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"So who's it about" I asked sitting on the couch beside luke.

"Huh?" He turned to me with furrowed eyebrows.

"The song" I specified "who's it about 'and rise through the night, you and I' it's sweet" I began to hum "we will fight to shine together" I waved my finger in the air.

Luke rolled his eyes, spinning in his spot so that his legs were now on my lap "the band" he said as if it were obvious.

"Really" I paused eating my apple "you wrote this sweet song about us" I leaned towards him "about Bobby?" I acted as though the thought was disgusting.

Luke scoffed, lightly pushing my head away "yeah. Believe it or not, you guys are my favorite people"

I gasped turning to the rest of the group, who were to busy messing with their Instruments to hear what he just said "guys" I called out. Luke's face turned as white as a ghost.

"Lily don't" he went to reach for me as I stood up, but I was able to avoid his hands.

The boys all turned to me with the same annoyed look and a chorus of 'what'.

"Luke just said—" I stood in the center of the room and pointed towards luke.

"Lily please" luke begged. I kept my eyes on the boys because I knew if I looked into his pleading eyes I would stop, and I really wanted to embarrass him.

"—that we are his favorite people" I placed my hands on my chest with a huge smile.

The boys all turned to him going 'aww' and the next thing I knew they were all crushing him into a tight hug "your one of my favorite people too" Reggie said.

"Lily is no longer included in that" luke mumbled, barely able to get a breath out with the group of boys crushing him.

"Don't lie to yourself" I mumbled as I joined to group hug.

"Hey, where'd the rest of the band go" some random kid from backstage asked.

Unknown to him we were standing maybe 10-20 feet away from him, by the stairs.

"Wait. We're those holograms?" The purple girl from dirty candy asked.

"This is weird" I mumbled, standing with the 3 boys at the bottom of the stairs "they can't see us anymore"

"Yes!" Julie quickly took the first option she was given to avoid the awkward stares "yes, they were holograms. I plugged it into the ceiling projector before the show. I'd explain it but it involves algorithms and science stuff." The audience began to cheer.

"It's wild." Luke Said "they could see us when we were playing, but not when the music ended."

Immediately Reggie got an idea "we should double-check" he stepped up the stairs and began to shake his butt. Nobody laughed, no one even glanced in his direction. With the lack of acknowledgment towards him Reggie stepped back down the stairs and back towards up "yeah, I don't—I don't think they can see us"

Alex sighed turning back to Julie "I wish I couldn't see you"

Before Reggie got a chance to reply the principal lady clapped her hands "okay, people, shows over. let's get back to class please."

Without even thinking about it, we followed the crowd of children into the halls.

"That was awesome" Luke exclaimed hopping around.

"Yeah it was" I said as we shared a high-five.

"You know what this means right?" Luke asked as I skipped up beside him. "We have to invite Julie to our band"

That's not at all what I was thinking. "Wait—why again?" I asked.

"Because she just made us visable" luke said as we rounded the corner.

"Oh yeah" I shook my head "right"

"Guys" Alex yelled from behind us. We both turned to the boy, kinda annoyed.

"What" We said in sync.

"Where are we even going?" Alex asked. Luke and I shared a look. We didn't know, we were just following the group of kids.

"That way" I said pointing down the hall where half the kids had gone. Luke nodded.

"Let's surprise Julie" Reggie said, skipping out of literally nowhere.

Luke hopped, clapping his hands. You could clearly tell he was in a good mood today. "Yeah" he said "let's do one of those human pyramids"

Reggie liked that idea.

"I hate this idea" Alex did not.

"Alright Alex, you go there" Reggie pointed to his right. "I'll stand here" he pointed to where his feet were "and luke, you climb up and be the top"

They all got into formation before they noticed me standing off to the side "oh wait—what about lily" Alex pointed to me. As much as I loved to be Included I would rather not join this particular thing.

"Don't you think Alex should be at the top" I said pointing to the blond attempting to take the focus off of me.

Alex immediately shook his head "I can balance to save my life" then he pointed to luke "and plus Luke's great a balancing"

"Should've been a gymnast" Reggie added.

Luke hopped down from his spot on the boys knees. "What about lily?" He stood beside me.

"I'm good" I mumbled, waving him off.

"No you're not." He glared at me "you will be on our pyramid"

I didn't know whether I should be happy he was so adamant on me being included or worried that I was walking into a trap.

