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Zodiaki jako fragmenty z openingu awae

Baran- "Cast in a golden light"

Byk- "First thing we'd climb a tree
And maybe then we'd talk"

Bliźnięta- "You are ahead by a century"

Rak- "And disappointing you is gettin' me down"

Lew- "And that's where the hornet stung me"

Panna- "With revenge and doubt
Tonight, we smoke them out"

Waga- "And rain fell through the night
No dress rehearsal, this is our life"

Skorpion- "Rain falls in real time"

Strzelec- "I tilted your cloud
You tilted my hand"

Koziorożec- "This is our life"

Ryby- "And I had a serious dream"

Wodnik- "With illusions of someday"

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