Chapter 18

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In that moment of despair, a small boy with blonde hair appears. He holds an iron pipe in his hand and knocks down the person who wants to attack Mikey, surprising everyone.

Haitani Rindou's eyes light up, and his indifferent look disappears. Ran quickly realizes who the "kid" his younger brother wants to meet is.

When Mikey sees Takemichi, the darkness in his heart is dispelled by light. He becomes alert again, lifts a guy holding his leg, and knocks down five others at once, shocking everyone with his strength.

Everyone stops and looks at that high point. Takemichi smiles brightly, making his teammates want to exclaim how cool he is, but immediately:

"You guys are really a bunch of weaklings." He points and yells down.

What? You're the weakling! Don't think you can show off just because of a cool entrance!

"What is our Touman? Who is our leader? It's the Invincible Mikey, and we also have an awesome vice-leader, strong captains, and vice-captains. What is Touman? It's the strongest! Get it together, do you want to fight weakly like this?"

Takemichi speaks loudly, and all of Touman stands still, then laughs at him.

"Damn weakling sure talks a lot."

"That weakling dares to insult us. When this is over, I'll break his neck."

The members who lost their fighting spirit earlier stand up because of Takemichi's words, feeling motivated.

The leaders of Touman see the other members regain their energy and look at Takemichi fondly. Even though they don't want him here, they realize that having him around is better. Their eyes become more determined, and the flames of battle burn even stronger.

It's that thrilling feeling again. Hanma laughs with delight. Heroes always appear in the most dangerous and coolest situations, don't they? Impressive, Takemichi! He's like an unexpected variable in Kisaki's plan. Hanma wants more and more to tear him apart, to crush that smile and those clear eyes of his.

"I just thought, if we win, I'll take Takemichi with us."

Hanma challenges Draken. Draken immediately looks at him with a deadly glare. What did this bastard just say? He wants to take Takemichi?

Draken gets angry and kicks Hanma away. The two sides start fighting again.

"Takemitchy is ours, don't you dare touch him."

"The more you say that, the more I want to."

Chifuyu struggles in the fight, keeping an eye on Baji, finally finding a way out.

"Well done, partner, 100 points for the impressive entrance."

Chifuyu gives a thumbs-up to Takemichi. Takemichi responds with a thumbs-up. Even though the situation is tense, they have to finish their silly acts. Takemichi turns to look at Mikey and sees blood flowing from his forehead. He gets worried. Damn, he's a bit late.

"Mikey-kun, how are you feeling?"

Takemichi looks at Mikey with sadness, softly asking him, and gently touching his hair to check the wound. He seems on the verge of tears because of Mikey's injury. Mikey, seeing this, looks at him in a daze. He can feel his heart pounding when Takemichi touches him, when Takemichi looks at him with those eyes.

Takemichi always gives him the warmest look. It makes him trust Takemichi, calms his heart, and dispels the darkness within him. It makes his world full of light and love. He truly feels lucky.

"I'm fine, Takemitchy. Why are you here? I told you to stay home."

Mikey doesn't care about his wound, only about Takemichi's presence. Takemichi is also badly injured, his presence makes Mikey happy but he doesn't want him to be there.

"No way, I'll fight by your side, Mikey. I'll protect you."

Takemichi says firmly, and Mikey's eyes show intense emotion.

Kazutora watches the scene, feeling cold and painful. He and Baji always oppose him. Why doesn't he have anyone by his side? Why is he being pushed further into the depths of despair? Everyone is an enemy, and they all must be destroyed.

Another group of Valhalla rushes toward them, and the chaotic fight in the scrap yard continues. But now Mikey is revitalized, knocking down every enemy coming his way.

"Mikey is really strong." They are scared.

Baji is not far behind, no longer worrying about Mikey. He unleashes his full power as Touman's war god.

"Thank you, Takemichi. As for the rest of you, come at me if you dare."

Chifuyu stands beside Baji.

"Baji-san, let me help you."

Takemichi looks up at Kazutora:

"Kazutora, stop it, can you go back? Don't let things go too far."

"Why do you keep appearing in front of me, Takemichi? I should have broken your leg that day. Why do you keep interfering with me, you traitor? I disgust people like you."

Kazutora's voice trembles, emotions surging within him wanting to explode, repeating over and over in his mind to destroy everything. Kazutora attacks Takemichi, but Baji blocks him, and they struggle. Takemichi is also attacked by another member of Valhalla.

"Takemichi, can you handle it?" Baji asks while fighting Kazutora.

"Of course, I've been trained by you, Baji-kun." If it's a simple thug, he can handle it. With nothing to distract him, Baji fully concentrates and quickly disarms Kazutora, taking the iron pipe from his hand.

"Kazutora, you've lost." Baji holds the iron pipe close to Kazutora's face.

Tears start falling from Kazutora's eyes, his face twists in pain. Seeing his friend like that, Baji is stunned.

"You really won't go to hell with me, will you, Baji? You'll always stay with Mikey, and like the others, you'll abandon me."

Baji hesitates, lowering the iron pipe. Seizing the moment, Kazutora, now irrational, pulls out a knife and attacks him. The move is quick and on the uneven ground of the car scrap yard, hard to avoid.

No, he can't avoid it because he didn't believe Kazutora would really attack him. They're friends, right? A dark figure suddenly shields him.

