Vongola Famiglia

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Today's one of the rarest day, when all members of the Vongola Family decided to go on a trip together.

They stayed on an inn, where surprisingly even Hibari and Mukuro doesn't mind sleeping in the same room. Though Chrome and Lambo stayed on the room next door, a joint room. Well, Hibari created his own terittory on a corner while Mukuro doesn't even show himself.

It's already night time and everyone's tired from the journey. Everyone's fast asleep except for who knows what and where is Mukuro and wether Hibari, who's leaning on the wall is asleep or not.

It's a peaceful night, until a sniffle was heard in the room.

The first to stir and wake up is Hibari. He open his eyes and searchs for the source of the sniffle.

"Omnivore." The said brunette flinch under his blanket. Helding back his tears, he hid his face.

The ravenette stood from his place, walks silently towards the brunette. "I-I'm sorry Hibari-san.." He whispered out from under his blanket. "You can go back to sleep. I only got a nightmare.." He continued.

Hibari stayed silent, his hand reached for the blanket and opened it. "!?" Tsuna's eyes widen in surprise. "H-Hibari-san!?" He questioned.

As the cloud's hand came closer, the brunette closed his hands in fear. Only to have his head patted by his cloud.

Feeling of safety rushed into the brunette. His tears quickly bursts out. "I-I'm sorry.. Thank you." He sniffed.

The older male continued to pat his fluffy hair as the brunette continued to silently cry.

The second to wake up were the closest one to the brunette, Gokudera and Yamamoto. "Jyuudaime..?" Gokudera rubbed his eyes.

While Yamamoto yawned, "Tsuna?"

Seeing their boss crying the both of them snaps wide. "What's wrong Jyuudaime/Tsuna!?"

The cloud quickly glared the two yellings males and stopped patting the boss' hair and went back to his terittory.

"I-It's okay, Gokudera-kun, Yamamoto." Tsuna sat up, brushing his tears. "I just got a nightmare." He smiled. The two were frozen by their boss' tears. They're a bit confused on what they should do.

The joint door then slides, "B-Bossu..?" The only girl in the group question while hugging the yawning Lambo. She looked at her boss who's brushing his tears.

"B-Bossu..!" She quickly run to Tsuna's side. "A-Are you okay, bossu?" She asks.

Tsuna nodded. "I'm fine. Don't worry, Chrome." He gave her a teary smile.

Chrome gulps while nodding, "D-Do you want to tell us about it..?"

Lambo on the other hand finally completly woken up and look at the commotion. He look at his elder brother who's shedding tears. "Tsuna?" He shakily asks, helding his tears.

"Why would you cry too, Lambo?" Tsuna giggles ruffling Lambo's afro. Lambo snuggled to Tsuna's chest, still crying. "There there.." He softly whisper.

Tsuna heaved a sigh. "It's reassuring to have someone to hug." He whispered out.

Chrome gave a relieved smile, "Bossu," She then went to hug her boss too. "Don't worry, we're here."

Tsuna blushed at the sudden action, "C-Chrome.." His blush didn't stay for too long and it turns into another feeling of relieved. "Thanks.."

Yamamoto and Gokudera saw Tsuna cheered up and gave a relieved smile. "Glad for you, Tsuna." He then ruffles Tsuna's hair.

Tsuna gave a smile. "Yea."

"Yosh! Group hug!" Yamamoto loudly declares pushing Gokudera to Tsuna's back and tightly hug them.

"Woa- Hey! Baseball idiot! That hurts!"




"Huh? What's extremely wrong!?" The last one to wake up yelled out.

"Oh! Senpai! A group hug!"

Ryohei quickly jumped from his futon and jump towards the group hug. "Extreme hug!!"

At the corner, Hibari twitched and swung to the group. "I'll bite you to death."

And everyone were sent back to sleep, except for Chrome and Lambo who manage to be hidden Mukuro. (Because Lambo is in the hug of Chrome.)

And also except for Tsuna, surprisingly.

The room went silent afterwards.

Tsuna quickly shut his mouth knowing the perfect is annoyed and smiled gratitudely that he's saved. He then felt sleepy, and decided to sleep. "Thank you, Hibari-san. Good night." He whispered out.


The two slept.



Tsuna's brown eyes blink. "Mukuro?" He looks around to see he's in the middle of a garden, with a bed on the center of it, where he is now.

"Good night, Vongola. Or perhaps, good morning?" The pineapple head greeted from the distance.

Tsuna gave a smile, "Good morning, Mukuro."

"Oya oya, you looked quite tired. Perhaps, from the cry?" Tsuna flinchs.

He smiled awkwardly, "You've caught me." Mukuro walked closer to the bed. "But it's just a nightmare. It's nothing to be worried."

"Is that so." The indigonette sat on the edge of the bed. "You should go back to sleep then." He pushed Tsuna's head softly back to the matress.

"Wai- Mukuro!?"

"Kufufu~ Do not mind me. Just sleep." Mukuro ruffles his hair. "Sleep well."

Tsuna couldn't help but give a smile, "Thank you, Mukuro."


28 December 2019

After Idk, years, I've finally finished this part *cries

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