"We have to move" Alex said, now standing straight "she won't be surprised if we are this far back, she'll see us before she gets close"

I looked back down the hall where the turn was. He was right. Of course Alex was right, he usually was.

"Then let's go over here" Reggie said running down the hall "quick before Julie gets here" he said rushing the group.

The boys ran to the end of the hallway and went back into their positions.

"Lily come on" Reggie yelled, patting his knee as I walked down the hall.

"Hury" luke held out his hand.

I rolled my eyes. I wasn't exactly excited about this idea, but I also wasn't in the mood to argue. I grabbed onto his hand and pulled myself up.

The moment I was up and ready Julie came around the corner.

"Julie" we all shouted in sync.

"Ahh" Julie yelled "you! Stop doing that" luke and I hopped down from the other boys knees "I'm serious" Julie said her eyes landing on luke.

"Whoa!" Reggie threw his hands up in defense "this one's on you. We were already here. Well, actually, we were over there"—Reggie pointed down the hall where the janitor was—"and then we came over here." He pointed down to where he was standing.

"Are we not gonna talk about what just happened?" Luke hopped with excitement again.

"Yeah, the whole school saw you. It's kinda freaking me out." Julie said.

I bit my bottom lip as I hummed "yeah"

"Okay good" Alex stepped forward " 'cause it's kind of freaking me out too. You know, you could se us, and now people can se us wherever we play music. And my clothes are made of air, but for some reason, I'm still getting a wedgie" Alex ranted.

At this point I wasn't even surprised—or weirded out—by Alex's extra and unnecessary information.

"So many questions" alex mumbled, turning slightly to luke who was patting him on the back.

"The important thing is that we rocked that place" luke hopped forwards "they were loving you!"

"Are you kidding me? They loved us" I smiled at Julie's words. "That was a Great Song, luke. Thanks" my smile dropped and I sent Julie a glare. I helped write that song. Julie was quick to notice my glare "and you Lily" she didn't seem very sure about my name "it was a beautiful song"

I shrugged "I know. Thanks"

"And did you see the cheerleaders looking at me? I think they were looking at me." Reggie turned to luke grabbing his arms "please tell me they were looking at me"

Luke grabbed onto the side of Reggie's face "bro, they were looking at you." Luke said with a huge smile.

"Oh! I knew it!" Reggie spun back to Julie.

"I'm so...I'm so confused, you know? The afterlife should come with instructions or a quick start guide or something." Alex started to panic.

"Well, the good thing is that everyone thought you guys were holograms, and I got back into the music program." Despite the happy news, Julie looked super bummed.

"Why do you took so bummed?" I asked. If I was in her position I would be jumping up and down with excitement.

"Yeah, dude, You're making this face." Luke grabbed Reggie and Alex and pulled them in, squishing me between him and Reggie as we mimicked her face.

"Hhmp" Julie rolled her eyes "that...is not my face."

"Yes it is" I mumbled as the boys pulled away.

"Things just got weird between me and Flynn. She asked about you guys, and I couldn't say." Julie sighed.

"Sweet. Girls are already talking about us" Reggie high-fived luke.

"Stop. Im serious." Julie rolled her eyes at the boys "I can't tell her about you guys for the same reason I can't tell my dad. She'll think I've gone off the deep end"

We all turned to the sound of something rolling up behind us. "This dude definitely thinks you've gone off the deep end" Reggie said pointing to the janitor as he passed us.

The janitor and Julie shared an awkward look before the janitor continued walking.

"I gotta get back to class." Julie said, walking past us.

"Later, Julie. Oh, tell those cheerleaders I'm single" Reggie called as I turned to watch Julie leave.

"Oh, and that he's dead" Alex added as Julie walked around the corner.

"Oh no, no, no! Leave that part out" Reggie turned around "leave that—she's gone."

Luke cheered as we turned to leave the school when my body randomly collided with another. For a moment I was confused, nobody had been behind me. Then when I saw the persons face I was even more confused.

It was a girl, maybe 16—like us, she was short, had long brown hair and brown eyes. She didn't seem to be as confused as I was, instead she was annoyed as she knelt to the ground to pick up her books that she had dropped.

"Could you watch where you're going, please" she glared up at me.

It was strange. Her face seemed so familiar, yet I had never seen her before. I couldn't tell if it was the eyes, or the face shape, or anything else.