When everything settles, Kazutora stands trembling, holding the blood-stained knife.

"Die! Die!"

It's Chifuyu who has taken the stab for him. Baji panics, trying to support Chifuyu.

"Chifuyu! Chifuyu!" he calls out in fear.

Hearing Baji's call, Takemichi's heart tightens, overwhelmed with a terrible fear. He turns around and is stunned. What? What's going on?

He sees Baji holding Chifuyu, only able to see Baji's back, with his blood-covered hand shaking.

Is it Chifuyu's blood?

Takemichi looks at Kazutora, who is holding the blood-stained knife in a frenzy. He wants to run to his partner but is attacked from behind by another member of Valhalla. Takemichi collapses in pain.

It hurts so much, his body and his heart feel crushed.

Why Chifuyu? Why? Kazutora is still the same as in the past. He knew this would happen.

Oh! It's because of him, because he told Chifuyu, because he made Chifuyu promise to protect Baji, to protect everyone, that Chifuyu got hurt. Takemichi's head starts throbbing in pain, and his tears begin to stream out.

Takemichi screams in agony, a scream that tears through the space and hearts of everyone around. Everyone stops and looks at him. Takemichi clutches his head, writhing in pain as past memories flood his mind, images of the dead, Chifuyu lying in blood intermingled with Chifuyu in Baji's arms now. He can't tell the past from the present anymore.

So hurt, he can't stand it any longer. Please! Stop, stop.

It's all his fault, every death, every terrible future, all because of his weakness. He's useless, unable to save anyone.

Takemichi now blames himself for everything, every death, every horrible future.

The voice in his head becomes clearer.

"You should have killed him, then this wouldn't have happened. You're too weak, Takemichi. Let me take over. I'll help you, I'll kill them all, and you won't have to suffer anymore."

Everyone sees Takemichi drop his hands, looking hopeless and exhausted. They watch him with heavy hearts.

Takemichi suddenly gets up, standing shakily like a zombie. He suddenly laughs loudly, making everyone uneasy and giving them chills. His laugh carries a sense of madness, like that of a demon.

Is he driven to madness?

When Takemichi looks up, they can no longer recognize if it is really him. His eyes, so different! It's filled with cruel glints like those of a bloodthirsty person. His smile isn't bright like the sun but crazier than Kazutora's or Hanma's, truly frightening.

"Takemitchy," Mikey calls out worriedly.

"Ah! Finally, I'm out, welcomed by such a grand party. Not bad at all."

His voice is different too, colder and deeper.

'Takemichi' brushes his hair back, his cold eyes locking onto the Valhalla member who attacked him. The guy, suddenly scared, steps back, but 'Takemichi' grabs his neck and knocks him down with a punch. He doesn't stop there; he breaks the guy's arm, making him scream in pain, and throws him to the ground like a piece of trash. This brutal way of fighting is something no one in Touman has ever seen Takemichi do. No, they didn't know Takemichi could do such things.

"Hmm? So, the ones in white are enemies, right? I don't care, I'll just kill you all."

What is 'Takemichi' saying? They don't understand.

The next attacker is Hanma, who is thrilled by what he just saw. This craziness, what is it? Heroes have many faces, don't they? This chills down his spine, Hanma wants to savor it.

"Come on, hero, show me what you've got."

'Takemichi' leans back to avoid Hanma's kick to his face and quickly counters with a high kick, fighting in a style similar to Mikey's. Hanma can't dodge the fast kick and realizes its power isn't much weaker than Mikey's. Damn it, he's on steroids. How did someone who always took hits get this strong? No one understands; they only know they're watching two monsters tearing at each other. Kazutora suddenly appears out of nowhere and attacks with a knife, but 'Takemichi' easily dodges. Fighting two-on-one, he doesn't seem to lose any ground.

"Oh, it's you, the one who deserves to die the most. Wait, I'll kill you later."

"You've shown your true face, Takemichi?"

Mikey steps in to support 'Takemichi', blocking Hanma's attack.

"I want to fight him, but you keep interfering, Mikey-kun," Hanma complains.

"Shut up, Hanma."

It's chaos, complete chaos. 'Takemichi' slams Kazutora down, breaking his knife hand, his cruel eyes pinning him to the ground as he delivers brutal punches. These punches are far more savage than those Kazutora has given him before. Kazutora is in pain, but more than that, he is utterly hopeless. The person he thought would give him warmth and kindness is now gone, replaced by a look that's killing him.

The Touman members want to stop 'Takemichi', fearing Kazutora might really die. Draken approaches but is kicked in the stomach before he can touch him, stumbling back. Mikey and Hanma stop fighting, seeing this. He's lost his mind; he really can't tell friend from foe anymore.

Baji, holding Chifuyu, shouts, "Takemichi, stop it!" What's happening? Why is this happening? He doesn't understand. What's wrong with Takemichi?

"Come here, and I'll kill every one of you," 'Takemichi' threatens, still intent on killing Kazutora.

Chifuyu is in pain but he is actually okay. The knife stabbed his right shoulder, so it is not life-threatening. Chifuyu faintly sees Takemichi punching Kazutora repeatedly below, and he feels confused. He tries to sit up from Baji's arms, calling out his name loudly.

"Takemichi! Takemichi!"

"Takemichi, stop it!" Everyone moves closer, trying to stop him.

At that moment, fortunately, Takemichi's raised arm stops.

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