All I Want for Christmas

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Ricky sat in front of the fireplace beside Chris as everyone else socialized. The house was full of chatter and laughter, though Ricky was only focusing on the crackle of the fire. The house smelled of cinnamon and sugar, the overall vibe being peaceful and loving. He hated it. This was by far the worst Christmas he had ever had in his entire life.

Chris wrapped an arm around his shoulders. "I know you miss Ry, but you've gotta cheer up. Devin made peppermint bark, your favorite!" He tried to get Ricky to at least smile, failing miserably.

"He said he'd be home..." Ricky sighed, setting down his hot chocolate to look at Chris. "I just want Ryan here. It's our first Christmas as an official couple, Chris. Our first Christmas when we're not hiding our relationship..." He explained for what felt like the millionth time. He reached into his pocket and grabbed his phone, seeing multiple apologies that Ryan had texted him. He opened up the messages, then replied. 'I miss you so much.' He sent the message before sighing yet again, shaking his head. "I get that he has business to take care of, but... Wh-Why couldn't it wait? I thought I meant everything to him."

Chris scoffed, "Are you kidding me, Olson? Do you know how much Ryan loves you? Do you?" He chuckled and gently held Ricky's hand. "He never stops talking about you. Ever. How about you try and call him? At least hear his voice."

Ricky whimpered, shrugging. His blue eyes became watery, and before he knew it, he was crying. That crying turned into sobbing, and he was making a scene in front of everyone at the Christmas party. "I-I-I just want him home!"

Chris hugged Ricky tightly, petting his hair. The room had gone quiet, everyone feeling bad for Ricky. Ryan was nearly always out on business trips, and only home for maybe two months at a time, give or take. "Ricky, he wants to come home just as bad as you want him to! I promise you, he'll make it up!"

Ricky pulled away with his mascara running down his cheeks. He stood up from his seat on the floor and rushed upstairs, closing his bedroom door behind him and locking it. He just wanted to have his friends and boyfriend home for Christmas. Sure, Ryan said he most likely would be home, and that Ricky shouldn't get his hopes up, but he just couldn't help it.

Ricky grabbed his phone again and decided to try and call Ryan. He was in the middle of wiping away tears when he answered the call. "I hate you." He whimpered, sniffling into the phone.

"Baby, I'm sorry. I mean it, I wanna be home with you and everyone so fucking badly!" Ryan sounded raspy, and his voice was shaky, as if he was shivering. "I miss you. I love you so much."

"Then why couldn't you just take Christmas off? You knew damn well your flight would be delayed because of the snow." Ricky muttered sadly. "I-I love you so much, Ry, but are you serious?"

"Ricky, I know. I thought I'd be home the twenty-third! Just... Look, I'll make it up to you. Since I can't make it home tonight, I promise you that I'll take you to New York for New Year's." He tried to bargain. "A-And I'll buy you some more stuff for Christmas too!"

"Ryan, this isn't about going out, or gifts under the fucking tree!" Ricky snapped suddenly. "I was so excited to finally be with you, out to everyone, on Christmas, but you had to go and fuck it all up! Everyone is downstairs, feeling bad for me because you aren't here. Not to mention the fact that I've been fucking crying every hour of the day over you! I can't fucking stand you sometimes!"

Ryan sighed, "Ricky. You don't mean that." He replied softly. "Just... Go back downstairs and spend time with everyone. My gift shipped to the house, right?"

"Y-Yeah." Ricky wiped away his tears and sniffled. "It did." He sighed and tugged at the hoodie he wore, which was Ryan's. "I love you."

"I love you so much more. I'll make this up to you, Baby Doll, I swear on it. Merry Christmas, my love."

"M-Merry Christmas, RyRy..."

The call ended, leaving Ricky feeling exhausted and still saddened. He was disappointed, but he didn't want to let it ruin his night, no matter how hard it might be. He took a few deep breaths before getting out of bed again, then went to the mirror to reapply his makeup.

Chris smiled softly as Ricky entered the living room again, waving. Vinny was in his lap, head against his boyfriend's shoulder. "Feeling any better?"

Ricky shrugged. "Not really. How would you feel if Vin wasn't here?" He replied.

"Fair point." Chris kissed Vinny's lips softly, then looked to Ricky once more. "What'd Ryan say?"

"He just told me he was sorry and that he'd make it up to me. Told me to just try and distract myself for the time being by opening up presents." Ricky looked to the Christmas tree where a little over a dozen presents laid for everyone. "Where's Kuza and Dev?"

