Chapter 3:Back Together

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Your POV

I'm ohhhhh soooooo happy that I wasn't the only one left from the tradegy! I was skipping besides Rokuro humming a tune. "Hush little baby don't you cry, everything's gonna be alright!" I sung and smiled.

When me and Rokuro arrived at our destination I was happy to see all those delicious looking sweets! "*gasp!*" Rokuro looked at me in confusion "What's wrong?" I giggled "Nothing, just I loooove ohagi and I wasn't exactly expecting it to be here."

He shrugged and I walked over to the back wall to look at other candy.

Rokuro's POV

I noticed Y/N was distracted so I decided to buy her some ohagi, just to be nice. "Hey, Y/N." said girl turned to me "What's in the box?" she asked curiously "Ohagi." I stated plainly.

"Could I.... Have some?" she asked shyly and slowly. I nodded and she took one, eating a small peice. I smiled as her eyes lite up and she smiles. Is it just me....or do her eyes just sparkle?' (I know....I know....its a bit corny don't judge...) 'Wait? What am I thinking? She's just one of my childhood fri-' I got cut if from my thoughts as she snapped in my face. "Roku-chan!" I looked at her and snapped "What?" she giggled at my attitude "You were staring."

I blushed a dark pink and looked away so she wasn't able to see. "S-shut up. Baka." I mumbled in a grumpy tone. "Now, now Roku-chan-" I cut her off "Don't call me that!" she smirked "Alright....onii-chan..." she stuck her tounge out at me. "Why onii-chan?" I asked her with a confused look. She shrugged "Cause I'm your imouto!" (imouto means little sister). "Anyway, wanna go for a walk?" she looked at me and I shrugged "Sure."

She smiled and grabbed my hand before standing up. I looked down at our hands and blushed. 'Why am I blushing so much!' "-at so pretty!" I noticed that Y/N said something but I didn't hear a lot of least u think. I followed her gaze out into the sparkling crystal blue water. "Yah..." I noticed that the moon was shining on the lake. "We should be heading home. Its late." out of the corner of my eye I saw her nod.

We began walking home in awkward silence. She was still holding my hand. "Uh...Y/N..." She continued looking at the ground and hummed in response. "Could you.." I pointed towards our hands and blushed a bit. "Oh, uh....sorry." she immediately let go. I looked at her and she had a light shade of pink on her cheeks and she looked down at the ground. I chuckled.

'So cute....'

Your POV
When me and Rokuro got back to the dorm I headed straight for my room, well it was the guest room.... I took a shower and as I was trying off, the door opened and Rokuro was shocked.

"Gomenasai! Gomen! Gomen!" I saw his cheeks turn pink and I covered my self up. He slammed the door close. I sighed in relief and quickly got dressed. When I stepped out the bathroom I heard someone yelling at another person.

"I SAID SORRY!!" I heard Roku-chan cry. "CAN YOU NOT READ! IDIOT!" I'm guessing thats Nagoysuji yelling at Ruko. I giggled. "OF COURSE I CAN READ!" I walked into my room and laid down on the bed. I turned off the lights and snuggled in the blankets. Just as I was about drift off I heard Ruko-chan yell. "I AM NOT A PERVERT!" I sighed. It was gonna be a long night.

I'm so very sorry that this update took so long readers. I'll be posting what my posting schedules will be since its now summertime and I have WAY more free time than ever.

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