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The next day was a whirlwind of emotions. Namjoon had headed back to Wolf Woods, shifting into a beautiful silver wolf, nudging me one last time before taking off. Yoongi had gone back t to the Inferno, the pit becoming fiercely alive from the fire had dropped into it. Taehyung returned to the Vacant River, knowing he had to make amends with the other sirens. He only said he hope they would have gotten over his indiscretion. Winking at me, I knew he would be all right.

Jin gave me a last smile before spreading his magnificent wings. He said he had his own issues to take care of and knew it was time to explain his choices, hoping there would be understanding and mercy. Jimin had returned to Fairy Grove, eager to test out his powers, knowing where he was supposed to be.

Hoseok had offered to drop Jungkook and I at Departed Castle, claiming he wanted to spend a little more time with me. After we said our farewells to the others, Jungkook and I climbed on Hoseok's back, the vampire holding tightly to me, his thick black hair blowing in the wind. After Hoseok landed a few hundred yards away, we said our final goodbyes and he rose into the sky, a glimmering figure of black and red.

Jungkook and I made our way to Departed Castle, the imposing structure stark against the pale blue of the early afternoon sky. I couldn't get my mind off the kiss from last night or the times he would wrap me in his arms and sink his fangs into my neck. I knew he had only done it to survive, since without it, he would have died, but I couldn't stop thinking about how right it felt. I tried to convince myself it was only the power he held over me from feeding multiple times, but my heart tried to tell me that there was something more. Based on the kiss from last night, I hoped it was true, but I was too afraid to bring it up.

We approached the main gates of the castle and I stopped, just like I had the first night, struck by its beauty. There was something so stunning about it, but knowing the sad story behind the occupants made me sad. I knew it had taken courage for Jungkook to tell me the story of his family, but I was so glad he did.

"Will... will you come inside for a bit?" Jungkook's voice was hesitant and it was the first time I had seen the vampire as something but the cocky arrogant man I had met.

I nodded my head and couldn't help the fluttering in my heart when Jungkook took my hand. He had held my hand many times throughout the journey, but each time felt new and exciting. It was something I never wanted to let go of.

Jungkook led me through the gates and up to the castle, opening the heavy wooden door. After he closed it behind us, he guided me into the same room we had all slept in. I sat down on the plush couch, happy to be off my aching feet, if for even just a short while.

Sitting down next to me, Jungkook continued to hold my hand and I could see the battle he was having with himself. I squeezed his hand in reassurance. "Jungkook? What is it? I can see something is bothering you."

Hesitating, Jungkook turned to me, his eyes worried and it again made me wonder what had him so nervous, so uneasy. "Were you... were you serious last night? Serious about wanting to... wanting to be with me?"

Nodding my head, I directed my gaze to where our hands were joined. "I've not felt this feeling about anyone before, never had this feeling of wanting to be with someone. It makes me wonder..." I stopped, not sure how to continue.

"Makes you wonder what?"

"It makes me wonder how much of what I said when you were feeding from me was truth. How much of it did I really mean?" I felt embarrassed admitting that to Jungkook, but I knew I needed to be honest with him.

Jungkook gave me a soft smile, one so different from every other one I had seen from him. "I... I often wondered the same thing. When I told you I didn't know how I was going to let you go, I meant it. And I just didn't mean the taste and scent of your blood, but everything. From the beginning, you captured my heart." Jungkook let out a wry laugh. "I'm a vampire. I'm not supposed to feel love, feel heartbreak, but when... when you would beg for me, it hurt. It hurt because I knew it wasn't real. As much as I wanted it to be."

His sweet words made my heart flutter once again and I couldn't stop the butterflies flitting around in my stomach. When I had set out on the journey to save my brother, I never imagined meeting someone, much less a vampire, and falling for him. I had been naïve, believing I was going to finish the journey quickly, go back to my brother, and Kai and me were going to live happily ever after. However, the farther I got from my house, the less real my feelings for Kai felt, until I realized it was nothing more than a silly crush, one I had developed since he was out of my league.

When I met Jungkook, there was something about him that drew me in immediately and completely, something that I didn't know how I was going to let go of in the end. He had automatically protected me when we had gone through the Inferno, was going to go head to head with a werewolf and was willing to fight a Chimera for me. Why had he been so willing to protect me? It was something that hadn't made sense to me, something that confused me.

"What now?" I focused my gaze on Jungkook, wanting to know what was going on in that mind of his, what he was seeing with those beautiful dark eyes that captivated me. I couldn't help the tremble in my hands as I thought of what he might say. There was the very real possibility that Jungkook simply wanted me for my blood, just like he had on the journey.

"I love you Y/N." Jungkook's words were soft, but confident and his pretty gaze never wavered. "I fell in love with you. You're bossy and sarcastic, beautiful and brave, kind and compassionate. I've never met anyone like you in my life. Once, long ago, I thought I was in love, but it was nothing compared to what I feel for you."

