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The next day was a whirlwind of emotions. Yoongi had gone back t to the Inferno, the pit becoming fiercely alive from the fire had dropped into it. Jungkook returned to Departed Castle, a wry smile on his face as he said his goodbyes.

Taehyung returned to the Vacant River, knowing he had to make amends with the other sirens. He only said he hope they would have gotten over his indiscretion. Winking at me, I knew he would be all right. Jin gave me a last smile before spreading his magnificent wings. He said he had his own issues to take care of and knew it was time to explain his choices, hoping there would be understanding and mercy.

Hoseok shifted into his dragon form and spread his massive wings, taking off into the sky and disappearing into the pale summer sky, until he was nothing more than a speck of red and black. Jimin had returned to Fairy Grove, eager to test out his powers, knowing where he was supposed to be.

I walked back to Wolf Woods with Namjoon, my mind filled with thoughts of the kiss we shared last night. It was something I couldn't get out of my mind and I knew I never would be able to. I didn't know how he felt about me, but I knew I had fallen in love with the werewolf beside me.

Namjoon was different, unlike anyone I had ever met before in my life and surely unlike the werewolves I had run into during the trek through Wolf Woods. After we had come back to the campfire, Namjoon had shifted into his wolf form and had been running through the fields, chasing rabbits and other night creatures, acting just like the puppy they all called him. When he finally had come back, he had snuggled next to me, his fur soft as I had petted his huge silver back. I had fallen asleep almost instantly, my head resting on his silky fur.

When we stepped into the tree cover that made up Wolf Woods, I could feel the tension from the wolf next to me. There was something on his mind, something he wanted to say, but seemed almost afraid to. And judging from his clear nervousness, it was something I was afraid to hear. I twisted my fingers in front of me, unsure of what to say, how to start the conversation. It crossed my mind that he had regrets about what had happened last night between the two of us and the idea of that broke my heart more than I wanted to admit. I had fallen for Namjoon, really fallen for him and I didn't know how I would be able to say goodbye to him, if I could say goodbye to him.

As we ventured further into Wolf Woods, I could feel Namjoon's tension grow. Unexpectedly he stopped then took my hand and gestured for me to sit on a fallen tree next to the path. I did as he asked and watched him curiously as he paced in front of me before taking a seat next to me. "Y/N? What... what do you know about werewolves?" Namjoon's voice was worried as he spoke and it made me even more nervous about what was going on.

"Um... not much. I... I know that you shift and that there is an Alpha in your pack. That's... that's about all I know." I shrugged my shoulders, not entirely sure what he was getting at.

Namjoon nodded, his dark eyes flashing silver before turning again. "Yes. That's true. There is also something else. I have..." Namjoon's words were cut off when there was a snarl behind me. I turned to see the familiar snow white hair and pale blue eyes, the same hair and eyes I had seen on the werewolf the night I had met Namjoon, the same ones from the little wolf pup who had deceived me. If it hadn't been for Jimin, this werewolf would have killed me. "What do you want Soobin?"

"I sensed our delectable little human was back and I wanted to come see her. I was missing the pretty little thing." Soobin's voice was mocking and sent shivers down my spine, a subtle movement I couldn't control, but he clearly noticed. "Aww... sweet little human. Do I make you nervous?"

At the vicious snarl, I turned my attention back to Namjoon. "Don't you even think about touching her. I will rip you limb from limb if you do."

Soobin studied me for a moment then focused his pretty eyes on Namjoon, a sly smirk appearing on his face. "You haven't told her yet, have you?" Soobin moved to the side and my eyes followed the movement. "Did he tell you he has a mate? Each werewolf has a mate, someone that we're destined to be with. The one person who was specially made for us, the one we're fated to love, to be with for the rest of eternity."

Soobin's words cut into my heart, slicing it open roughly. The pain threatened to take over, filling me up until I could barely breathe. It was then that I knew last night had been nothing to Namjoon, nothing but a way to pass the time, something caught up in the heat of the moment. Knowing that I needed to be strong, that I didn't need him to see the way if affected me, I put a smile on my face. "That's... that's good to know Namjoon. I'm happy for you." I moved back, trying to put some distance between myself and the man who had just unknowingly shattered my heart into pieces.

Namjoon went to reach out a hand for me, but I stepped back, knowing I couldn't bear the thought of him touching me right now. As much as I wanted to throw myself in his arms, I couldn't, knowing he had a mate out there somewhere. Someone who would be better for him then I ever would be, someone that he would be with, care for, love. I tried to push aside the feelings for him, but I knew I wouldn't be able to. I had fallen for him and fallen hard. I just didn't know how I would get over him.

"It's not what you think sunshine. I promise you that. Please trust me." I could hear the pleading in Namjoon's voice, but I knew I had to get away from him. A sudden thought came over me. Did his mate know she was his? Could she sense me in the woods with him? Sense that I was near him when I shouldn't be? I moved even further away, not wanting to get on the bad side of some beautiful she-wolf. That would just be the perfect ending to this too long journey.

"Aww don't be sad pretty human. I don't have a mate. I could help you forget about Namjoon here. Take you away from all the pain of this." Although his words were comforting, his tone was mocking and I knew I needed to get the hell out of here, away from the both of them and back home where I could nurse my broken heart in private, away from the scornful tone of the white haired man in front of me.

The snarl from Namjoon grew even louder at Soobin's words and the absolute ferocity of it made me tremble in fear. "You don't have a mate because you killed her! Your mate is dead because of you." Namjoon snapped the words out and the harshness of his words startled me. "You willingly took her somewhere you shouldn't have been and let the Chimera get her. If you had cared for her at all, she would still be here."

