to a house, here in seoul." he said eating the nachos.

boki stared at him, listening to the whole thing. "this time, my stepmother, chaeyoung, had a son, jooheon." he said not really amused. boki noticed how he seemed a bit cold, talking about him.

"i am sorry if this is too personal but... do you get along with him?" she asked.

he stared at her for a few seconds but then sighed. "i... it's difficult, you know?"

boki couldn't understand though, she was only child. "i tried to be a good brother to him but he wouldn't cooperate. he was too petty and stubborn. he'd only give my parents headaches. he's irresponsible and wants to do whatever he wants."

she acknowledge it sounded like him. "i tried to help him, i wanted him to earn my father's trust but he wasn't interested in being part of this family." he said cleaning his fingers with the napkin.

boki felt bad for kihyun, it seemed he was really sad about it. "so no, i guess we're not the ideal example of a happy family, much less, happy siblings." he said looking down.

she wanted to say something to cheer him up but she didn't know what. "i am sorry. i don't want to bother you with my personal drama, we just met again after 15 years, i don't want to be a burden to you." he said with shame.

"oh no. not at all, it's not a burden. it's okay if you want to share personal things, i can be a good listener, if you want. "she said, making him laugh.

he stared at her with his intense eyes and flashed a sad smile, nodding his head softly. 

"you are, of course you are."


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