"What?" She asked. Her voiced laced with anger.

I had been staring.

"I-just...so confused" I managed. I turned back to the boys who all seemed to share my confused expression.

When I looked back to the girl, she seemed to be studying my face. Which was kinda awkward "what" I mumbled, placing a hand on my face. Am I slowly fading from her sight?

"Nothing, it's just—you look so familiar" she said, repeating my thoughts from earlier. "Is it your nose?" She focused on my nose. Weird, I thought the same thing a few minutes ago "or your face shape" her eyes flashed across my face "I don't know" she hummed.

Her eyes flashed over to the boys for a moment, probably hoping they would solve her questions, before she shrugged "weird" then she waved "whatever. I got to go." then she walked off.

"Did she just?" Alex asked once the girl was gone.

"Yeah" I nodded "And it hurt" I whispered grabbing my chin where her forehead had slammed into.

"Let's get back to the studio" luke said "don't wanna run into anymore people"

And with that we were gone.

Alex refused to sit down. Luke, me, and Reggie sat on the couch (in that order), but Alex began to pace.

"I think he's practicing his model strut" Reggie said as we all watched Alex with concerned looks.

"He's making me dizzy" I mumbled.

Alex continued to pace back and forth.

"He's so nervous, he's almost making me nervous" luke said, Reggie and I nodding.

"Okay, look," Alex stopped and turned back to the group "you guys know I don't handle change well."—we nodded—"all right? Death? That was a change. Okay? Then we become ghost. All right? Another change. And—and now we can be seen whenever we play with Julie. Big freaking change"

Out of all of us, I would say Alex was probably the most stressful person. First, he's stressed himself out, then he stresses himself out so much that it stresses us out.

Example number one: we changed the band name. We all liked sunset curve better then the last one (including Alex), but then he started questioning if it was a bad idea to change our name so late into our playing days. Then he started questioning if we would lose fans because they didn't know we changed names, or just didn't like the new one. That one started to stress luke out, and once luke is stressed, we're all stressed.

Example two: we got into the Orpheum. At first Alex was excited, then he started pacing (like he is now). He was mumbling a whole bunch about how "if were famous, will we still like each other?" And "if we're famous, will people start hating us?" I told him probably, then got a slap on the back of my head for that. Luke started to get annoyed once Alex started to mention his song writing. "If we're famous what if we run out of songs?" Luke said 'we won't' then Alex said "what if your songs start to suck" Luke's annoyed smile dropped and instead sent Alex a glare "or what if they just stop sounding the same and people don't like it so we lose all of our fans" that's when luke walked out of the studio.

"Yeah, but, bro, it was a good change. With Julie we can play on stage again and get to be the band we never got to be" luke said glancing between the three of us "come on. I mean, you gotta be down for that."

"I—yeah, I mean, who wouldn't be? I just...I wanna figure out why" Alex said.

"That would be nice" I mumbled, leaning back into the couch.

Luke slapped my knee "forget why. Man, I say we invite Julie to join sunset curve." Luke said standing up.

"Yeah, totally." Reggie agreed standing up "I mean, like, think about it. With a new lead singer, this band would be legendary" Luke's smile dropped and I had to bite back my laugh.

"Hey! I'm our lead singer" luke said, now offended by Reggie's words.

"Dude, that girl has the voice of an angel, and she can make us visible. Without her, we're just like elevator music" Reggie tried to reason.

"Cool elevator music" I added from my spot on the couch.

"Well, you don't gotta be so mean about it." Luke then turned back to Alex, who had started to pace again "and we're on the runway again."

"Okay, I'm sorry, all right? I just..." Alex apologized as he stopped walking "I gotta go clear my head." he walked over to the door and went to grab the handle, only for his hand to go through it. Then he tried again with the same luck.

"Dude, you're a ghost just poof out" Reggie said.

"Don't tell me how to ghost" Alex snapped at Reggie. But then he turned back to the door and did exactly what Reggie said to do.

"Well that was fun" I mumbled standing up. "I'm gonna go explore"

"Oh, where" luke was quick to skip after me. Reggie cluelessly following.

"The house. I wanna see what's different" I walked through the garage door, luke and Reggie hot on my heels.

"Okay" Luke hummed.

The moment we entered the house we paused.

"Smells different" I noticed.

