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A/N: Art by ragesquit

Element: Fire (bit ironic if you think about it)

Zodiacs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Description and Personality:
Black half cloak with red and orange hues and a hood. Dark grey leggings and long sleeved, chainmail armor-like shirt. Black combat boots. Everything she wears is fire resistance. She usually wears a chest-plate of armor under her cloak and when she pulls on the hood, a half mask of armor comes down over the top half of her face. The eye she covers with an eyepatch is her Zodiac eye. She keeps it covered because, out of the four, she has the most trouble controlling her powers, especially since fire is the hardest to control. She feels very strongly about the Legion and hates when people slack off. So, naturally, she and Sans don't get along very well. Surprisingly, however, she and Papyrus and Toriel get along fine, even though Papyrus is water, and she's fire. However, even though she acts like she hates him, Undyne would never let any harm come to Sans, if she could help it, and not just because of who his father is. She uses magic spears to fight more often than she does fire, because she can't always control her Zodiac.

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