Soobin's smug smile dropped from his face and the pain filled his pale blue eyes. "Sylvie wanted to go to the canyon. She wanted to see it. I couldn't stop her. It wasn't my fault! It wasn't my fault!" The words were ripped from Soobin's throat in a distraught shout and his eyes shimmered with unshed tears as he dropped to his knees. "It was my fault." The last words came out in a devastated whisper and I couldn't stop myself from going to the grieving werewolf.

I kneeled in front of Soobin and placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. "If what you say is true then you mustn't blame yourself. You can't be responsible for someone else's decisions."

Soobin jerked his head up at my words and I could see he didn't understand why I was trying to comfort him when he had attempted to kill me just a few short days before. "It was. It was my entire fault. Sylvie asked me to take her to the canyon. She... she wanted to see the sunset over it. I should have said no. I should have told her no, but I didn't." Soobin shook his head and the tears spilled down his cheeks, clear shards of crystal catching the light dappling through the trees. "And it's all my fault."

Wiping the tears from his face, I cupped Soobin's cheeks between my palms. "Oh no. Don't blame yourself. You may have taken her, but it wasn't your fault. She made the choice to go. You were doing what a good mate does and following her wishes. It is not your fault." I brushed a hand over his head, smoothing his silky white hair. "And I'm so sorry you lost her. So sorry for you."

Letting out a sob, Soobin hurled himself into my arms and I couldn't help hugging the hysterical wolf. My heart bled for him and even though he had tried to kill me, I held no ill will towards him, no anger for him, just an overwhelming sense of pity and sadness. He was clearly heartbroken and although I couldn't relate my source of heartache to a lost mate, I could understand the pain he was going through, feel the sadness clinging to him like a storm cloud hanging in the sky. I continued to stroke his hair as he cried into my shoulder, his tears soaking my shirt.

After a moment, Soobin sat up, his cheeks red in embarrassment. "I'm... I'm sorry for that. It's just... you're the first person who has shown me kindness since I lost my Sylvie. The rest... the rest of my pack hates me since they believe I am responsible for her death. Except for Felix, I don't... I don't really have anyone."

"It's going to be okay. Your pack isn't going to hold this against you forever. Sometimes we just need someone to blame someone when we're hurting and unfortunately, you just happen to be an easy target." I wiped the last of the tears from his face and kissed his cheek. "It's going to get better. It really will."

Soobin nodded then stood, offering me a hand then pulling me to my feet. "You... you really would have been a good mate. You were kind to me, even when I didn't deserve it. If your mate doesn't want you, come find me. I promise I'll be good to you, take care of you." With those words, Soobin shifted, nuzzled my hand with his nose then took off into the woods, a streak of white disappearing through the trees.

His last words were strange. He knows I'm not a werewolf so I don't have a mate. I shook my head to clear it then turned back to Namjoon. I had temporarily forgotten his presence while I soothed the grieving wolf, but now that he was there in front of me, Soobin's words about Namjoon finding his mate came rushing back, bringing back the same pain, the same hurt, the same heartbreak.

Giving Namjoon a hesitant smile, I clasped my hands in front of me, doing my best not to reach out for him like I want to. "I... I better get going. I should get out of here before it gets too dark. Goodbye Namjoon." Although I wanted to touch him one last time, hug him, feel those strong arms around me, I took a step back, turning from him.

As I went to start down the path, a pair of arms wrapped themselves around me, dragging me backwards into a hard chest. "Please don't leave. Don't leave me. Stay with me."

Namjoon's words shattered my heart and I tried to pull myself from his arms, but his grip got tighter. "Please don't do this. You... you have a mate. You have a mate."

Turning me in his arms, Namjoon slammed his lips down on mine, the kiss rough and aggressive. The moment his lips touched mine, everything disappeared but him and me. The sounds of birds, the smell of the fresh pines, the feel of the warm sun, the whisper of the slight breeze. It all ceased to exist, until there was nothing but his lips on mine and his arms around me. Forcing myself out of the fog, I pulled back from the kiss and pushed him backwards. He stumbled back a step, caught off guard by my sudden movements.

Namjoon went to reach for me again, but I held up a hand. "Please. Please stop. We can't do this." I couldn't stop the tears that spilled down my flushed cheeks, the heat from my skin almost causing them to evaporate.

A soft smile on his face, Namjoon reached for me again, this time grabbing my wrists and pulling me close. "Silly silly human." He pressed his lips gently to mine then rested his forehead against my own. "You silly human. You. You are my mate. You. It's... it's what I was trying to tell you before Soobin arrived."

"How can I be? I'm not a werewolf." Namjoon's words surprised me and I didn't know how to respond. "How... how can I be your mate?"

"You're the one that was chosen for me. I don't question why destiny chose you, but I'm so glad she did. I knew from the moment I saw you. I knew who you were to me, who I am to you." Namjoon cupped my cheeks with his palms, swiping away the tears I didn't realize had continued to fall. "I love you my sunshine. I love you my perfect mate."

The slice that had been cut through my heart slowly began to stitch itself back together as Namjoon spoke, his words healing the hurt that had been so devastating only moments before. "I love you Namjoon. I was... I was so afraid that you... you had someone else."

Shaking his head, Namjoon tugged me close, hugging me tightly. "No. Just you. You're all I need from now until the end of eternity." As Namjoon kissed me again, I knew exactly where I wanted to be, right here in his arms.

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