"They're out front grabbing shit from their car. Come sit," Chris moved a pillow off of the couch to free some space for Ricky, wrapping his arm around the small goth while his other held Vinny close. "You really should listen to Ryan and try to have a good time. We all pitched in and got you a present for the house." He explained quietly.

"I picked it out," Vinny added in with a grin, snuggling closer to Chris, "I really think you'll like it!"

Ricky smiled softly, his face lighting up at the kindness of his friends. "Thank you, Vin." He looked to the front door as Kuza and Devin walked inside, Kuza having his hand on Devin's ass as always.

Devin smiled at Ricky, his black lipstick making his teeth look even whiter than normal. "Feeling any better?"

He shrugged, "I mean, I miss my boyfriend to no end and I wanna cry, but I'm better," he chuckled. He stood up to help Devin and Mike with their coats. "Is it still snowing out there?"

"Like a motherfucker." Kuza replied simply, dusting off the snow that had landed on his boyfriend. It was obvious that he allowed Devin to do his makeup, seeing as the two were matching. "You talked to Ry?"

"Mhm." Ricky nodded. "He's really upset that he can't be here, too..." he sighed and shook his head, "let's just go open presents, yeah?" He spoke up so Vinny and Chris broke out of their makeout session and listened.

Everyone went and grabbed pillows from the couch and loveseat, setting them in front of the Christmas tree before sitting on them. Ricky felt left out. Everyone had their lover to hold but him.

He cleared his throat and grabbed a small box that was wrapped in shiny, black wrapping paper. He passed it to Vinny, "It's from me."

Vinny smiled and thanked him, then carefully tore away the wrapping paper. He smiled even brighter when he saw what the paper was hiding. He raised the new pair of drumsticks up into the air, "They're so awesome!" He brought them back down and grinned ear to ear. They were black, wooden drumsticks with the KoRn logo on one side, with 'Vinny' engraved into them. "You made them?"

"Chris and I did. I painted, he engraved." Ricky felt a warmth in his chest at Vinny's reaction, happy that he liked his gift.

Vinny kissed Chris' lips lovingly, "You're the best, Babe." He kissed him again, then set his present to the side. "Ricky has the biggest present, so we'll save his for last.

"Can I open one of mine?" Devin asked, leaning forward to reach for his gift. It was a smaller box, thin with a lid. The tag read 'to my graveyard baby, from Mikey', and the wrapping paper was a blood red color. Devin giggled and opened it, covering his mouth as he gasped. "Mike, you... You didn't!"

He smiled, "I knew you wanted it, and I knew I had to get it." He kissed Devin's cheek, "put it on, Babe!"

Devin carefully grabbed the silver bracelet out of the box, looking at the dainty charm it held. It was a small, black heart, reading the word 'forever' in silver lettering. He put it on his wrist and looked at Mike with a sweet smile. "Thank you, Mikey!" He giggled, hugging his lover tightly. "You're the best, fuck!"

The gift-giving ended after another twenty minutes. Chris had gotten four gifts, two from Vinny, and one from Dev and Kuza, then one from Ryan and Ricky. He was given a new Misfits patch for his jacket, a new hoodie, some makeup, and a coffee mug with him and Vinny on it. They were definitely a very happy couple, and weren't afraid to show off their love.

Devin had gotten some more makeup from everyone, and a few new guitar picks. Kuza of course snuck in some extra little presents, earning a small smack on the arm for spending more than they agreed on. He was happy, of course, and couldn't wait to try out the new highlighters Ricky had bought for him.

Kuza was given some more tunnels and plugs for his ears, then some for his nose. Devin had framed a photo of Kuza and himself, and Ricky had given him a new camera.

Vinny got his drumsticks, a new case for his cell phone, then a candle from Ricky. It was scented like peppermint, Vinny's favorite.

Ricky didn't get much other than a new coffee table that everyone had pitched in for. He was looking around for the gift Ryan had given him, frowning. "I-I can't find it..."

Chris raised a brow, "I thought he shipped it to the house,"

"I-I thought so too. I got it in the mail, I just... Where the fuck did it go..?" He was on all fours looking under the tree, only finding wrapping paper and empty boxes. "Are you kidding me?" He ran a hand through his hair. "All I wanted this year was Ryan. That doesn't work out, and I can't even have a little gift from him now?"

"Wait, have you checked your stocking?" Devin asked curiously. He watched as Ricky grabbed the black oversized sock and looked inside. To his delight, the small envelop Ryan had mailed was inside.

He opened it, seeing a letter and a card fall out of it. The card was a gift card to Starbucks, the place where Ryan had taken Ricky for their first little date. It wasn't anything extravagant, but he loved that Ryan remembered the little things. He then unfolded the letter to read it to himself.