We had been in the house maybe three time since we became ghost. First was when we first came back and accidentally interrupted Julie's family dinner. The second time was the next day when we broke into her room, and third was later that night when we ambushed Julie in her kitchen.

In none of those times did we actually look around.

My favorite couch was gone, my moms shoe rack was gone, there were no random sweaters laying on and around the couch from the band, and it was quiet.

When the house was mine the only moments of quiet you would get were between the time 2 and 6, and that was pretty rare. Usually the band would leave around 10 or 11, that's if they didn't sleep over in the garage, from 11 to 12 would usually be a loud argument between my mother and I, from then on I would either be playing loudly just to piss my mother off, writing a song (usually with Luke), or be on the phone with Vivi updating her about the fight I had with my mom. And then my dad would wake up at 6 every morning to go to work.

"It's super quiet" Reggie said, his hands on his hips as he scanned the surrounding area.

"That's what I was just thinking" I mumbled.

"I wonder what Julie's dad is doing" Reggie asked as he started to walk towards the man sitting at the table.

"Probably working" I answered as Reggie sat in the chair beside Julie's dad.

"Come with me" luke said and the next thing I knew I was being dragged up the stairs.

"Where are we going?" I asked once we reached the top.

"Julie's room" he answered quickly.

"Uh, why?"

"I need to know what's in the box" luke said practically skipping into Julie's room.

I scoffed "is that seriously the first thing you thought to do when we got here" I walked through the door, now standing by Julie's bed.

"Uh, no actually" luke turned to me for a moment before climbing onto the stool and grabbing the box "the first thing I thought about that awesome lasagna your mom made, which then made me think of that one night I snuck through the window and you gave me the piece you had, which then made me think of the box"

"I did not give it to you, you stole it" I said sitting on the edge of Julie's bed as luke placed the box beside me.

"Potato, patato" luke waved it off, opening the box.

"You know, Julie's gonna be pissed" I said also looking into the box.

Luke paused for a second.

"And it is kinda an Invasion of her privacy" I added. Luke bit his bottom lip as he looked up at me, contemplating whether this was a good idea.

"She can't hit us right?" He asked.

"Last time I checked" I slid further onto Julie's bed, laying my head on her pillows. Her bed was way more comfortable than mine.

He continued his dig through her box.

"This is a bad idea" I mumbled as luke pulled a peice of paper out of the box, closed it and put it back. He then hopped of the stool and practically skipped over to the bed, sitting down beside me.

"What'd you grab" I asked sitting up on my elbows.

"I'm not sure" he unfolded the paper. His eyes flashed over the words "looks like lyrics"

I snatched it from his hands, trying to read what it said "a poem?" I mumbled.

"Why poem?" He asked, taking it back.

"Well because it says 'flying solo: poem for Flynn'" I pointed to the title.

"Oh, I didn't see that" luke mumbled.

"Of course you didn't" I laughed. Luke groaned, throwing his head back into the pillow.

"You know, she'll probably be mad we were on her bed too." Luke pointed out, looking over at me.

"What she doesn't know won't anger her" I turned towards him. My eyes landing onto his. I felt my smile slowly disappear.

"Until she finds out" he added.

The moment he stopped talking, the room went quiet.there were no echoes from downstairs, no birds from outside, nothing. I wasn't sure if the world had actually gone quiet or I just froze.

The only thing I heard were the thoughts in my head and despite the annoyingly amount of times I've been in this moment, I still didn't know what to do.

I tried to focus on something else. Like anything else, by I just couldn't look away.

"Would it be wrong to stay right here for ever" his voice echoed through my head.

I laughed and turned back to him, my eyes immediately landing on his.

The world froze around me.

I wonder if he was thinking of the same thing I was. I wondered If such a small moment from a time we barely even count as important was as important to him as it was to me.

Before my mind could wander to all the feelings I got just by looking into his eyes, Reggie walked into the room with a large sigh.

"We're so alike" Reggie jumped onto the foot of the bed like a starfish.

"Who?" Luke looked away first.

"Ray?" I looked towards Reggie.

"Yeah, he's like my best friend"

Luke and I shared a—very quick—offended glance "what the hell dude" I kicked Reggie's shoulder.

He quickly understood what we were so offended about and raised his hands in defense "I mean—like after you two obviously" he tried to laugh it off. "I'm gonna head back to the studio" Reggie then sprinted off.

