Chapter 6: The Deal

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Your POV

I walked around town, bored as can be. Rokuro was sick and the guys were out doing...well, guy things.

I loitered around the candy shop before deciding to just go in. I wanted some candy, but I was, sadly, broke.

I sighed as I walked out of the candy shop. "Hmm...what to do...what to do..." I wondered as I stood up on a nearby bench. "Hello~" I jumped slightly at the voice and looked behind me to see a young man with short blue hair, blue eyes and what seemed to be an eye patch over his right eye.

"Oh...hi!" I smiled brightly and jumped off the bench, approaching the strange young man. "I heard your feeling pretty bored. Could I do anything to help?" He had a faint smile on his face.

"Nah...I wouldn't want yo trouble you with that." He shook his head with a smile. "No trouble, no trouble at all!" I smiled even wider. "Then, what did you have in mind...uh..." He hadn't told me his name yet.

"Yuto, you are?" He politely held his hand. "Y/N! Its a pleasure to meet your aquatints!" I shook his hand. "So, you said you were bored, how about a little deal?" He questioned as he pulled his hand back.

"What kind of deal?" He chuckled. "Nothing major. I just wanna bet to see if you think Rukuro will fall for you or Benio first." I tilted my head to the side slightly. "How do you know Rukuro and Benio?" "From childhood. But, they don't remember me." I nodded. "Well, I'm not sure who Rukuro will fall for first. Most likely me though, since I actually know him."

"Alright. You have 2 (or is it 3??) years to make Rukuro fall for you. If he doesn't, well, you get to become a kegare." I got a little scared after this. "W-what do you mean? People can't turn into kegare." His smile became somewhat devious. "You'll see. Tata~" He quickly turned away and ran out of sight.

I stared at the space of which the stranger was in for quite some time. He seemed...familiar...


First off, I am terribly sorry for not updating sooner! Gomenesai!

Second off, a big thanks to all the people who are dealing with the delays in updates, you guys are great!

I'm gonna be trying harder to update, which will be hard with all the extra stress from school, but anything for you guys!

Anyways, good bai! Have nice lives my little pandas! Love you!!

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