Hey angel. I'm on the plane writing this, so sorry for the shitty handwriting.

Ricky giggled to himself. Ryan hated planes, and they always made him shaky.

I hope you get this on Christmas, and I hope I'm beside you as you're reading it. I love you so much, Ricky. You have no idea how badly I want to spend every moment of my life by your side. God, I've never met someone as special and amazing as yourself. You're everything to me, my entire world, and I never wanna be away from you.

I have another gift for you, but that's for another time. Yes, I'm still making sex innuendos in a letter. Are you even surprised?

Ricky's eyes dropped tears as he read the letter, not even bothering to wipe them away. Somehow, this made him miss Ryan even more. He just wanted to hug him and kiss him, and make Christmas cookies with him, and go see the Christmas lights.

I love you, Ricky. I always have. I want you to remember that, Baby Doll, never forget. Even if I'm not with you right now, as much as I hope I am, I'm always thinking of you. You never leave my mind.

Merry Christmas, Baby. Thank you for being the best boyfriend on the face of the earth. Love you more than anything. Love, Ryan.

Ricky smiled and held the letter close. "He's so fucking sweet..." he folded the letter back up after a few moments and placed it in the envelope again, then looked to his friends.

"Uhm, R-Ricky?" Vinny stammered with a small smile. "We have a surprise for you.

Ricky raised a brow, "why? You guys already gave me my-"

The front door opened, revealing a snow covered, shivering Ryan. Ricky gasped and dropped the envelope, stumbling over his own legs as he ran to his lover. He jumped into his arms and wrapped his around his neck, smiling brighter than he had all night. He kissed his shoulders, tears rolling down his cheeks. "I-I-I missed you so much!"

Ryan held Ricky up by placing his hands beneath his butt. He hid his face in his neck. "I missed you more." He replied quietly, kissing at his jaw. He pulled away a little to look at his lover, setting a gentle hand on his cheek. "I know you hate surprises, but... I have another gift for you."

"Hush." Ricky cut him off to press their lips together, happy as can be. Their lips fit together like puzzle pieces. He never wanted this moment to end.

Ryan kissed back passionately, tangling a hand into Ricky's long locks of hair. He pulled away a little, "seriously, babe, I have another present for you," he chuckled as Ricky kissed his lips a few more times.

Ricky giggled a little, then nodded. Ryan let him down, kissing his forehead during the process. He looked up at his lover with the happiest grin, his blue eyes glimmering from the Christmas lights hung inside.

Ryan chuckled, "you're too cute," He let out a somewhat shaky breath, then connected their lips once more. "Promise me not to freak out."

"Why would I?" Ricky asked curiously in reply.

The taller of the pair got down to one knee, taking Ricky's hand. "You know why."

"Ry-Ryan, are you really doing what I think you're doing?" Ricky asked with red cheeks, eyes watering as he looked down at his partner.

"No, I'm driving a sleigh. What does it look like, Babe?" Ryan took out a small box from his pocket, then kissed Ricky's hand.

Ricky was already crying, and the fact that Ryan was proposing made him cry even more. "Ryan!"

He smiled at his lover, kissing his hand again. "You know how much you mean to me. You're my world. I can't lose you, Angel. I'm ready to spend the rest of my life with you. Ricky, mi amore, will you be mine for all eternity?"

"You already know the answer to that. Yes, Ryan, fuck yes." He allowed Ryan to slip the engagement ring onto his finger, then giggled as he stood up. He wrapped his arms around his neck, then connected their lips passionately. Their friends cheered and took photos, to which Ryan and Ricky flipped them off.

"Did you really think I'd leave you alone on Christmas, Babe?" Ryan chuckled.

Ricky blushed and hid his face. "You get busy, what was I supposed to think?" He pulled away a little, seeing Vinny and Chris smiling brightly at him. "You guys set this up?"

Chris wrapped his arms around Vinny's waist from behind and nodded proudly. "Ryan couldn't get a plane ride home because he was already here. We picked him up at the airport, let him stay at our place for a few hours, then let him borrow our car to get here."

Vinny smiled at his boyfriend, "it was more Chris' idea, though." He pecked his lips, setting his hands on Chris'.

Kuza set a hand on Ryan's shoulder, "congrats, you two,"

Devin was quick to pick Ricky up in a hug, spinning him around. "Can I be your maid of honor?" He joked as he set Ricky down again, straightening out his dress. "Or your best man?"

Ricky tucked some hair behind his ear shyly, "this is crazy," he looked to Ryan with a sweet smile.

Ryan smiled back at his lover, "Merry Christmas, Angel."

"Merry Christmas, Ryan."

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