Chapter 16

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Takemichi knows where he is going, he knows he is in danger but he still accepts it. Despite being extremely disappointed, Takemichi still harbors a bit of hope deep down. It's still that same road, still that same place, an old game center with a sign that reads "The Headless Angel."

Kazutora smiles at him, a smile he detests: "Come on in, Takemichi, let me introduce you to a few people."

The atmosphere is gloomy, unlike Touman. The people wearing white coats with the headless angel symbol on the back, the thick cigarette smoke, and their looks give a bad feeling. Hanma sits on a high podium chair, with an arrogant smile.

"You're here, Hanagaki Takemichi?"

Kazutora walks towards him and then turns to face him. Others also start looking at him, some even step closer, and he is quickly surrounded by Valhalla members.

"So is this how you want to declare war on Touman, Hanma?"

Takemichi calmly looks at Hanma with hatred.

Hmm? Hanma smirks at him interestingly, he thought Takemichi would be surprised and scared, yet he looks so calm despite clearly knowing the danger.

"Haha, Takemichi-kun, I think you should prepare yourself because..."

He raises his arms and shouts to everyone:

"Come on Kazutora, prove your loyalty to us. Overcome him, and you'll be Valhalla's No.3."

As soon as he finishes speaking, Takemichi gets punched in the face by Kazutora, a punch that hurts ten thousand times more than the previous one. He falls to the ground, the pain making him dizzy. Kazutora is smiling like a madman driven by violence, his eyes dark and vacant.

"Kazutora-kun, stop it, please come back to me."

"Come back to you? Come back where? To Touman? Come back to him?" Kazutora sneers.

"Ah! So you approached me because of Mikey, Takemichi?" Behind the smile is an uncontrollable rage.

"Damn it, I knew I shouldn't trust you!"

Kazutora's punches, filled with rage, land on Takemichi's face continuously, blood starts to flow from his mouth and nose.

"You're a liar."

"You betrayed me."

"All of you betrayed me."

"You'll side with him too."

"Damn it, it's all because of him."

His words come with punches to Takemichi. Hearing him blame Mikey again, Takemichi also gets angry and fights back. He quickly punches Kazutora.

"Kazutora, wake up. Why do you keep blaming Mikey? Please accept your own mistakes."

His punch and words only fuel Kazutora's raging fire, and his eyes look like he wants to kill.

He grabs Takemichi's collar and pulls him close.

"What do you know, Takemichi? Why did you approach me?" He snarls each word.

"I know more about you than you think, Kazutora-kun. I just want you to come back, come back to Baji-kun. Chifuyu is also with him. We will help you. Face the mistake of the past, please Kazutora, you're not alone... come back to me, Kazutora."

For the first time, Kazutora sees those blue eyes filled with sorrow and pain, tears streaming down, voice choked with emotion. He hates those eyes because they made him let his guard down. Eyes that pure couldn't lie, he thought. Though he doubted Takemichi's intentions of just wanting to be friends, he learned to accept it. But the truth? Takemichi did it for him. Mistake? It's not his fault, it's Mikey's. Why say he is wrong? The world is against him. The person in front of him is the enemy.

Reason completely disappears, nothing can stop Kazutora's twisted mind. He hits Takemichi more brutally, the thugs around also get excited by it.

Hanma is the most excited. Watching such a dramatic scene, he finds it hilarious. Kisaki's hero is truly an idiot, thinking such words can awaken a madman? Well, Hanma has to admit this perseverance is the longest he's seen. Crying for the one who attacks him. Oh my god, this is too funny.

When Kazutora feels satisfied, the person under him can't move anymore, and his hands are covered in Takemichi's blood. He then stops and stands up.

"So, Hanma, have you seen enough? Have I proven myself?"

Hanma cheerfully jumps down, holding a Valhalla member's coat. No one pays attention to the pathetic figure on the ground.

"Come back to me, Kazutora-kun," a small voice rises.

The beaten body on the ground starts to move, startling Kazutora and even making Hanma frown.

Takemichi slowly opens his eyes, pain radiating through his body, having just recovered from illness and then being beaten by Kazutora. He doesn't know if he has any broken bones. But what is this pain compared to seeing his friends die?