I stood a few feet away from the boys, my guitar hanging behind my back, as I watched the two play their instruments. "Alright, what do you think of this riff?" Luke asked before playing a riff.

It was good, obviously.

"Sweet." Reggie nodded along "I'm feeling that." Luke played a little longer before Reggie looked down at his bass "and then I come in with a little, uh" Reggie played some random cords.

"Then Julie comes in with her killer lyrics" luke looked over to me "you should match her pitch, with the guitar"

I nodded "yeah, uh, I don't know her pitch yet. So" I clicked my tongue.

Luke lightly laughed, playfully rolling his eyes "and sunset curve is reborn" Reggie said, nodding along with the music.


They both paused as Julie entered the garage.

"You aren't supposed to be out here playing alone" she said, closing the door behind her.

"But we're not alone" Reggie started as luke came up behind him, rapping his arm around Reggie's shoulder "'cause we always have each other"

Julie rolled her eyes, groaning as she walked over and unplugged Reggie's bass from his amp.

"But we had the volume on level one." Luke said as she made her way over to Luke's plug.

"But we rocked it on volume ten." Reggie added "You want us to play it again?" He asked with a hop.

Instead of answering julie unplugged Luke's guitar.

"I really don't think she does" Luke whispered to Reggie as i slid over to the two.

"I don't think she's in a good mood" I added, leaning towards the two, earning a glare from julie.

"We've actually been waiting for you to get home." Luke rocked on his toes as Reggie placed his bass against his speakers "ok, so we have some pretty major news to tell you. We had a band meeting earlier, and..." luke gestured for Reggie to drum roll. He wasn't as good as Alex was, but Alex also drummed pretty much every day since he was 11 "we want to invite you to join sunset curve. And no, you're not dreaming."

I wasn't really surprised about the whole 'you're not dreaming part' because he said the same thing when he asked me to join.


The boys smile fell "oh?" Luke repeated "uh, oh, she said 'oh'." I snorted "that's what you say when you get socks on your birthday, not when you're invited to join the most epic band ever"

I looked over at him confused. What's wrong with sock. I got socks for my birthday—and Christmas—every year.

"Sorry. Im honored, but I can't think about anything but Flynn right now" Julie apologized "she's still mad at me for lying. She hasn't even texted me back"

I scratched the back of my head. I didn't exactly know what texting meant "I don't...know what that means" I shook my head.

Maybe it was a thing 25 years ago, but it didn't matter because I only ever payed attention to the boys in the band while also trying to not repeat my senior year which I guess didn't matter because I died like 2 months after I graduated.

"Yeah, you're in a tough spot." Luke said, clearly as confused as I was. Reggie nodded. "So you wanna join the band?" Luke asked again. We all looked back towards her hoping for a different answer.

She didn't exactly look pleased "read the room, dude." She began to walk out of the garage.

"Oh come on!" Luke spun towards her "we need you, and you need us because you need music. We found this poem that you wrote, and we added this really cool melody to it. It sounds awesome" I almost slapped him.

"Where did you find that" Julie asked. I took a step away from the boy.

Luke's smile dropped "uh" he pulled Reggie in front of him "definitely not your dream box." Luke hid behind Reggie.

"You went through my stuff?" Julie stomped towards him and Reggie was quick to hop out of the way.

Luke ran Away Julie as she chased him around the piano "yeah, we can do that now." Reggie said as we watched the two run around the piano.

"No! No, you can't! Boundaries!" Julie slammed her hands on the piano "give it back!"

"No!" Luke hopped onto the piano bench "hey, you need to realize how insanely talented you are." He looked down at the paper "ok? Listen to this." He leaned down onto the piano "if somebody hurts you" Julie went to snatch the paper from his hands but he quickly pulled back. "If somebody hurts you, I'm gonna get hurt too." Luke began to sing "and my life, my life would be real low, zero, flying solo"

"Oh—oh" Reggie and I echoed in sync. Luke sent us a Small smile while Julie glared at us.

"It's a killer melody." Luke said, hounding the poem behind his back so she couldn't get to it.

Julie sighed "I wrote that about Flynn when she was helping me with all my mom stuff. I gotta go" Julie began to leave.

"Hey! What about the band" luke called after her.

"Oh...I almost forgot" Julie paused at the door "stay out of my room" she yelled before slamming the doors.

"Yeah?" Luke chased after her, poking his head through the door "we will if you join our band."

