Chapter 1: Before

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Akuma P.O.V.
It is just a normal day at school. Kids staring at me like I'm some sort of monster. Tch, I'm used to it. It is the end of the school day and I am trying to avoid Yui-senpai. I turned the corner and saw her talking to her friends. I'm younger than her by about 2 years. I am in the same grade as her because I'm smart. She is 17 , I'm 14 1/2 . I am smarter than all the people here, including the teachers. I walk toward her and just watch her. She doesn't want to be seen with me at school. You know what's funny. She has never seen my full face. No one has, except for Kawata-chan and the mirror. One of my regular bully's comes by. His name is Hiro-senpai. "Hey there ugly I-" I cut him off by running out the door to catch up to Yui-senpai. When I reach her we walked towards the black car. Our ride home was uneventful. When we arrived home I walked upstairs and went to my room. I opened the door and went to sit down at my desk. After I finished my homework I got my iPhone  6+ and plugged it in. I listened to music till I fell asleep.
I got up and got dressed. I don't have my wrap today, it has to be washed by me.  I put a bra on instead. I left my hair down, tucked it into my hoodie and went to school. Today was assembly. There are going to be lots of people and it's going to be loud. Great. I put my backpack on, grab Kawata-chan and go downstairs. I walk out the door and hop in the car. I put my headphones on and listen to music. I heard a door open and close. I know it's  Yui-sempai so I don't bother to open my eyes. The ride was peaceful and quiet. Just the way I like it. When we arrived I got out the car, went inside of the school. I put my backpack in my locker and went to the schools auditorium. The teachers talked. They gave the best athlete award to Hiro-senpai. At the end of his speech he told all the kids to come meet at the auditorium at 5:00, when the teachers go home. The rest of the day is boring. School gets out at 4:30. Just as I am about to leave some one grabs me from behind. They put some sort of cloth on my mouth and I fake pass out.
Normal  P.O.V.
Two unidentified boys drag Akuma away. They give her to Hiro and he smirks. "Good work boys. Now we will show everyone how ugly this bitch is. She will be so humiliated. Hahahaha" he says while laughing. He pushes her in a closet and closes the door. Akuma clutches onto Kawata tighter. 'It's too stuffy in here' she thinks. It is now 5:00. Hiro goes to the auditorium and starts talking " Hello everyone. Thank you for coming. Today we will reveal who hood girl really is. Are you ready to see that ugly ass face of hers?" The auditorium erupts into cheers. Yui is in the back row looking exited. She has never seen her sisters face herself but she is pretty confident on how it will turn out. Hiro makes a sign with his hand and the two boys from before are pulling out a conscious Tenshi holding a bunny. Hiro smirks as his henchmen bring the girl to him. He grabs the collar of her hoodie, rips it, pulls the hood back so it falls off and says "Tada. Wait what the hell!?!?!?" The boys stare in awe and the girls in admiration. Tenshi has pale milky skin, white waist-length hair covering her right eye, purple-blue eye and plump lips. Yui gasps."You're beautiful! What- How is this possible!! Why would you dress like that if you look like this? You might be pretty but your just a idiot mute" Hiro yells, flustered. Tenshi walks towards him and says with no emotion "Stop being so loud." He gets mad and try's to punch her. She grabs his fist, goes close to his face and whispers in his ear " No need for violence,Hiro-sempai" before walking away. The whole auditorium is left dumbfounded. Yui is fuming because her sister is prettier than her, boys are drooling, the girls are gossiping, and Hiro is standing on stage with a face redder than a tomato.
Akumu P.O.V.
'Thanks a lot Hiro-sempai! Now for sure I will get hit. I could see Yui-senpai's angry face from a mile away. Yeesh, she sure as hell looks pissed. It is quite funny. She puts up this goody-goody act but when we are alone she is a bitch. She torments me and nags me all the time. If you search for slut in the dictionary, for teens, you will see a picture of her. She has slept with more boys than any prostitute' I think while walking home.When I got home I saw that Yui-sempai had already arrived. I hear 'dad' from the other room. He says " Yui you and that thing will be going to my friends house for a while. I'm sorry to leave you with that but I have to leave for a business trip. You will leave tomorrow so start packing." Wow, so much love. He barley even acknowledged me. I saw him looking at my chest a few times. That lowlife bastard! I clutch onto Kawata-chan tighter and walk to my room to start packing. I pack my laptop, clothes, paper, some other necessities and leave a new hoodie on the bed for tomorrow. I put my iPhone 6+ in my pocket and plugged it in. If you are asking  how I got the money for this, I stole it from the aristocrats. A lot of it. I get into bed and go to sleep.
