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"alright. i dare you to kiss me."

the moment the words escaped jooheon's lips, everyone's eyes widened, includding boki's.

"w-what?" she muttered.

but jooheon seemed decided. "you heard me. i dare you to kiss me." he said with a confident tone, glancing quickly at kihyun whose jaw was already clenching.

boki felt someone touching her arm and she followed the fingers, realizing it was kihyun. "you don't have to do that." he said between teeth.

jooheon laughed. "pff... let her decide would ya?" he said with a harsh tone, turning to look at boki. "come on. a dare it's a dare."

boki felt her hands trembling as she felt kihyun's grip closing stronger on her. "a-alright." she said freeing herself from kihyun's grip.

the dark haired stared at her with shocked eyes. "yah- hyungwon called her but boki walked weak steps towards jooheon, who waited for her with a triumphant smirk.

she leaned down softly and heard kihyun's voice behind her. "don't." he said but boki closed her eyes and brushed her lips against jooheon's cheeks.

everyone sighed in relief, includding kihyun as he shook his head. boki wouldn't comply with jooheon's wishes as easy as he thought.

she smiled as she looked at jooheon from close. "you never said where." her voice made everyone laugh.

but all the laughs died when jooheon, right there, stole a kiss from her, from her lips.

boki blinked twice as realization hit her. she leaned backwards as she swallowed hard, feeling a warm feeling on her lips, the place where jooheon placed his just not so long ago.

with that, kihyun stood from his seat and went berserk, jumping towards jooheon, looking for his neck.

the rest stood and tried to stop him but it was a bit late since his hands were closing already around jooheon's neck.

the little brother seemed to be amused though, with kihyun's unexpected behavior. "why would you do that!?" the dark haired asked between teeth.

but jooheon didn't have a straight answer, or maybe an answer that would satisfy him. "i just thought it was funny." he managed to say since kihyun was leaving him without air.

"kihyun let him go!" boki yelled from behind as she hit his back.

between hyungwon and wonho, they managed to separate them. hyungwon pushed kihyun backwards as wonho checked if jooheon was alright.

"i said i am fine!" he exclaimed, freeing himself from wonho's hands. he glared at his older brother and spat at the floor.

"geez... you're so anal retentive, you people can't take jokes." he said grabbing a bear from the bucket and walking away from the fireplace.

"jooheonie!" hawon exclaimed as she tried to stop him, but it was too late. he had walked deep in the beach already and they lost him in the sea of umbrellas and stands.

"i am sorry for what he did." boki found kihyun apologizing for his little brother's behavior.

she shook her head. "no, it's not your fault... it's fine." she said caressing his cheek as she stared at him with worried eyes.

kihyun sighed as he looked away, clearly ashamed of what have happened. "i am sorry, to all of you." he finally said to the rest of the people.

hawon rolled her eyes but both hyungwon and wonho accepted his apologies. "it's fine man... he's in the wrong." hyungwon said as he gave him a small pat on the shoulder.

boki noticed how guilty and sad kihyun looked and she felt responsible for a second. "come on, let's keep drinking!" she exclaimed with a strange cheerful tone as she grabbed two beers, one for each.

she offered one to him but it seemed he have had enough. "come on. drink with me? let's put this behind. nothing happened. "she insisted with her sweet voice.

he hesitated for a second but finally agreed, taking the beer from her small hands. "yeah, let's drink all that!" hyungwon exclaimed to the remaining beers on the bucket.

they kept drinking for hours as slowly they started forgetting jooheon's incident.

"and then... i saw her crying because she had failed that exam, it was so pathetic, she was the only one crying, the rest failed too but nobody gave a fuck." wonho said, mocking the way boki cried back in the first semester.

she felt her cheeks turning red and kihyun couldn't help but laugh. "such a nerdie." hawon said pushing her softly.

"it was the first semester! i wanted to do fine!" boki excused herself.

"i think it's cute." kihyun said with a soft voice next to her.

a couple of beers more, they decided to play a game close to the beach. at this point all of them were pretty wasted and the temperature had dropped dramatically.

"ahhhh i am so cold!" wonho exclaimed in the vast place. he was barefoot and his feet touched the cold water.

"ahh this is so fresh!" hawon exclaimed, using the same tone.

"shall we scream something?" hyungwon asked.

kihyun had fall to the ground a couple of times and he needed boki's and hyungwon's help to walk. "give me two tables..." he mumbled, eyes closed.

"he stinks like alcohol." boki said with her eyes half opened half closed.

"what if we drop him? he might die drawn." hyungwon said laughing.

"no let's not dropping- she said as a hiccup almost choked her.

"we should play football." kihyun said between a drunk whisper. "ah yes football! i am the best!" wonho said pushing boki away and grabbing kihyun's hand, dragging him along with hyungwon. "let's play there!" he said as they walked, dragging kihyun along.

hawon followed them singing one of the songs that were on the radio on their way there and soon boki was left alone as she tried to trail behind them.

but truth be told, she was also drunk.

since it was dark, it was hard for her to see correctly and images kept looking blurry." g-guys- she mumbled but then she stumbled and her face landed on the white sand, then the cold water went inside her nostrils and she felt like drawning.

"h-help- she mumbled as she extended her hands, looking for help.

right then she felt a pair of arms lifting her from the ground and smiled. "ahh thank you. i fell on the ground." she said laughing drunkenly.

"damn right. at least you know." she heard someone replying. she closed her eyes and sighed.

"i can't w-walk-

"i know. that's why i am carrying you." the voice somehow seemed known. "who are y-you?"