Barely conscious, he still struggles to crawl up. The people here are silently shocked to see that small, weak figure stand up because they know that if they had endured that brutal beating earlier, they wouldn't dare say they could stand. Takemichi stands unsteadily, swaying for a moment to steady himself, then straightens up and lifts his head.

Despite his face covered in wounds and blood, making it unrecognizable, those eyes still shine bright, determined as if nothing in the world could make it despair or give up.

"Kazutora-kun, come back to me," his voice louder and more resolute. Even as hope fades, Takemichi refuses to fall.

Hanma opens his eyes wide at Takemichi's stance, feeling a thrill like an electric shock run through him. He gets goosebumps, a level of excitement he has never felt before. He never fears anything, but those eyes make him feel a chill, as if he might lose to the person in front of him. For someone bored by too many victories, this is what he has been searching for.

"What's this? What's this? You're really crazy, aren't you? Suddenly, I like you a lot."

Hanma doesn't hide his excitement. He likes it so much that he wants to tear apart that strong will. He wants to see what expression Takemichi will have when he's in despair. However, before he can do anything, Kazutora kicks Takemichi in the stomach, making him collapse and vomit blood and stomach contents.

"Haven't you had enough, you jerk?"

Hanma feels disappointed; if it were him, the kick would have been harder.

"Kazutora! What are you doing here?"

An angry voice comes from the door.

"Oh, the Captain of Touman's First Division is here? The fun just ended, you're too late." Hanma acts as a host, welcoming.

Baji rushes in and quickly sees Takemichi collapsed on the ground with severe injuries. He frantically goes to him and lifts him up. Takemichi, barely conscious, weakly speaks each word.


Baji is full of confusion, looking from Takemichi to Kazutora. Kazutora grits his teeth; isn't this enough? Why now is he still saying that?

"Baji, will you side with me or him?" Kazutora's voice is cold as ice.

"Kazutora, stop."

"You're the one who told me, even if hell awaits me, you'll be by my side until the end, right? So, I took all the blame, and you didn't have to go to reform school. Now, after leaving me alone there, you want to break your promise?"

Baji is extremely troubled, unable to speak. Takemichi clutches him tightly, tears streaming down, shaking his head in pain.

So, it's because of this promise that Baji didn't hesitate to risk his life. Chifuyu said Baji always keeps his promises.

"Baji-kun...please...don't...Mikey-kun and Touman..." Takemichi loses consciousness in his arms.

"Takemichi! Takemichi! Wake up."

"Answer me, Baji."

Kazutora coldly presses on. Baji feels conflicted; he has never broken a promise. If he stays by Kazutora's side...


Chifuyu also appears, breathing heavily. He knew something was wrong and secretly followed Baji. When he sees Takemichi unconscious and injured in Baji's arms, he angrily glares at Kazutora.

"Chifuyu, why are you here?" Baji is surprised.

Chifuyu grits his teeth and whispers in Baji's ear. Hanma and Kazutora are too far to hear, but Baji's eyes widen, and his face shows confusion. He stands in a daze for a moment.

"Baji-san, please trust me. Let me explain later, Takemichi is not okay."

Baji looks at Takemichi in his arms, unable to think of anything else. He quickly carries him away.

"Baji, you're breaking your promise to me, right? You're betraying me too. You're still on his side. You both are the same, liars."

Kazutora screams in madness and pain, no longer sane, the darkness completely taking over him.

Baji hears this, feeling a deep hurt. He doesn't want to see his friend like this, but he himself is full of confusion and doubt, not knowing what to do.

Kazutora, I'm sorry, I can't answer you now.

"Kazutora, I should have stopped Takemichi when he said he wanted to be friends with you. You don't deserve his feelings," Chifuyu snarls.

"Shut up."

"Whoa, whoa, what's this chaos? Coming in and out of my gang like it's your house?" Hanma interrupts.

"Now for the main event, everyone. Vice captain of the First Division, please send a message to Mikey-kun for me: On October 31st, Valhalla and Touman will have a decisive battle at the junkyard," Hanma says cheerfully.

Chifuyu glares at Hanma with hatred and then turns to leave.

Baji takes Takemichi to the hospital. Besides severe external injuries, Takemichi has a broken nose and a head injury, but fortunately, his skull is intact.

"Chifuyu, explain clearly. What did you say earlier?"