I looked over to the boy when he came back into the studio "what's wrong with socks on your birthday?" I asked.

The boys shared an unknown look before luke shrugged "uh, nothing" He looked down scratching the back of his ear.

I looked over to Reggie, who was now staring at the ceiling, refusing to look over at me.

I suddenly felt like I was missing something.

Maybe five minutes later we were circled around the piano as luke quietly sung the song "Guess that means I'm buying lunch that day" he sang, while Reggie and I tapped along "I know all your secrets, you know all my deep dish. Guess that means some things they never—"

Reggie cut luke off "Wait, so" we looked over at Reggie "when she says 'deep dish' is she talking about, like, pizza? Or..."

Luke didn't have the chance to answer because Alex randomly poofed onto the piano right in front of us. Which was sad because I kinda wanted to know too.

"Oh! Oh, hey man. Where you been" Reggie asked first.

"Umm, kind of everywhere." Alex said with a huge smile, which was a lot better then the frown he left with. "yeah. No, I met a new ghost friend."

"For real?" Reggie asked at the same time I asked "really?"

"Yeah, he answered a ton of questions" the blond said.

"Yeah? Like whether Julie is gonna join the band or not" luke asked, yanking his notebook out from under Alex.

"Umm...well, we didn't really get to that, but I think I know why we're here" Alex gave luke a confused look before spinning back to Reggie and I "okay? All ghost have, like, unfinished business. So, we need to do our unfinished business so that we can cross over."

"Why would we do that?" Luke and I asked in sync, only luke asked it as if it were a genuine question and I asked it as if it were an insult.

"I'm just saying, this is like our second chance." Luke began, leaning away from the piano "all we need to do is get Julie to play with us."

"Yeah" Reggie nodded "not only can that girl sing, she can write too. Luke, Lily, And I made a killer melody to one of her lyrics"

Luke handed his notebook to Alex who accepted it with a small frown "oh...without your drummer. Cool"

Luke shrugged "drumming is so '90s. Okay?" Luke lightly slapped alex shoulder. "We're Just gonna"—Luke stomped his feet—"stomp out feet now"

I couldn't help my confused face. "That's not..." I mumbled before cutting myself off with a sigh. That, in no way, was the same thing. It wouldn't sound the same and would probably be too quiet.

"Ok?" Alex turned to Luke with an annoyed expression "Well, you know what else is so '90s? Being rude. All right? Get woke. These are sensitive time." Alex slapped Luke's notebook against Luke's chest.

"Ah. Alex, ow" luke whispered.

I was still stuck on whatever he just said. Did he mean as in he just woke up because I'm pretty sure we haven't slept since 1995.

"Learned that from my ghost friend." Alex whispered, leaning towards Reggie and I.

"Woke" Reggie slightly laughed.

"Yeah" Alex nodded.

"That's a cool word"

"What does it mean" I asked, completely confused.

"No clue"

I nodded, lightly biting my bottom lip "okay" I mumbled before spinning around and walking towards the couch.

I was barely sitting for a second before Julie came running in "I need you to teach me the song" I stood back up.

"It's your song Julie. You should know it already" Reggie giggling.

I rolled my eyes looking over at the boy "she means like instrumental wise, genius"

It was surprisingly easy to teach Julie the melody we made. I guess she was just a quick learner.

Julie swung open the studio doors after she heard a knock. "Thanks for coming. We just wanted to rehearse the song so it was perfect, which it's not, but whatever." Julie shrugged.

"No, if I'm gonna hear a song from your imaginary ghost band, I want it to be perfect. So get back in there." Flynn said, waving Julie off "all of you." She pointed to the empty spots around Julie "you too" Flynn added, pointing to the—also very empty—spot beside Julie.

"Are we sure she's not the crazy one" I asked the boys as Julie and Flynn made their way into the studio. Julie closing the doors behind her.

"All right guys, you ready" Julie asked, looking over at us.




"Can she move, she's in my rock out space. It feels weird walking through her"

"Actually, can you go over there? Reggie needs some space to rock out, and he feels kinda weird walking through you" Julie said, voicing Reggie's problem to the only girl who couldn't hear him.

Flynn laughed "boy, when you create a world, you really live in it." Julie ignored the girl and just pulled her towards the chair behind her.

"Just sit!" Julie said, forcing the girl into the chair "if you'll notice, there's no equipment that would produce a hologram" Julie leaned over the girls shoulder "feel free to look around" the girl did just that as Julie walked towards her keyboard.

