Chapter 4: I'm Sorry

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Your POV
I woke up early the next morning and got dressed. I snuck out and opened up the portal to the Magano world. I changed into my 'battle gear'. I began fighting off Kegare, despite the fact that I was extremely tired and got only about 30 minutes of sleep last night.

I didn't care if I was drop dead tired. Anything to get my mind off of last nights nightmare.


"No! Mommy! Daddy! I'm sorry!" I was crying my heart out. I was balled up in a corner, my head in my knees. "I'm.... sorry." I whispered barely enough for myself to hear. "Its alright darling." I looked up to see my mothers loving face. I got up and ran into her loving embrace.

"I'm sorry..." I cried softly. "You should be." I looked up at my mother. "Why would she say such a thing? She had an evil grin on her face. "Its all your fault me and your father are dead. If you weren't such a weak child, we Could be been saved." she spit at me.

I flinched at her action and heard my fathers deep voice. "Your mothers correct, dear. And your still as weak and you once were. I'm surprised that you didn't die during the tragedy. It would be been better for everyone if you did." By then I was on the floor. Trying to get away for the imposters.

"You can try to run dear," my mother began "But you can't run away from your past." my father finished with an evil grin on his face. I stopped at a cliff. I looked down and saw pits of lava and fire. I looked back at the imposters with a terrified expression.

"Why so scared deary? You should she execitied that your about to be united with us in hell." My mother smirked as she picked up my fragile child body. "Goodbye." she whispered in my ear as I was thrown off the cliff.

"I'm sorry." were the last words to slip out of my mouth before I reached my doom.

~~End of Nightmare~~

I shook of the thought nightmare and finished off the last Kegare. I returned to the real world. Once I got back to the dorm I noticed a girls uniform and a note on my....door?

The note read:

                    Sorry for having to hang up your uniform in a weird place. You didn't answer the door so I just decided to put it here. You will be going to middle school with Rokuro. This is the uniform. Have a nice day.

                        ~Nagoysuji Ryugo

I sighed and brung the uniform into the room. I changed and got ready for the day. Before heading out to school with Roku, I looked up at the sky and whispered "I'm sorry.." as a tear rolled down my cheek.


This chapter is an apology for updating so late. Hope you enjoyed!

Also tell me what you readers would think about a Q & A. Should I do one, or no? If you have any suggestion please tell me and don't forget to comment and vote!

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