Chapter 15: Collateral Damage

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(If anyone played Call of Duty 3, I added in McCullin and Dixon)

The Scene opens up in Argus, and there are dead Atlesian Soldiers everywhere, and supplied German Tiger 1, and American M4A3E8 Sherman Tanks are destroyed and they are seen smoking. Jaune's sister, Saphron Cotta Arc, had Evacuated with her Wife and son, and later on, it cuts to the ship where the citizens are and Saph sees her brother with the US Army's First Infantry Division Uniform, albeit it is the tan color, which was the same as Turner's. But he has a BAR, and he has handwraps on both his hands.

Saph: Jaune!

Jaune: Saph? I'm headed to the frontlines, I hope I live out there, I can't die.

Saph: It is your duty to help the US Army, and the German SS, do you understand me Sergeant?

Jaune: Yes ma'am.

The German SS and US Army Soldiers get out of the Trucks as the troops get mowed down by the MG Fire, one of the soldiers carrying an MG42 opens fire with the Bipod already mounted. Zussman provides fire with His new STG-44 and when his STG Jammed, he Punches a White Fang member in the throat and Punches him with a skull crushing right hook.

Daniels: Nice one!

Aiello opens fire with His BAR, but gets a bullet to the leg.

German SS Soldier: Scheisse! Sänitater! (S**t! MEDIC!)

The Stukas providing Air Support are bombarding the enemy armor, who managed to kill convoys shipping Tiger Tanks and Panther Tanks. But most of the tanks that the Shermans and Panzers are going up against are captured M4 Sherman Fireflies. The Infantry gets ambushed by enemies, but when a Sniper kills an SS Soldier, Ruby uses Crescent Rose and does a headshot on the Sniper. Until an Enemy machine gun opens fire and injures Pierson, Yang grabs an MP40 SMG off a dead Soldier and drags Pierson to cover, and the Medics get him healed, then Nora Gets out of cover and shoots the MG Nest with her Bazooka and the Platoon moves up as Yang grabs her M1919 and they all see an enemy Armored Battalion and hide, and after the Convoy passed by, they move and hear footsteps and then they encounter 10 enemies, until they are gunned down by two US Soldiers.

Soldier: Your welcome there Soldiers.

Daniels: Thanks, who are you two?

Dixon: Sergeant Mike Dixon, 90th Infantry.

McCullin: Sergeant Frank McCullin, 90th Infantry.

Daniels: Sergeant First Class Red Daniels, 1st Infantry.

Dixon: Thought the women weren't allowed to fight.

Daniels: Now we were here to take the city and the Germans are friendly, don't fire.

McCullin: On your lead, we're following.

It later cuts to Perez taking down a firefly using his Sherman's new 76mm gun and it Punches through the armor and through the Ammunition. Then the Germans use their Panzers and destroy the enemy vehicles, and M3 Halftracks, alongside German Halftracks are hitting the enemy and they keep on pushing as the enemies are gunned down left and right, and some hidden are flushed out by the soldiers carrying Flamethrowers. And later on, the Enemies Surrender and they take Argus.

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