"uh- i am... one of the seventeen members."

she couldn't open her eyes but her lips turned into an "o"

"omo... who are you? i love seventeen, i am a carat."

"yes? you are? pfff... saw that coming" he mumbled.

"i... are you jeonghan?" she asked as she felt her body dropping somewhere. "ouch- my head."

"that's for thinking i was jeonghan... no, i am not a snake."

she giggled as she hugged herself. she felt her feet turning cold and then she wondered where her ankle boots could be. "i am really trying to open my eyes but i can't--- i feel... dizzy."

"yeah... same."

"oh! dk!" she said with a cheerful voice.

"what? no!" the voice exclaimed. she felt a sudden warmth around her and imagined the seventeen member put some sort of blanket or a piece of fabric on her.

"ah that's so nice... you're a gentleman. you're joshua."

the voice sighed. "why don't you just ... shut up?"

"ah you're not joshua... jun maybe? the8?"

"shit you truly are a carat." she heard next to her and couldn't help but laugh.

"ahh! she exclaimed, making the voice jump – seungkwanie! my favorite! i love you so much." she said moving her hands, trying to open her eyes.

there was a faint image before her. she tried to open her eyes more, to see if it truly was seungkwan but the images were clouded.

extending her hand she touched his face. "seungkwanie... - she mumbled with a smile – i love your voice. you're so funny and sweet."

"yeah? i am?"

she nodded as she held his face between her hands. "you smell good... like someone i know."

she heard him sighing. " and who's that?"

"my... well... my boyfriend?" she said unsure, tilting her head, eyes still half closed, half opened.

"and who's your boyfriend?"

"well.. min- no, wait – she said with a frown – ki... no, i can't remember." she said shaking her head.

"woah... what a birdhead... you can't even remember your boyfriend's name? what a shame-

"ah! yes! birdhead- joo... jooheon! my... boyfriend... jooheon- she mumbled, bringing the face between her hands close to hers, and placing a kiss on it.

"wake up!"


she felt how someone shook her body, gripping her firmly on her shoulders. "geez, it's around 11, we need to go downstairs to have lunch, it's getting late!"

she opened her eyes and was suddenly blinded by the bright light, filtering through the open window.

"can you close that!?" she exclaimed making vampire noses, taking her head under the blankets. hawon couldn't help but laugh.

"no lazy-ass... it's late, you need to be ready in 5."

boki opened her eyes and pulled the blanket down. "what happened?" she asked confused.

"what? are you serious?" she asked with a mischievous smirk. "you don't remember a thing?"

boki frowned as she confusedly tried to remember the events of the previous night.

"oh my... you've got a long road ahead my friend... lunch will be awkward for ya." hawon said putting on her jeans.

"oh gosh... what did i do?" boki asked, getting out of bed.

"well... - hawon seemed to be having a great time – you made a fool of yourself." she said laughing.

"come on, be honest, what did i do?"

"well... you puked." boki covered her mouth with a shocked face. "on your boyfriend kihyun."

her eyes widened as she covered her whole face. "oh god no!" she went inside the bathroom as she felt her stomach getting upset.

the way downstairs was more stressful than she thought. the anticipation of seeing kihyun and the rest, after making a fool of herself the previous night was almost killing her.

"do we need to? i can just say i feel bad-

"shut up. i am hungry." hawon said as they walked inside the cafeteria. boki spotted the 3 heads sitting together in a table, all with tired faces and dark circles around their eyes.

kihyun's eyes widened when he noticed boki arrived and he flashed a sweet smile. "good morning." they all greeted each other and kihyun pulled a chair for her.

"sit with me." he said with smiley eyes. she nodded as she felt her cheeks changing temperatures.

she felt as if she couldn't look straight into his eyes because embarrassment was too strong.

"so how do you guys feel?" hawon asked, filling a cup with strong coffee. "i have a headache." hyungwon said.

"i have upset stomach." wonho said pushing away the plate of food.

"where's jooheon?" boki asked once she realized he was missing on the table. "i don't know... we haven't seen him since yesterday." wonho answered.

boki felt how kihyun tensed next to her. "maybe he's around." he said with a reassuring tone.

but just then, the cafeteria's door opened to reveal a fresh-swag-looking jooheon. he smiled at them and walked towards the table. "good morning." he said grabbing a cup of rice and pouring lemon juice in a glass.

"how did you guys sleep?" he asked casually.

the rest of the people who looked like zombies, glared at him. jooheon couldn't help but laugh.

"geez... you look like crap." he said laughing, eating deliciously the food before him.

kihyun rolled his eyes as he sighed, pushing the plate away. suddenly he had lost his appetite too.

"i can't believe you're eating so easily after what you did yesterday- kihyun suddenly started as he glared at his little brother.

the people around the table tensed and boki couldn't help but glare at her boyfriend.

"hey!" jooheon started as he stood from the table.

"guys- hyungwon said standing in the middle, since kihyun had stand from his seat too.

"you have no respect for others." kihyun said with a clenched jaw.

"aish... stop being such a nitpick-

"stop acting like a thug-

jooheon's eyes widened as he went for kihyun's neck as well, pushing him and bringing down the table with them. "what did you just say?" he asked, as he grabbed the collar of his shirt.

"guys!" boki and the rest started yelling. they were fighting again.

kihyun didn't seem scared of him. he looked at him with defiant eyes. "you're a sleazy thug, that's what you are, a criminal and- before he could say something else, jooheon delivered him with a great punch, making him bleed in the instant.


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