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'Decimo glad you could be here, but unfortunately there is a problem in a parallel world so you can't stay long.' This was the only warning he got before Primo disappeared from his vision and everything went black.

A great pain blossomed throughout his entire body before the feeling and everything with it vanished. With great effort he opened his eyes to see blood completely obscuring his vision. He wiped his eyes with his arm only to get no difference. Disconcerted he frowned and used mist flames to form himself new eyes, coming to the conclusion that his eyes were beyond saving.

Blinking his new eyes the first thing he saw was his bloody hand which was filled with bullet holes. Shocked he saw that the rest of his body was the same except there was a huge gaping hole in his chest like someone stabbed a blade through it. Unable to look at himself anymore he completely covered himself in an illusion covering the holes and making the blood vanish before he saw his normal unscathed 14-year old self.

'Guess Primo was telling the truth when he said I would be in a parallel world but who killed me?' He thought as he got up fluidly like he wasn't just filled to the brim with bullet holes before walking out of the alley he was in. Outside he saw... a Hibari predictably biting Herbivores to death.

He sweatdropped as the fully armed mafioso, that had probably killed him, get absolutely destroyed by a 16-year old Kyoya. 'Well at least some things never change.' He sighed started to enjoy the show.

Within 15 minutes the carnivore was surrounded by possibly dead herbivores before wiping off his fangs and continuing on his patrol not noticing the omnivore watching him.

After Kyoya left Tsuna searched the bodies for any identification, only to burn them after seeing the Estraneo symbol. 'Damn Estraneo, looks like I'll need to find Mukuro later since they are still alive, hopefully he is still alive.' He clenched his jaw in anger before heading in the direction of his (old) house.

"Ara? Tsu-kun what took you so long to get home?" Nana asked as he entered.

"I was just visiting a friend." Tsuna said calmly, inwardly though he was crying ecstatically at the sight of his alive and well mother.

"Great! My Tsu-kun finally has a friend!" She cooed and sparkled making Tsuna blink to see if the sparkles were actually real or not.

"I'm going to bed now, I'm quite tired." Tsuna said tiredly and Nana nodded before going back to cleaning.  

'I wonder how this new life will be for me...' He thought as he lay down on his bed, knowing sleep will not come for him due to his... condition.

AN: I seem to be on a roll today.

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