Chifuyu pulls him to a secluded spot and explains everything about Takemichi coming back from the future to save everyone. He talks about how Kazutora stabbed Baji, how Baji committed suicide to make Mikey forgive Kazutora, and how someone is trying to take over Touman and Mikey by using Kazutora. He also mentions Mikey's dark ego and what happened in the future. Baji finds it hard to believe and stands there, dazed.

"Baji-san, isn't it strange? How did Takemichi know Draken-kun would be attacked and save him just in time? How does he know about your past and Kazutora? Why would he approach Kazutora out of nowhere? Because he knows everything. Baji-san, he does everything for Mikey and for Touman."

Chifuyu tries his best to convince Baji to believe this unbelievable story.

Baji lowers his head and covers his face with his hands. He remembers the first time he met Takemichi and the longing in Takemichi's eyes. The questions he had about Takemichi are now answered.

That's why Takemichi often looked at him with a sad, compassionate gaze. That's why he felt like Takemichi cherished every moment they spent together. Now he understands. He doesn't know how to feel, his heart is racing and in turmoil.

"Baji-san, you don't have to believe me. Just believe in Takemichi. Those eyes don't lie. So, Baji-san, no matter what, stay by Mikey-kun's side. Stay in Touman, okay? We can still help Kazutora."

Baji takes a deep breath and gathers his resolve. With someone willing to sacrifice for Touman like that, how could he let them down? He feels truly grateful and happy. Besides himself, there's someone willing to do everything to protect Touman and his friends, which is what he wanted when he founded the gang. Takemichi, that must be why he always felt that Takemichi was special to him.

After a while, tension quickly fills Takemichi's hospital room. The members of Touman are there, unable to hide their anger seeing Takemichi lying on the bed with injuries.

Mikey's eyes are dark as he gently places his hand on Takemichi's face, stroking it.

"Takemitchy got beaten up by Kazutora like this? He joined Valhalla?"

"Kazutora still can't repent," Draken says, clenching his fists, veins bulging.

"Kazutora, he..."

Baji wants to explain, but how can he? There's no excuse for Kazutora hurting Takemichi.

"Damn it, it's Hanma again, like a lingering ghost," Pachin grumbles at the mention of Hanma's name.

"We will avenge Takemichi and crush those bastards," Mitsuya says, no longer calm.

"Let's fight, I'm fired up," Smiley says, rubbing his fists.

"I'll teach them a lesson for hurting him," Angry says, truly in anger.

Takemichi's mother arrives after Touman, panicking upon hearing that her son is hospitalized. When she sees his condition, her legs go numb.

The Touman members remain silent. Draken steps forward and bows to her.

"We sincerely apologize." The others bow as well.

"At first I didn't want my son to hang around and get involved in bad things all day like a thug or what, but he said he really liked you all. I saw that even though you're a motorcycle racing gang, you treat him very well, he has fun with you, and he's grown more mature. He convinced me a lot, so I agreed to let it be, but this can't go on. I hope you can have less contact with him from now on. Please leave, you can visit him later."

Facing Takemichi's mother's words, they can't blame her. They feel only more heartache, knowing Takemichi truly treasures them, but they couldn't protect him. They bow once more, then quietly leave the room one by one.

Mikey looks unstable, like a person in a daze, his face tense as if in fear, his hands clenched tightly, veins popping: "Takemitchy won't be with me anymore?"

He won't be by his side? He won't see him, he won't hear him scold him, or comfort him when he's upset? He won't feel his warm pats on the head, won't see his smile? No, things can't be this way, he won't accept it. He won't accept Takemichi not being with him.

Draken looks down at Mikey, alarmed, sensing something wrong.

"Mikey, calm down. His mom is heartbroken. We'll deal with this later, okay? For now, let's handle Valhalla."

"Right, Valhalla, Kazutora. If Takemitchy can't be with me, it's all because of them, I won't forgive them," Mikey says coldly.

Soon after, a Touman meeting is held. The other members feel tense due to the pressure from the core members, who carry a dark, menacing aura, especially their president. Draken explains the reason and the upcoming battle with Valhalla. It's because of Hanagaki Takemichi; Valhalla picked the wrong target.

Mikey steps forward, his presence more overwhelming and terrifying than ever.

"Valhalla, not a single one will be spared."

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