Chapter 6: Mt. Glenn reminds me of Aachen.

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The Scene opens up with Team RWBY alongside Daniels and Zussman, and the Two soldiers are carrying their backpacks, which have E-Tools inside. Oobleck notices that Daniels has his Thompson armed and Ready and has a Bazooka with him.

Oobleck: Soldiers, why did you two carry very small Backpacks?

Daniels: We packed C-Rations as well with us, that's why Zussman brought a Crate. And in my backpack is a first aid kit.

Daniels has his beard again and has handwraps, and a netted M1 Helmet. He also has Bandoliers with M1A1 Thompson SMG Magazines, and a Mk2 Pineapple Grenade on his Uniform, including a Pistol holster with the Enfield on his chest, and is Wearing his dog tags.

Oobleck: Alright, we can't risk any injuries, and we need blow open any blocked areas.

They all get in and they think of having a prayer and Daniels agrees, so they drop their helmets Daniels does the prayer, and Team RWBY sees them Praying and they decide to join.

Here's the Prayer.

Oh God of our fathers, bless our efforts to provide the "Armament for Peace" and protect us if we must answer to the call to arms to defend our faith, our liberty, and our freedom. Teach us not to mourn those who have died in the service of the Corps, but rather to gain strength from the fact that such heroes have lived.


(I Do not own this, but this is US Army Property)

The two grab their helmets and they put them back on, and they land.

Daniels: This Place reminds me of Aachen, doesn't this remind you Zuss?

Zussman: Yeah, it reminds me of Aachen as well.

They hear Grimm, but Daniels knows that they could all get Mauled by now, so he quickly pulls out the Bazooka and fires. And he switches to the Thompson and fires off a burst of 45 ACP.

Everyone finds a lot of Grimm, but Zussman packed a BAR and Fires it off, using the slow automatic fire and kills some Grimm, while he uses his 1911 to shoot some tiny Nevermore birds. Later on, a P-47 Thunderbolt shoots down a Nevermore, and Then Daniels throws an M16 Air Marking Grenade and he throws it on the Grimm and Daniels says this to everyone.

Daniels: THAT P-47'S HERE! GET DOWN!

The bomb drops and everyone is knocked off the ground by the blast, and they move on, and when it was Night-time, Ruby looks for Zwei and Daniels follows her.

He finds Ruby and she is with Zwei, until WF Members are patrolling the area, and Daniels armed himself with the Thompson, and a Springfield Sniper Rifle. Until the ground cracks.

Daniels: Ah Sh-

They fall and Ruby loses her Scythe. And the members notice them both, Daniels' Thompson is kicked Away but Ruby shoots Daniels' SMG and fires it from his holster, she Grabs it and shoots the other one, and they get injured, and Daniels gets up, taking the Thompson off her hands, and he shoots them both dead.

Ruby: W-Why did y-you Kill them?

Daniels: They could kill us both, and did you shoot the Thompson?

Ruby nods and she is given his Springfield.

Daniels: This will be your weapon for now, your Scythe's gone.

Ruby: I will do what it takes to get Crescent Rose back.

Daniels and Ruby move as the others notice Zwei barking as Zussman Wakes up, and later on, it cuts to the two entering a room, and he peeks through a door. And he opens the door, then he finds over like a lot of WF Members and Roman Torchwick and after that. He opens fire after a patrol is approaching them.

(1:20, that's how he ambushed them.)

Daniels: Ruby! Provide some cover fire!

Ruby gets to a Building and positions herself, and Daniels runs as he does a Tactical Reload. He fires at them again after loading a Magazine into his Thompson and later on, the others are inside the hole, and they see 2 dead Faunus.

Weiss: How can you be calm when there's dead people!?

Blake: HOW can you justify 2 DEAD FAUNUS?!

Zussman: Spent rounds of 45 ACP, Probably he used his Thompson, could be defending Ruby.



Yang saw Zussman's eyes go red like hers and she knows that she doesn't want a friend and her sister dying. And then they hear gunfire, and it belongs to a Thompson SMG.

They are seen and Ruby breathes through the scope of the Springfield, and the bullet is fired and it instantly kills a Member right through the head. She freezes and she takes cover and Daniels is pinned to a wall as Roman hears the Gunfire and uses his Cane Gun, Melodic Cudgel and fires a round.

It later cuts to Zussman who bayoneted a member and shot him dead. Later they take cover as a WF Member uses an MG mounted onto cover, and the Machine Gun was an MG42.

Zussman throws a MK2 Grenade at the Gunner and it explodes, they move and find Daniels who is pinned, and Zussman tells Yang to take his Rifle and he is gonna use the Shotgun, he pumps a round in and he runs to him and shoots one of them with a 12 Gauge round in the heart, and Daniels throws a Grenade and when he is about to fire, it jams, but he Pulls out his Revolver and kills two enemies who were charging at them, and they hear this.