I couldn't believe the words that were spilling from Jungkook's lips. Could it be possible that the handsome vampire in front of me really felt the same for me? Could it really be true? The idea of it not being true was terrifying, but I knew I had to take the risk. Take the risk of it being real and seeing what could develop from this. "I love you too Jungkook. More than I could ever imagine, more than I could ever understand."

Jungkook's eyes widened and he leaned forward, pressing his lips to mine, a simple sweet kiss that had my heart singing out his name and my mind turning to mush. He pulled back and, after searching my eyes for a moment looking for any hesitation, surged forward again. This time the kiss was desperate, as though he couldn't believe this was actually happening. His strong arms wrapped around me, holding me tightly as though he expected me to disappear. As though he would open his eyes and I would be nothing more than a mirage, a fresh pool of water to a man lost wandering in the desert.

When the kiss ended, Jungkook rested his forehead on mine, his cool touch sending a shiver down my spine. "What... what do we do now?" Jungkook's question was hesitant.

Unsure of what to say, I shrugged my shoulders. "I... I don't know. I don't know where to go from here."

Jungkook stood up, pacing back and forth across the room. "There... there is one thing I want to... to ask you, but I don't know if I can."

His words made me nervous, made me wonder what could make him so hesitant. "What is it Jungkook? Tell me. Please."

Jungkook sat down next ton me and took both of my hands. "The fact is that you're a human and I'm a vampire. I can't..." He looked down and I could see the clear sadness in his eyes. "I can't imagine something happening to you and losing you. And I know... I know you're eventually going to..."

His sentence trailed off and I could only imagine what he had been about to say. Since I'm a human, I would eventually grow old and pass way, leaving him behind. My heart for him at the thought, especially knowing the background story of what happened to his family, how he lost them so tragically, how he was bestowed with this curse that made him weary of trusting others, especially when it came to love. The person he had loved, who he had thought loved him in return, deceived him so terribly that it didn't just cost him his family, but it also cost him his humanity.

"I want you to stay with me. From now until the end of eternity. I want to be with you forever. I want to... I want to turn you. Keep you by my side forever." The hopeful look in Jungkook's, eyes did something strange to my heart, seeing him so vulnerable.

I thought about his question, pondering whether or not it would be the right thing to do. Was it something I wanted? Was it something I was willing to do for Jungkook? Would I be willing to give up everything that was normal to spend an eternity with Jungkook? Would it be worth it? As I looked in his eyes, the dark eyes that were currently focused on me, I knew right away that there was nothing I could deny him, no way I could ever tell him no.

"Yes. I want you to turn me. Please turn me Jungkook. I want to stay with you. I don't want to ever leave you." The feelings I had for Jungkook thrilled me, but scared me at the same time. They had happened so quickly, taking over me with no warning at all. It was unlike anything I had ever experienced and it terrified me.

Jungkook looked surprised, almost as though he was expecting me to say no. "Are... are you sure?"

I nodded my head. "Yes. There is nothing I have ever been more sure of."

"There's.... there will be no going back once it happens." Jungkook studied my face, looking for any signs of hesitation, any signs that this wasn't what I wanted.

"I know."

"You'll be stuck with me forever because I'll never be able to let you go."

"I know."

"It's going to be painful."

"Jungkook stop. I know what you're doing. You're trying to make sure that I know what this is, what this will be. And I do. I know the risks, the consequences, but I know that it's worth it. That you're worth it." I watched the hesitant vampire in front of me. If I wasn't sure of his feelings for me, I would have been sure he was trying to push me away. However, the look on his face told an entirely different story. There was fear. Fear of rejection, fear of loss, fear of not being loved and it was a look I wanted to completely remove from his handsome face.

Without hesitation, Jungkook pulled me into his arms again, his soft lips meeting mine. This time the kiss was needy and desperate, as though he was searching for proof that what was saying was true, that he really was worth it. As he continued to kiss me, I wound my hands through his silky hair, tangling in the black strands and tugging him closer. After a moment, he pulled back, leaning his forehead against mine. "I... I just want you to be sure. I don't want you to regret choosing this life, choosing me."

"I love you. And I will never regret choosing you. I swear it to you." I gave him a reassuring smile then tilted my head sideways. "Turn me Jungkook. Let me spend eternity with you."

Jungkook's eyes flashed red before he moved his lips to my neck. There was a flash of pain but the familiar feeling of euphoria took over. Then there was nothing but calming blackness.


When I opened my eyes, Jungkook was kneeling on the floor next to me, his eyes filled with worry. I reached out a hand to touch his cheek, the previous cool skin surprisingly warm. I could feel a sharp poke against my lip and opened my mouth, running my finger along the pointy fangs that took the place of my previous duller canines.

"How do you... do you feel doll?" Jungkook's forehead was creased with concern as he ran a hand over my hair.

I sat up and reached for the man sitting in front of me. "I love you Jungkook. I love you so much." The worry faded from his face and Jungkook hugged me tightly. I knew in an instant that this is exactly where I was supposed to be.  

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