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"but later don't say i didn't warn you... he's not who you think he is."

the words echoed inside boki as she walked towards the university. she spotted the building on the distance and suddenly felt someone's hand on her shoulder.

"boki-yah!" wonho's sweet voice made her jump. she turned to look at her blue haired friend, who was flashing a smile at her.

"look what i got!" he said exclaiming with happiness, showing her a videogame, shaking it on her face.

"what is that?"

"what? is this new videogame who everyone is talking about? you know? this famous one? nobody has it in the campus yet, only me!" he said with cheerful eyes.

"ah really? that's nice. how did you get it?" she asked as they kept walking together.

he shrugged. "thanks to your boyfriend."

boki stopped on her tracks and turned to look at him with widened eyes. "what?"

"ah yes, kihyun got it for me – he said with proud air – he's the best, isn't he?" he said making a small victory dance.

boki frowned as she kept walking, wonho trailing behind her. "he surely is." she mumbled as she started thinking why kihyun would do such thing for wonho.

"ah i can't beliee hawon and jooheon talk so bad about him... he's such a nice guy. i really like him."

boki stopped walking again and turned to him. "you hated him... what happened?"

his eyes widened like plates as he took a hand to his chest, pointing at himself. "me? when?"

she groaned in frustration. "yes! you said he was a fancy pants and called him other names... what happened? is this because of that videogame?" she asked, crossing her arms on her chest.

wonho laughed histerically. "what? no... i am not that shallow you know? he's nice! he really is, that's all." they both kept walking as boki shook her head in disapproval.

" and we're having a tournament on saturday-

"what!?" boki exclaimed, almost shocked. "i mean yes... he's inviting me, with some of his other friends... didn't you know?" he asked with a guilty face.

boki swallowed hard as she now rushed inside the building, wonho calling her name behind.

she couldn't believe her own ears, she still remembered when wonho badmouthed kihyun and even he did it along with hawon.

"i can't believe it." boki said before going inside the classroom. it was hard not to think that wonho was clearly leeching off kihyun. he was in advantage since he was boki's friends and kihyun was probably doing it to cause a good impression to boki's friends.

she sat in one of the tables and he quickly followed her, sitting next to her. "how did he get it?" she asked with a frown.

"well... he has connections, i guess?." he asked unsure.

"quiet please, class is about to start." the professor suddenly said and boki didn't have any other choice than to keep quiet as millions of questions popped into her mind.

kihyun was now loved by everyone in the school. literally, anyone who knew him, liked him immediately.

except for two people, hawon, her friend, and jooheon.

once the class finished, they both got out of the classroom and boki felt like drinking a coffee. "let me buy it for you." wonho said with a guilty tone since he noticed boki's sudden change of mood after he mentioned the videogame thing.

"it's fine, i can pay my own." she said pushing two coins inside the coffee machine.

they were both quietly waiting when suddenly they noticed a group of girls moving quickly towards the school's sports building.

both wonho and boki glanced at each other with a confused face and quickly grabbed her coffee and followed the crowd.

"what's going on?" wonho asked to a few students who were rushing to the football field. "it's a handsome guy, a handsome guy is playing!" they exclaimed as they ran outside.

boki rolled her eyes. "ah come on, let's go back-

"no i want to see who it is!" wonho exclaimed, grabbing her arm and dragging her alone, causing her to spill coffee on her white sweater.

"aish! look out, it's hot!" she complained as they arrived the football field. she noticed the crowded girls, fangirling over someone.

"omo look at his legs... it's obvious he works out!"

"and his arms? he definitely is in shape!"

"and his hair? it's so cute... i want to run my hands through those silver locks."

boki frowned as she heard the description so she tried to move around to see who it was.

"and the dimples? are to die for!" with that, her eyes widened as she pushed one of the girls and stepped forward, wonho behind her.

"jooheon?" she asked tilting her head.

she noticed how kihyun's little brother, ran on the field as he controlled the ball on his feet, running at all speed.

"woah he's fast." wonho said laughing with an impressed face.

"jooheon!?" boki exclaimed now, as she was 100% sure it was him.

"but what is he doing here?" wonho asked her confused. in that moment, he ran towards the opposite side and scored a goal. all the girls went crazy and started cheering for him as he flashed his dimples with a great and proud smile.

boki tilted her head as she stared at him. she wasn't a big fan of sports but she definitely loved football and that goal he scored was pretty amazing.

she found herself clapping with wonho and the rest as she stared at him with marveled eyes.

with that, suddenly he grimaced in pain and landed on the floor, making every girl around, jump in the feet. "omo is he hurt?" they were chattering around.

"jooheon!" boki exclaimed as she ran into the field, followed by wonho. he was in fetal position in the middle of the green scenery.

a few of the other people who were playing approached the scene too. he had his eyes closed as he complained about a pain on his knee.

"is he alright?" people mumbled around him.

"are you okay? what happened?" boki exclaimed as she knelt down close to him, looking for any wound. but he only complained because of the pain.

"help me get him." she ordered to wonho, who quickly helped her to get jooheon on his feet. they both helped him to the campus infirmary as he kept complaining about a pain on his knee.

"i didn't see anyone hitting him." wonho said with worried eyes as they waited on the waiting room.

boki shrugged. "me neither... so i don't understand."

"are you going to call kihyunnie?" wonho asked to which boki turned around with a frown on her forehead. "kihyunnie?"

wonho swallowed hard. "since when do you love him?"

"uh – he said laughing histerically – haha i don't love him... i mean he's a cool hyung."

"are you jooheon's friends?" suddenly the doctor came out with jooheon limping behind him.

boki's eyes widened as she approached the silver haired. "is everything alright? how do you feel?"

she turned to look at the doctor. "what happened to him?"