Ruby gets down the building and she gives back Daniels' Springfield and she is given Crescent Rose, they get on the train and then as Daniels runs, he gets struck by a bullet in the neck, and Zussman takes his Revolver and shoots them, and gets on the train. The bullet didn't make it through and the bullet is taken out and he yells out in pain, he now gets a bandage and they continue as they start opening fire on the enemy. And someone else who looks like them, but the uniform is colored tan, while the other two have an M1 Garand and a BAR, they also have the same color as the one holding the Thompson, and they quickly get on the train as they saw Daniels and Zussman.

Daniels could Recognize them as familiar faces and they are none other than 1st Lieutenant Joseph Turner, Technician 5th Grade Frank Aiello, and Private First Class Drew Stiles.

Daniels: Lieutenant? It's me sir.

Turner: It's good to see you Private.

Stiles: You mean Corporal Daniels? Right Lieutenant?

Turner: He's a Corporal!?

Aiello: He got promoted by Pierson.


They stop and they move, and they find a caboose with a Bomb in it.

Aiello: There's a Bomb in there!

Stiles: YEAH! NO S***!

Daniels: Blake detach the damn caboose!

Blake jumps down to detach it, but it does it by itself. They all jump to another to find more bombs, and Oobleck realizes that the bombs will destroy the areas containing the Grimm.


Daniels: Doc, There's Bad guys over there!

Everyone quickly engages as Oobleck turns his thermos into some kind of weapon, and what they have to do is to stop the train from heading to Vale. They think of a plan and they already think of it, Daniels tells Turner that he will be staying here with the Doctor, Aiello, and Ruby. While He, Zussman, Stiles, Blake, Yang, and Weiss will clear the locomotive and they agree, Turner, Aiello, Ruby, and Oobleck cover Daniels and the rest.

They approach Neo, as Zussman points his Trench Gun at her, but Yang puts down the Barrel.

Yang: I've got this.

Zussman: That bastard escaped and you can't go up against her by yourself, she's short but she can take you on. Cover the others.

Yang distracts Neo by Firing Ember Celica and the others run to the other area, and they run into the White Fang Lieutenant. Stiles trains his Garand on him, but Weiss lowers down the Barrel.

Weiss: Put the Rifle away, I got this.

Stiles: You can't win against him snow angel.

Weiss: Fine, I guess two on one will do.

WF Lieutenant: Finally, I get to kill a Schnee.

Stiles: No one's gonna die today A**hole.

WF Lieutenant: We'll see.

Daniels gets Blake's hand and he turns into a green ball of speed and Stiles gets Suprised and the two find Torchwick, Daniels trains his Tommy Gun at him but is put down.

Blake: I'm gonna do it, go and help the others.

Daniels: F*** that, You're wrong.

Blake: Sure.....

Roman: Hello again kitty, and looks like your Soldier friend is gonna be dying as well.

Daniels just gives him the middle finger and it cuts to Zussman and Yang fighting Neo.

Zussman: She's tough, but let's do this.

Yang: Let's do that Normandy move you two did.

Zussman fires with his Shotgun and then Yang gets behind Neo and she is launched by Yang's blow and Zussman uses the Butt stock of the Shotgun and knocks her out as she tries to get up, and her head is bleeding a bit. And it later cuts to Stiles and Weiss fighting the Lieutenant, but as he tries to fire his Garand, and is slammed to the ground.

Weiss: STILES!

Weiss fights the Lieutenant, but she gets launched to a window and it is cracked, but Stiles Wakes up as his Aura was activated after he got slammed. He grabs his Garand and puts on an M7 Grenade Launcher onto the Garand, and he says this to Weiss.


The Grenade is fired and it sends the Lieutenant flying out of the train, leaving a big hole in the Locomotive, then Zussman and Yang arrive. And they hear Daniels and Blake fighting, and it cuts to them fighting Torchwick, and Daniels is launched by a round from Melodic and gets slammed into the wall, Blake tries to fight back, but gets knocked down, then Daniels slowly opens his Eyes, and fires a round at Melodic Cudgel, therefore knocking it off his Hands, then he lets go of his Revolver and they fight Hand to Hand. Daniels gets a punch in Roman's stomach then he strikes back with a punch to Daniels' face, knocking his helmet off, and he bashes him with his helmet and leaves the cart, after the Control Lever was ripped off.

Turner: WHAT IS IT?


Aiello: Guys! WE got a wall incoming!


The train crashes and it cuts to a Black Screen.

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