Chapter 10

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Jin must have noticed the look of horror on my face at his words. He took my hand, rubbing it gently. "I promise you sweet girl that you are safe with me," he said softly.

"What crime did you commit that was so terrible?" I asked, almost afraid to know.

Jin gave a harsh laugh. "I was sent down to this land to punish a man," he said. "The man was said to have committed many crimes. When I arrived and saw the man, he pleaded with me to spare him. He swore that he had changed his ways and that he was trying to lead a good life, a noble life, an honest life. At first I was hesitant, but over time, the man had seemed to prove himself to me. I trusted him." Jin stopped, running a hand through his white blond hair.

"That doesn't sound too bad," I said. It really didn't seem so bad to me. He was giving the man a second chance. I didn't see anything wrong with that.

Jin gave me another sad smile. "Oh but sweet girl, I was wrong. The man had not changed his ways at all. I was deceived. I was deceived most terribly and an innocent man had to pay for my evils. An innocent man lost his life because I chose to believe the words of a sinner. I chose to believe the words of someone who was so vile that punishment should have been administered right away."

I rubbed Jin's hand that he had moved into his lap. "Jin I understand. I do. People deserve second chances. They do. There was no way of knowing that this man was being deceitful. There was absolutely no way of you knowing that," I said, my voice gentle. "To me, it makes you even better that you were willing to risk so much to believe in the efforts of another."

Jin shook his head, tears filling his beautiful coffee colored eyes. "As much as I would like to think I had done the right thing, I know in my heart, I made an absolute terrible mistake. An innocent man suffered because of what I chose to do. I was sent here for a reason and completely disobeyed," Jin explained, his voice distraught.

"What if the man had really changed?" I asked. Jin shot me a questioning look. "What if the man had truly changed? What if he had been punished when all he really wanted to do was to change? To make things right? To live this honorable life? If you hadn't taken a chance on him, you would never know that," I said gently. "To me, that would have been an even bigger crime."

Jin seemed to be lost in thought, thinking of my words. "But he didn't," Jin said finally.

I gestured towards Hoseok who was asleep on my legs, his bright red hair flopping over his forehead. "When people look at Hoseok, they see nothing but a dragon. He was injured from humans trying to attack him. Trying to attack him in his sleep," I explained. "When I approached, Hoseok trusted me. He could have burnt Jimin and I to a crisp but chose to trust me instead. Chose to give a human, the same as those who hurt him, a second chance."

Jin stayed silent, his gaze focused on Hoseok and the damaged wing, glittering in pale light from the moon. "He has not harmed you?" Jin asked.

I shook my head. "No. Not once. He has been nothing but kind and gentle." I ran my fingers through Jimin's hair again. "Take a look at this sweet fairy right here," I said gesturing to Jimin.

Jin raised an eyebrow at my words but waved a hand for me to continue talking.

"Jimin was in the Night Woods looking for a flower. A flower for a spell. As he explained fairies are allowed in the Night Woods since there are things there that can't be found in Fairy Grove. He wandered too close to the Night Witch's cabin and she cast a spell on him. She cast a spell that cost him to lose his wings and powers. Simply for being to close to her cabin," I said, my irritation at the Night Witch evident in my voice.

Jin looked down at the fairy asleep in my lap. With his bubblegum pink hair, plump cheeks, and plush lips, he looked more innocent than anyone or anything I had ever seen in my life.

"Jimin lost his wings and his powers. He lost everything because he dared to go too close to a cabin in the woods. He offered to accompany me on my journey to see the Dark Wizard to see about getting his wings and powers back," I explained. "Don't you think he deserves a second chance? Was his mistake so bad that he doesn't deserve to have the things that make him who he is? The things that make him special?"

Jin looked down at Jimin again. I knew he was thinking about what I had said. I just hoped it was enough to give him his faith back in himself. The faith he had lost when he was cast down to this land and given a punishment so severe it brought darkness into his previously bright life.

I touched Jin's chin directing his gaze back to me. "Everyone deserves a second chance Jin. Everyone," I said softly.

Jin was silent again, thinking about what I said. "You have given me much to think about," Jin said softly. "But for now, you need to sleep."

I knew he was right but worry for Reese crept back into my mind. I hoped Kai was caring for him like he promised. Jin gently directed my head to his shoulder, letting me rest against him. "Sleep sweet girl," he said, his voice soft and musical. "Let your mind and body rest. Clear your head of everything and sleep sweetly. Things will seem brighter in the morning."

As his words flowed over me, the fight to stay awake was failing. I could feel my eyes slowly close and soon was enveloped in darkness.

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