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Description and Personality:
Also commonly referred to as the Shadow, he rarely does anything that isn't either for personal gain or trying to ruin someone else's life. He lives in the Temple of Darkness as a black, poisonous flower. Due to his location, the Darkness is basically feeding into him, manipulating his mind and giving him powers somewhat like Chara and Oblivion. He can shoot lethal, paralytic, blinding, or poisonous sharp black pellets. He can shadow-meld and is rarely seen during the day time. He doesn't have a SOUL, so where his soul should be, is filled with pure darkness. Because of this, he's usually surrounded by a dark aura and black smoke. He's irritable and quick to snap, but there's a soft side to him that the darkness is trying to overcome. If the Zodiacs all work together and Frisk manages to repel the darkness, they can rid the darkness from him, giving him a SOUL of pure gold and light, converting him to his final form...

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