"The guys—" Julie cut herself off "—and lily, took a poem that I wrote and put it to music."

"Aww! I wish I didn't have to talk to your dad after this" Flynn frowned.

We all rolled our eyes, practically in sync "it's called flying solo"

Julie began to play her keyboard. "If I leave you on a bad note. Leave you on a sad note. Guess that means I'm buying lunch that day" Julie sang "I know all your secrets. You know all my deep-dish. Guess that means some things they never, they never Change"

"God I wish I had friends when I was alive" I mumbled mainly to myself but of course the boys all heard me and sent me a glare. "I meant girl friends"

"When I look at you it's like I'm looking at me" I'm guessing we appeared because Flynn jumped and screamed.

"My life, my life would be real low, zero, flying solo" Julie sang while we basically just hummed—or rather 'oh'ed— in the background "My life, my life would be real low, zero, flying solo without you"

"Hey, yeah" Julie got up from her bench and walked towards Flynn "Hey, yeah. My life, my life would be real low, zero, flying solo without you"

Luke made his way over towards Reggie, sharing a microphone with him for a minute then leaning against the piano beside me.

Julie knelt down in front of her friend "Yeah, you know who I'm likin'. Way before I liked them, duh. Cause you liked them first And if somebody hurts you I'm gonna get hurt too That's just how we work, yeah, that's just how we work. It will never Change" we echoed the 'change' as she continued to stay as the main vocals "We both know what I, what I, what I Mean" this time we echoed the 'mean'

"When I look at you it's like I'm looking at me." And back to the chorus. "My life, my life would be real low, zero, flying solo. My life, my life would be real low, zero, flying solo without you." Julie pulled Flynn over towards luke, who was now sitting on his couch. She was a little awkward and skeptical, which is understandable because, well, Luke's weird.

Julie pulled glum over to Alex "My life, my life would be real low, zero, flying solo without you" Flynn began to do a little dance. And then Julie walked towards Reggie as the music died down.

We made sure to keep playing though because if we stopped we would most likely disappear.

Julie stood between Reggie and me and Flynn stood on the other side of Reggie. I was glad they stopped at Reggie because Flynn ended up sticking her hand through Reggie's Shoulder. She looked shocked when her hand actually went through him.

"Weird right?" Reggie asked.

"They're ghost!" Flynn exclaimed.

"Oh, we prefer, uh, musician spirts" Alex corrected.

"I don't remember ever agreeing to that" I didn't realize I was still next to my microphone so I was a little shocked when that came out louder then I expected.

Thankfully no one seemed to care that much because they all focused onto Luke's question "Julie...so does this mean you're joining our band?" He asked.

Julie took a step towards him, but before she could replied Flynn stepped forwards "Um...Actually, I think you're joining her band."

Julie leaned against Flynn's shoulder "I'm gonna go with what she said"

My eyebrows lifted in shock as luke and I shared a similar, shocked—yet happy—look "so that's a yes?" I asked, once again too close to my mic. This time instead of luke asking a question it was Julie singing who—thankfully—took the focus away from that saving me any more embarrassment.

"My life, my life would be real low, zero, flying solo. My life, my life would be real low, zero, flying solo without you" Julie and Flynn danced around.

"Hey, yeah" Julie went higher then the rest of us. "Hey, yeah. My life, my life would be real low, zero, flying solo without you"

Julie leaned her forehead against Flynn's as she sung the last note "You"

"Still wanna talk to my dad?" Julie asked leaning away from Flynn.

"No, I'm good"

Okay but seriously what did Julie mean by deep dish in flying solo. Cause for the past four years I was convinced she meant foods.

I'm trying to do at least one flashback per chapter. Idc if it's 500 words or 5000. Everytime there's one it will be in italics (along with the songs). You'll find out more about that like three line flashback later.

Am I the only who actually doesn't mind getting socks on their birthday because like I lose my socks way too often. I need replacements once a month. I've never gotten socks on my birthday, but I do tend to get them as socking stuffers on Christmas.

Debating on making Julie a side love interest like for either jj or lily has a crush on her too.

Just saw the cutest video of Owen talking about Charlie and I'm literally balling my eyes out. Like I need a friendship like that.

The way Kenny Ortega and Charlie held all our hopes and dreams in their hands and just casually crushed them.


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