"he had a slight sprain on his knee while playing." the doctor said with a serious tone.

"what?" wonho asked confused.

"but guys... he's not a student here, so i can't treat him here. i am afraid i made an exception this time but i can't do it next time." he said with scolding eyes.

jooheon complained under his breath as he walked with difficulty out of the infirmary. "sure, thanks doc." he said leaving. both wonho and boki glanced at each other and followed him not before thanking the doctor.

"yah!" she called him, grabbing his arm to stop him. "you can't walk like that... we'll help you." she said grabbing one of his arms but wonho didn't move, he just stared at them awkwardly.

"i am sorry i have to go, i have a class in 4 minutes." he said with awkward eyes.

boki rolled her eyes. "seriously?"

"bye." wonho waved as he turned around and disappeared inside the building. boki groaned in frustration.

"come on, i'll take you home." she said helping him walk.

"i can do it myself." he said putting his arm around her shoulder for support. "yeah sure." she mumbled.

as they walked out of the campus, she stopped on the sidewalk and extended her hand to take a cab. "what are you doing?" jooheon asked.

"i am stopping a cab."

he rolled his eyes. "you don't do it like that." he said shaking his head in disapproval. "don't you know how to stop cabs? what the hell? you're embarrassing me, please stop." he said as he moved forward and whistled so hard that almost left her deaf.

she turned to look at him with big eyes. "is that how you do it?-

but she couldn't finish her sentence since there was a cab parked in front of them already. jooheon laughed with a triumphant smile. "get in." he said with bossy eyes.

she rolled her eyes and did what was told, helping him inside. after they explained their address to the driver, they both sat in silence.

boki was dying to know the reason why he was there and she couldn't help but wonder if it was to see kihyun.

she glanced at him a few times but every time their eyes met, she'd look away. "aish what? what are you looking? are you in love with me or something?"

her eyes opened like plates. "no! it's not that!" she said shaking her head and moving her hands.

"then what is it?"

"i just- what were you doing in the university?"

the question seemed to be unexpected to jooheon. he frowned and looked away. "well... you dropped this last time you were at my house." he said taking and old sock from his pocket.

she frowned. "that's not mine."

"ah i thought so..." he mumbled putting it back into his pocket as he looked through the window. it was more than obvious it wasn't the real reason.

"did you just made that up?" she asked crossing her arms on her chest. he shrugged.

"you probably won't believe me anyways."

"come on. that's a lame excuse jooheon-

"fine! yes... i wanted to see you, happy?" he said with widened eyes and a harsh tone, as if it was hurt but slightly annoyed.

she leaned back with widened eyes as she noticed he seemed worked up. "alright... you could have just texted me? i mean... you could have told me."

"could i? your psycho boyfriend doesn't want me around you... it's not exactly easy to be friends with you."

"he doesn't want you around? he told you that?" the question seemed like a bucket with cold water, dropped onto his head.

"what?" he asked confused, or maybe faking confusion.

"don't act out... he told you that?" she insisted. jooheon stared at her for a few seconds but then looked away. "i don't know why i even bother." he mumbled under his breath.

boki sighed as she leaned back on the backseat.

she noticed their neighborhood in the distance and stopped the cab, telling the driver that they could walk from that point to save money.

she helped jooheon out of the cab and he supported on her shoulder again. "you're heavy." she said closing the cab's door.

"i am a man... i eat a lot." she rolled her eyes at his silly reasoning.

"anyways... you didn't answer my question. actually... two of them."

"woman what? are you crazy?"

"don't do that! come on... answer my questions or i'll drop you right here!" she exclaimed with annoyance.

"arasseo... what is it? i can't remember."

"what kihyun told you?"

"ah your psycho boyfriend? not much."

her eyes widened. after jooheon said that, she imagined kihyun coming to him and warning him to stay away from her but deep inside, a part of her, told her that kihyun wan't that type of man. he wouldn't do that.

"please be honest with me... don't lie to me." she insisted.

"why do you think i am lying to you?" he said with a honest tone.

she shrugged. "i just want to know what happened? what did he tell you?"

he opened his mouth to say something but then shut it, quickly changing his mind. "nothing. he didn't say anything."

she frowned.

"then why are you assuming he doesn't want you around?" even if kihyun had told her exactly that, she didn't believe he'd be able to say it to jooheon's face.

jooheon shrugged. "that's the vibe i get, that's all."

boki looked down as they walked through the narrow streets with poor lighting. he had his arm aroun her shoulders as he walked with difficulty.

"ah but he told you that, right?" the question came suddenly as she turned to glance at him.

"maybe." she didn't want to lie to him. jooheon nodded as if he wasn't surprised. "arasseo... then we shouldn't be friends."

"what?" she asked almost shocked, eyes widened.

jooheon choked. "what? what happened?" he asked confused. boki looked down ashamed. "i mean... no... nothing." she shrugged.

there was a weird vibe between them and when she spotted his building a few blocks away she sighed in relief. jooheon didn't insist more on the friendship topic.

"there's still another question you didn't answer." boki said this time once they stopped in front of jooheon's building.

he let go of her shoulder and approached the entrance door and turned to look at her. "what is it?" he asked with a bored face.

"what were you doing in the university?" she asked crossing her arms on her chest, tilting her head to the right with an inquisitive look.

he turned nervous immediately as he swallowed hard. "i told you already... i thought this sock was yours!" he said taking the old and dirty sock from his pocket, shaking it almost in front of her.

"come on... you already said you wanted to see me... but why?"

he stared at her a few seconds and boki suddenly noticed how his chest went up and down faster.

"that's none of your business." with that he finally turned on his heel and rushed inside with difficulty and almost falling to the floor. 


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