Chapter 21: Holding off the White Fang

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The scene opens up with Daniels in the Snow with 1st Platoon, Crowley, and Team RWBY. They are there to check on a village being attacked by White Fang. Until the rumbling noise of tank treads reaches their ears, as WF Panther Tanks are rolling onto their area, as what are they're doing, they open fire with Bazookas, but the rockets were useless, as M10 Wolverines came to help, but are destroyed, and Daniels says this.

Daniels: Everyone, get to the woods, I'll give you all some cover!

Turner: Daniels, what about you!?

Daniels: Don't worry, I'll make it, I promise that I'll live.

Turner: If you make it, we'll get some medics.

He later covers them but he only has his Lever-Action Rifle, but when he looks at the destroyed M10 Tank Destroyer, he sees an M2 Browning, not completely damaged, and then he pulls the bolt and is unjammed, and this song plays.


The M2 Browning is heard from the lines of WF Infantrymen, as they are gunned down. Then he keeps on holding them off, and despite getting a bullet to his leg, he keeps Firing, until it runs out, and when the Tanks were destroyed by Air Support, he gets off the Browning and he quickly runs to the woods and clutches his badly shot leg, as he looks too crippled to walk.

Daniels: Turner, just take the rest. I'll hold them off!

Turner: No, we can still make it.

Daniels: Just move and get to a CCP! You have to go! GO!

Turner gives him his M1A1 Thompson, and he was given his Lever-Action M1894, and he holds them off, and after calling for air support several times, he falls unconscious after the wound was bled too much. And after that, it cuts to a British Army Squadron, and they are on patrol and are accompanied by two US Soldiers, being US Army Engineer, Marcus Howard, and Private LeRoy Huxley, as he is a Shotgunner, and after they saw Daniels with a bleeding leg, one of the British soldiers, who was a medic, patches up his leg and they carry his unconscious body to their base camp near the forest, where they also had a British SAS Soldier, and a Platoon of Americans.

Turner: He was a brave man. If he died to save us, we'd still be alive without him.

Crowley: He had balls alright, but he's made it through the combat. And he's one hell of a soldier.

Pierson: I promoted him to Corporal. I promoted him to be my second-in-command.

Ruby: After Pyrrha was saved thanks to him, including Penny, he did deserve to become a lieutenant.

Huxley: Coming through! We got a wounded man!

They are shocked to still see him, rather alive, but not awake, as he passed out after bleeding a bit too much. 2 minutes later, Ruby was staying with Daniels at the medical tent, even sleeping while she was on a chair during the night, and after she slept, she woke up and was given a cup of Joe by Zussman.

Zussman: Looks like you couldn't afford to lose him. You two had a close bond, just like me and Yang.

After he left, she was also given a meal by Turner, as he knew that she stayed in the tent, and she thanked him, and when she refused to go on a mission, Turner said this.

Turner: Ruby, look after Daniels while his buddies are gone with me. You're the only one here.

Ruby: Yes, Lieutenant.

After he left, Ruby went off to talk with Huxley, and after she returned after her pep talk with Huxley.

Ruby: Red, if you can hear this, I'm really thankful for saving my butt every time when I was in danger, and I appreciate it when I look out for you and the others, I'll be by your side every time, I won't leave you R.

Daniels: Thanks Rubes, that's nice of you.

Ruby: Daniels!

She hugs him tightly, and he hugs her as well.

Daniels: Hey, that Rifle I used when I was hunting with my older brother, he keeps it now.

Ruby: No way! He owns it now?

Daniels: Of course.

Daniels tries to get off his medical bed but can't properly move his left leg.

Ruby: You have to rest that. It caught a bullet.

Daniels: I heard you talking with Huxley, and well. I'm a man of "Can Do".

Ruby gives him a meal after 2 days, since he has not eaten. After 2 weeks, he gets his leg healed. And is back in the fight.

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