Little me is playing in a field full of colorful flowers with a beautiful view of the clear blue sky. I see a butterfly with gold glitter trailing behind it. I follow it and it leads me to a grey building. I follow it inside. When we reach a lab room I instantly recognized it. I try to run to the door but it closes before I reach it. I stumble backwards and slide down on the door. The gold butterfly turns purple and then many butterflies that look the same cluster around it. There is a dark purple light and instead of seeing butterflies I see Cordelia. Tears start streaming down my face as she extends her deathly pale hand towards me. She grabs a handful of my blonde hair and drags me over to a chair. I struggle as she straps me in. She goes over to the corner and comes back with a syringe with a red and black liquid. She injects it while laughing maniacally at my screams of agony. When she is done she starts weakly slapping my face.
I wake up to Yui-senpai slapping me in the face. I ask her " What?" in a monotone voice. She gasps, slaps me again, and yells " How dare you talk back to me you ugly hoe." Ya, and she's the one talking. I put my earphones in while she talks about how she is superior to me and how I should just die. I just ignore her, grab my backpack and walk downstairs. I don't bother to put my hoody, they all already know what I look like. I get in the car and wait for her. She comes back with navy short-shorts and a pink see through shirt on. Oh, did I forget to mention the pink 12 inch heels and a kilogram of makeup on her face? Maybe I should call her Clown-sempai. This is the last time I'm going to damn school. I place my bag in my locker and go to my first class, Social Studies. I walk in the class and my teacher asks " Um excuse me young lady, who are you?" I plainly respond " Akuma" and she gasps. I go take my normal seat and she starts her lesson. I'm just listening to my music when I hear her call my name. I get up and she says with a wicked smirk " Pay attention in class. Now, answer this question. In what year did J-." She didn't get to finish her question because I already wrote the answer down on the board. I walk back to my seat and sit down.
~~~~~~ TIME SKIP ( END OF SCHOOL)~~~~~~
I was calmly walking in a when Hiro-senpai runs up to me. "Hey wait up!" I stop and looked back at him " Um would you like a candy?" He says. I know this is dumb but I want candy. I turn around and outstretched my hand. He pulls out a candy from his pocket and gives it to me. I unwrap it and plop it I'm my mouth. Oh it's a sedative candy. I drop to my knees and whisper "Help" in the most pathetic voice I could muster. Hiro-senpai says "Me and the gang are going to have a world of fun with you." I fake faint again and he picks me up. I've been doing a lot of fake fainting these past few days. Good thing Kawata-chan was sick. He caries me for 2 minutes before he stops in an alleyway. I can tell because the light significantly diminished and the smell of rotting substances. I hear him knock on a door. I hear the door open and the stench of alcohol invades my nose. I want to tap my nose but then the whole act would go to waste. I was dropped onto the ground. I suppressed a small groan. Then I heard the clinking. The clinking of chains. I felt metal on my skin. On my arms and legs to be precise. I had a flashback.
I woke up and tried to get up. I stumbled backwards when I tried to walk away. My arms and legs were bound by chains. The edges created marks in my skin when I tried to struggle to break free. I felt a stinging pain and looked at my arm. A cut had formed do to the edge of the chain digging into my skin. I stoped struggling and sat down. I hugged my knees to my chest and rested my head on them.
I open my eyes, look up and say " Burn. In. Hell." I break the chains and make my nails grow longer. I run to the entrance and chop of all the alcoholic basterds heads. Hiro-senpai stares at me in terror as blood spatters everywhere. I walk up to him and he starts begging. " You are not forgiven!" I state and chop off his head. I find the closest window and jump out of it. I start to run. I run all the way to the church and jump into the lake behind it. Ahhh, refreshing. I see Yui-sempai packing on my way up to my room. I take a well deserved shower. I put a hood on, pick up my iPhone and grab Kawata-chan from under my bed. She was there because she was hiding from Yui-senpai. I grab my bag and guitar then run downstairs. I get in the car and wait for Yui-sempai. After a few minutes she comes back with a horrible pink outfit. I mean really, did she steal it from a barbie?

When she gets in the car she puts on her goody-goody shy girl act. She does this in front of grown ups. If it is a good looking boy she try's to seduce them. Never the same boy twice. She is truly a disgusting being. The two hour ride to our new home was the usual. When we arrive the driver opens the door for me and Yui-senpai. Yui-senpai flashes him a smile and says thank you while I just nod my head in acknowledgement. When the driver is gone, so is miss goody-two-shoes. She hands me her bags and runs towards the door to avoid the rai- wait when did it start raining? It was sunny just a few minutes ago. Oh well, I just hope it's not a thunderstorm. I walk up to the door and Yui-senpai starts knocking on the door. The door opens by itself and Yui-senpai, being the idiot she is, goes inside. I walk inside behind her and the door closes behind me. Oh, what have I gotten myself into.

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